Sunday, February 7, 2010

Labor update!

It has been a very interesting day so far. Since about 6 this morning, the contractions started getting more frequent, and we got to the point where we were getting our bags together, getting the dog ready to go to the vet, and calling our parents to let them know we were heading to the hospital. My contractions got to be 5 minutes apart about an hour or so before we left the house, so we took Charley to the vet, then called the hospital to let them know we were on the way. They told us that we should hold off longer to be sure it was really happening, and see how things went, so they advised us to go eat something, walk around, and see if that made things progress. After lunch, things were still going strong, so we called them back to let them know we were on the way.

We got to the hospital and got checked in (and I accepted the wheelchair offer from the little old guy this time!!) then they took me up to the room where they put the fetal monitor and contraction monitor on me. Sure enough, the contractions were happening every 5 minutes, and when the triage nurse checked me I was at 100% effacement, and was still dilated to a 3. She told us to try to walk around for awhile to see if that made things go faster. Casey and I did lap after lap around the hospital floor, for at least 45 minutes. When we got back to the room and she checked me, I had dilated to a 4. Yippee!! She suggested that we try the process again, and if I dilated more, they would admit me. Walking, walking, walking... lunges, squats, positive thinking (c'mon, dilate!!) only to find out that nothing had changed. :( If my contractions would have been more intense or I would have dilated more, they would have kept us there, but as of right now they're still 4-5 minutes apart (consistently) and not intense enough for me not to be able to talk during them, which is apparently the 'goal'. Although you all know me and know that I could probably talk through just about anything at this rate... I wonder if I should have mentioned that and maybe we would have gotten to stay longer?? Hmmm... lol...

While we were on our second walk, my mom, Casey's mom, and Casey's little sister arrived at the hospital. They arrived just in time for the nurse to check me again, and then we found out they were sending us home. We went out, had dinner at a local pizza place, and then the girls went to find a hotel near the hospital, and Casey brought me home. So here I sit, typing through contractions, hoping that this kid decides to join the world sooner than later... I have heard people say they were in early labor for weeks, and that scares me! I can't handle this for that long, I promise you! Not sure how I'm going to sleep tonight, but I will definitely attempt it.

I hope the next entry will include pictures of our new addition, plus whatever I can remember about the process. For now... back to walking.



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