Monday, February 1, 2010

Hetrick visit & KU/KSU game

Wow, another weekend has come and gone, and it's Monday again. The days definitely start blending together after awhile! Case and I enjoyed our short time with the Hetricks this past weekend, though. Unfortunately it made the time go really fast, but we got a lot done! Friday night we went out for dinner at a new restaurant in Plainfield which turned out to be very good. We ate a ton of food and got to catch up a bit with Keith & De. Saturday, they wanted to so shopping, so we ended up going to Schaumburg to the huge IKEA store. We walked around there for a few hours, getting ideas of what we could do for additional seating for our living room. We ended up finding a love-seat that pulls out into a full-sized bed, which will be ideal for visitors that don't want to sleep in the 1/2 finished basement right now. I don't blame them, either (and that's one reason why the Hetricks stayed at a hotel this weekend... since there's not a working bathroom down there yet and you'd have to walk up and down the stairs all the time. Makes sense to me! That's one reason I haven't gone down there at night, b/c I know I'd have to come back upstairs just about every hour anyway.) So... we left IKEA, went to a late lunch, and then came home so I could nap before going out to watch the KU/KSU game. I would just like to say that my anxiety over that game could have sent me into labor!! Several other pregnant women I know who are KU or KSU fans actually said the same thing... haha! I am happy to report that KU won, but I don't know if they really deserved it. There was sloppy playing on both sides, and bad calls all around. Not sure what the refs were thinking on a few of them. I will even admit that the last foul call on KSU that was basically the deal-breaker for the KU win didn't really look like a foul to me, and we may have gotten lucky. But I'm kind of glad to get it over with, because I was not prepared emotionally for double overtime. That game was very back and forth, and the baby was doing jumping jacks in my stomach, I assume from all the anticipation and stress I had during the game. I think it took about 15 minutes for my blood pressure to come back to normal.

After the game, we came home and basically crashed. Then yesterday the Hetricks helped us do some things around the house, and we ran to the IKEA closest to us to pick up some things. At home, De helped me pack the diaper bag, and unpack a few of the items for Peanut like the monitor, sound sleeper, and mobile. We got things a lot more organized in there, and took some things to the basement that didn't need to be in the room. I think we're almost ready!

The Hetricks left around 3, and Case and I stayed home the rest of the night... he worked on setting up the love-seat and doing some things for work, and I watched the Grammy's. I slept fairly well last night, and have continued to do so most of today. I guess all that shopping and walking really did me in, because I'm still pretty tired, but then I worry that I won't sleep at all tonight if I don't stay awake now. I guess that's about it. This week I have a haircut on Wednesday, and doctor's appointment on Friday morning. We're almost at week 37!! :)

That's all for now...


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