Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Soccer Mom?

Last night, while laying in bed, two things happened. One, Casey got to feel one of the biggest kicks Peanut has done so far (hard enough that it made me jump!) and then, not much afterward, Casey saw my stomach jump when Peanut kicked again! I saw this happen 3 times yesterday. I was laying on my back (found that if I prop my head up while I lay down, Peanut almost always kicks) and watching my stomach, and it bounced!! I can't get over how strange that is!! Now I'm starting to consider early enrollment for Peanut in a peewee soccer league.

So that was a pretty neat achievement. It is the first time Casey was absolutely sure that he felt the baby move. There was no question about it!! :-D

In non-Peanut news, I just started my new schedule for work, and had the day off yesterday. I also have today off, which is nice. In fact, I almost like my job more when I don't go to it as often. My paycheck is going to be significantly smaller, but I think it's good that they are weening me off the schedule. They have to get used to me not being there anymore, at least for awhile. I still don't know if I will go back after the baby is born... we'll see how everything works out. Just glad to have options.

I have a lot to do today, but the nice part is that I got some things done yesterday, too, so it's not all crammed into one day. I think I need a time management coach. I get sucked into things like Facebook, blogging, Photoshop, etc., and lose track of time. That said, I should probably get going, but I wanted to update on the newest Peanut event! It was pretty amazing. :)



1 comment:

Chimpsea said...

Tell me about it with the time management thing! The funny thing is, part of my job is actually being a coach for kids with academic problems - I help them plan their time and anticipate upcoming events and put things on a calendar, break down tasks into small steps, etc. And I don't do it myself!

I felt a little stuffy and tired after the shot, but I'm fine now. It lasted about 24 hours or so. Not bad.

Does Casey ever try to hear the baby? Jonathan puts his head on my belly and says it always sounds like things are moving around in there but he can't feel it yet!