Thursday, February 28, 2013
Milestones and Mohawks

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
The twins are one week old!
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Rowan without nasal cannula |
I really enjoyed my time at the hospital today. I was there from 11 a.m. until about 4 p.m. when Casey and I left to pick up Keaton from school. A big snowstorm came today so it was nice to hang out inside and spend time with my babies. Casey met me at the hospital cafeteria for lunch, then we got to upstairs and hold the boys. I held Rowan and Case held Nik. Rowan cracks me up. He cries SO loud the nurses can hear him all the way down the hall! He gets really wound up. He also sticks out his little bottom lip just like Keaton used to when he'd get mad. He's like an adorable little baby bird.
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Nik's crazy hair after head ultrasound |
I got to go with Mom to take Keaton to school today. I officially get to drive now! I chose not to, and probably won't really try until all this snow calms down. I am scared to drive the minivan by itself, especially with snow involved. Maybe I'll get gutsy tomorrow and try it... we will see! Not excited about this weather. But Keaton is! He got to help Daddy shovel the driveway, then make a tiny snowman, and his first snow angel! I'm glad he and Case got to hang out together... I wish I could have played in it, too. But it was fun to watch them out the window (and stay inside where it's warm!).
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Snow Buddy |
That's about all for now.. I KNOW I left out tons of details. I'll try to catch up again tomorrow!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Update on the Tiny Twins
Now for the boobie part of the blog- skip ahead to the ***** if you don't want to hear about milk production, etc.
I am now going to take a moment to brag on breastfeeding/pumping. I am proud of my 'ladies'. They are producing milk better than I ever could have hoped. Guess what? Size really doesn't matter here, people. I am keeping a log of every time I pump and am stocking up the NICU fridge enough that they had to start freezing some of the milk because there wasn't much room left. Woot! (This is like a dorm-sized refrigerator... I'm not talking gallons of milk or anything.) Keaton has of course become interested in the hospital breast pump and what I'm doing, so I try to be discrete and just tell him that I'm making milk for the babies. I was stocking up the insulated bag to take to the hospital the other morning and Keaton came in and asked what everything was. I told him it was milk, and he peeked in the bag and said, "There's three gallons!" LOL... there wasn't... but who knows what my numbers will be when the boys are home and drinking more. I feel like a cow, and I've never been as happy to exclaim it. I feel like this is the one thing I can really do to help my boys, so I will celebrate every milliliter that I can produce! Here's why I'm excited:
2/20 (Day after boys were born): 31 ml
2/21: 68 ml
2/22: 158 ml
2/23: 259 ml
2/24: After just 4 pumping sessions today, I have 189 ml. I am super excited that the ladies are producing!!
I just wrote a ton and for some reason it got erased... so frustrating! Anyway, I was doing Kangaroo Care with Nik the other night, and my body sensed that he was there and I started leaking a bit. (That feels like TMI, but you are in the boobie part of the blog, so don't say I didn't warn ya!) Nik freaked out because he must have smelled the milk, so he moved his tiny head over to my breast and tried latching!! I was shocked!! I called the nurse in and she said that he could nuzzle it but could not start eating because he's not ready for the flow yet and could choke. He is making great strides, though. He took part of his milk this morning through a bottle for Angela, but he got too excited and tried taking in too much and his heart rate became too fast. They are going to keep trying with him, though. I think he's going to be a breastfeeding success sooner than later, though. I certainly hope so!! Now we just need his brother to keep eating and start gaining.
I got to hold Rowan for the first time yesterday. Nik got to put on a t-shirt yesterday (or maybe the day before) so that was the first time he wore clothes. Nik is very alert and was looking all around when Casey held him yesterday. We made a little video for Keaton to introduce him to Nik, and Keaton loved it. He made me play it twice. I think we will try to do it with Rowan next time we have him out. Rowan is much more fragile and will open his eyes every now and then, but usually just peeks out and closes them quickly. He likes to squeak and definitely lets you know when he's upset! He's the 'loud' one. I cannot get over how much hair these boys have!!! Tons of blond/strawberry blond hair. I don't know how much they would have had if they had gone full-term! I almost feel like they'll need a trim when they come home! But I won't do it. Right now they remind me of Woodstock from Charlie Brown... cute, spiky, unruly 'yellow' hair. It's adorable. They look like little soccer hooligans. :)
We are heading back to the hospital later today before dinner to see them again. Hopefully we'll get more good news. They are going potty just fine and wear the tiniest diapers I have ever seen. We went to Babies R Us (the first place I shopped after getting off bed rest/giving birth) and of course, my darn hormones kicked in in full effect yesterday, so I saw preemie clothes and started bawling in the middle of the store! So embarrassing. I knew it would happen eventually, though. I'm pretty sure it's only going to get worse, but I least I knew what to expect this time around, and I don't feel like I'm losing my mind. Anything will set me off... I'm not sad (other than wishing the boys could be home) but I'm super sensitive to feelings. If I see someone else sad, I cry. If someone said something nice to me, I cry. It comes on suddenly and has left just as suddenly, too... but it's still frustrating. I'm going to make an appointment to see my counselor next week if I can, so I can talk things out and clear my head. I am a little nervous because I know the NICU can be a roller coaster in itself, and we've had two and a half good days, so the realist/pessimist in me figures we will have a setback of some kind soon. I hate that my brain works that way, but I am just thankful for all the milestones the boys have met over the past few days. They are certainly fighters, there's no doubt!!
So life has done a 180 in less than a week, and so far I feel very good about it. There was most likely a problem with the placenta that the boys shared, so I think they are much better out than in. I worry about Rowan, and hope that he overcomes the obstacles ahead of him... but if he's like his Daddy (and I'm learning that I'm stronger than I thought I was, too)... he's going to overcome this. And so are we. Pregnancy had ups and downs... and someday the NICU stint will be a memory just as bed rest is now. I celebrate all the little things I can do now: Shop, eat while sitting up, move, dance, put on my own socks, see my feet again, play with Keaton, eat whatever I want (!!!!!), wear clothes I couldn't wear in months... it's ALL GOOD. I am thankful that I had all the bed rest I did. But I'm thankful that it's over. And I'm thankful for all the crazy times ahead with the boys... I think this experience will put everything in perspective for me now. Hell, I'm thankful for the 2-2.5 hours of sleep I get now between pumping sessions- I was only getting 45-60 minutes of sleep while pregnant because I had to pee all the time! Bladder is back to normal. I'm thankful for that, too.
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Daddy and Rowan |
That is plenty for now. I'm sure I forgot things and left tons of details out... hopefully they'll come back to me later. I've posted a few more pictures on Flickr of the littlest Hetricks. :)
Next time I write I will try to update on the visit from the Hetricks, and Keaton's second 3rd birthday celebration yesterday. He was a very happy camper. :)
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Little Blessings
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Kangaroo Care with Nik |
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Twins Arrive: The Birth Story
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
And...I'm in labor!
What an afternoon! I'm in Labor and Delivery right now. I went in for the NST at 12:15 today, which was horrendous and took forever. I asked my OB if we needed to do the Beta Strep test today, and I'm glad I did. He did the test, and while he wasn't going to check me for dilation, he decided to anyway. He said, "Even if you are starting to dilate, we wouldn't send you to the hospital unless you are 6 cm dilated." [Checks me. Laughs.] "You are 6 cm dilated."
I call Casey, who was in a meeting...text him to call me. I tell him we are headed to the hospital! Mom and I scurry home to grab a few things, including my pre-packed hospital bag. Then we head to the ER.
So now I'm at 5-6 cm dilated, 80-90% effaced, and contractions every few minutes, but I haven't made significant changes so far...just contractions that have picked up in intensity. Dr. Josupait is on-call now, and he's who delivered Keaton, so I'm in good hands if this happens during his shift. Dr. Anderson is on call tomorrow, and I like her, too. I sort of hope they come while Josupait is here. I missed Dr. Vierling's shift- got to chat with him right before he left at 5.
My contractions are picking up quite a bit. Weird how I was home and didn't feel much before my OB appointment, then suddenly I'm in L&D with some pretty good contractions now. I wonder what is going to happen!! Today? Tomorrow? I want to get up and walk around! The pain I feel with these is similar to the ones when my water broke with Keaton, but they don't last as long. Maybe my pain tolerance has gone up...who knows! The Hetricks are flying here tomorrow to avoid the big snow storm headed their way. I'm not sure what Dad will do, but we hadn't called him yet because we didn't really have answered about what was going on at the time...in a way, we still don't...I just wait and see. The boys will certainly spend some time in the NICU so it's not like anyone can really see them, besides Casey and I.
I hope this happens fast and I'm not hanging out in the hospital for days! Only time will tell. And...another contraction. Eek! Man I'm hungry. My family is down in the cafeteria now, eating dinner. I haven't eaten since 11:30 a.m. and I'm starving! Oh well...maybe the next meal I eat will be a worry-free one without glucose tests. I'm so glad to be done with NSTs (as far as I know). Sorry I'm scatter brained. I was glad that I wrote from the hospital after I had Keaton because there was a lot I forgot. I'll try to update asap!
Okay, I'm at least 8 cm dilated now, epidural in, contractions are steady and I can't feel them at all. Doc broke Baby A's water. Casey is taking a power nap. I'm relaxed but wound up enough not to be able to rest! This is happening!!
Monday, February 18, 2013
Could this be the week?
Quite a few people think I'm starting to drop...I think they may be right. The end is near! We go in for the weekly NST tomorrow...I'm getting a little anxious/nervous this time. Maybe because the consensus that I'm dropping means that this is going to happen so soon. We could be looking at days or hours, not weeks now. Holy crap. I think I'm ready, but I'll never really know...someday bed rest will only be a memory. 14 weeks now, and 35 weeks gestation. Life has certainly changed a lot.
Well, I should attempt sleep now...it hadn't happened much lately so I'm not so optimistic...but here goes nothing!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Kicks from the inside
Both boys are moving around so much tonight..I've got one kicking my ribcage and the other kicking my bladder! They are very active right now. I always get a little concerned they might break my water from all their squirming...I've heard of it happening to others! Man I hope not. Now I want to make it to Monday. But I guess I'm kind of ready either way...as ready as I can be.
Today we got a call from the family that took Riese on Sunday saying that he nipped at one of the kids over a toy, so it wasn't going to work out with them. He isn't normally like that at all, so I'm sad that it happened, but I had one guy on standby so I called him and he was so excited that he agreed to come tonight and get Riese. They hit it off right away. I think this one will pan out.
Anyway, that's about it for tonight. Almost time for Procardia and sleep. 34+ (almost) 5!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Valentine's Day gift
What does that mean? I get to go out to dinner with Casey tonight. I get to move more to get my muscles ready for the big day. Baby B is still breech, but there's a chance he could still flip, and it doesn't 100% guarantee a c-section since they could flip him after A comes out, if we do natural delivery. It also means that we will see the boys in the next three weeks. Holy crap. :) I think I'm ready, though.
I am so happy today. I really hope that everything continues to go well- it's been such a roller coaster so far, I am almost high from the appointment this morning. We beat the odds. There is still uncertainty ahead, but it looks like the boys should not need much NICU time as long as everything goes well during delivery. I'm still scared of the actual labor part and what all will happen with that, but I know it's coming soon. I've made it through other crazy things so far, I think we can handle it. How will this end??? I'm excited to find out. :)
Well, that's about all for now. I'm looking forward to some sushi this evening, and spending time with Casey. Keaton and Mom are going to make heart cupcakes and eat pizza. :)
More soon!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
No offense, guys, but I'm growing babies... I have to get bigger!! Haha... in a way it's funny, and in a small way it's annoying. If I weren't getting bigger, something would be wrong! I know more people are just trying to be nice and say something at all, but that is one that I'm not sure if I really enjoy. What do you say to that? I don't know. Blame it on the hormones or something... I'm not trying to be hypersensitive. Just observing.
Sidenote- I find this pretty funny. Mom just got me the BIGGEST box of chocolates for Valentine's Day. I told her she was evil. I have a very very low amount of will power when it comes to chocolates, especially anything with caramel in it. Gestational diabetes... look out! My numbers have been really good, so I will splurge a bit. (All I want is sugar right now... all the time... it's bad). I hope everything goes well after I have the boys and I'm able to eat without restrictions again. I will need lots more calories, so I look forward to being done with my blood sugar checks and having to wait to snack! I am hungry all the time. But I'm growing babies, and getting bigger!!! Like I'm supposed to, darn it!!
I hope you all read this and know that I'm laughing as I write it. It probably comes off as cocky, or unappreciative, or something... definitely not my intention, I just find so many things ironic or funny right now and feel the need to write it out. Bear with me, guys.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Keaton Turns 3!!
Every year on Keaton's birthday, I read the entry about his birth. I think I still will today, but I have to say that it's surreal to read things like that and remember so many parts of it when I'm so close to doing it again. I hope the boys allow their older brother to have his own special day. :)
Today I got to go with Mom and Keaton to take him to school. He seemed really excited about it, and I was able to sing Happy Birthday to him with his classmates and teacher this morning. While his morning didn't start out so great (he's been a grump lately!) he did manage to smile for me for the picture, and seemed happier as the morning went on. I hope he had a good day at school. Tonight we will open some more gifts and eat a nice dinner together at home. Casey has gone all out for this birthday- decorating, surprising Keaton with the food he likes, calling him from work, etc. He's such a good Daddy. I'm really glad Keaton has a Dad that makes it so special, especially since I can't do much to help this year. Keaton's got a great role model to look up to.
Well, I guess that's about all for now! Ready for Keaton and Casey to get home so we can celebrate!
Sunday, February 10, 2013
High/low, goodbye.
In life, you take good with bad. Ups with downs. You ride the roller coaster, or you get the heck off. I'm happy to report that I'm still on it. It may have been the scariest I've ever been on so far, but I haven't chickened out or given up.
On this, the day before 34 weeks, I acknowledge and sort of celebrate both sides..the ups and the downs. I've had way more ups than downs today. I got a great night's sleep last night, which was a gift in itself. I got a free pass to go out for breakfast this morning, which was absolutely wonderful. Keaton was in a better mood today, overall. We had a great party for him this afternoon, and I'm happy for the turn out we had even though things were very last-minute. I was even able to splurge on a cupcake because my blood sugar was low all day. In all, the day was terrific.
The catch, of course, and the bittersweet ending to the day was that Riese left us to go live with his new family this evening. Timing sucks, and I wish it could have been different. I wish it could have happened a week or so ago. But he went to a great family, and I know it is what's best for him, and for us. He will be happy. Casey and I will eventually be happy, too. It's just sad and difficult to really come to terms with the fact that we had to do it this way. I feel guilty and sad that I'm the main reason for this having to happen, but for the safety of our two baby boys on the way, our wonderful almost 3 year old, and the limited time and space we would have for Riese, I know it was supposed to happen this way. All that really matters is that he will get the love and attention he deserves, and that we cannot adequately give him. I think that should prove how much we really loved him- we saw that we were not able to give him that, and made sure he would get it. If you love something, set it free, right? It hurts, but my heart is happy knowing he will be happy.
So, that's today. Lots of positives, one huge negative, and we're still on the ride. And tomorrow, we welcome the milestone no doctor thought we would make- 34 weeks. I don't need to say much more than that.
I'm thankful for this day. And I'm thankful for tomorrow. And all the days that have gone the way they have, no matter how difficult, only to get us here. We made it!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Saying Goodbye to Riese
Keaton: "Grandma and Grandpa and Daddy all have glasses!" This turned into many other observations of what everyone at the table had... eyes, elbows, and even skin. It was fun to hear him make all the connections. Then Casey said, "Daddy works, and Grandma and Grandpa used to work. And Keaton goes to school." And without missing a beat, Keaton said, "And Mommy goes to the doctor." Haha.... yes, yes I do. Again, that's about all I do these days!!
So other things are happening as well. Keaton's impromptu birthday party is tomorrow afternoon, and then Riese is going to his new home tomorrow night. It's going to be an emotional day, to say the least. Bobby, a vet tech at our vet, inquired about Riese and it panned out that he is a good fit for Bobby and his family. They have a 4 year old Boxer, a cat, and two children, and Riese met them all last week and got along with them wonderfully. We are really glad to know that not only will he go to a good home, but he'll also continue to see Dr. Tracy. Comfort during a very bittersweet time. We have been slowly working this whole situation into conversations with Keaton, so tonight when we sat him down and told him that Riese's last day with us would be tomorrow, I think he understood more than we thought he might. We told him Riese would go to a home that was bigger, and he would have a puppy friend to play with, and two kids that could play with him as well. When we asked him if he understood what was happening, he was able to explain that Riese was going to a home with more space. That is about as much as he really needs to know, and I'm glad he got even that bit out of it. I know tomorrow and especially Monday are going to be hard, but I'm glad it's happening before his birthday on Tuesday. Timing kind of sucks for all of it, but what can you do. So I think after we get past tomorrow night, saying goodbyes, and waking up without him Monday morning, the hardest part will be over. I so wish this didn't have to happen... but there really is no other way. It's safer for the twins and it's better for Riese. We will get another dog someday when the boys are all older and can play and take care of one as a team. Keaton did great with Riese, and I know he'll do great when the time comes again- probably a whole lot better. Just gotta get through the next 48 hours and I think we'll be in the clear. I have cried a lot in the past few days... I think tomorrow is going to be no exception.
So I THINK that is all that is going on tomorrow. Who the heck knows anymore. I hope Keaton's birthday party goes well and it keeps his mind off of everything. And ours too.
That's about it for now. More tomorrow!!
Friday, February 8, 2013
NSTs, Hospital Stays, and Breaking Points
So yesterday we were at MFM, slightly concerned about the condition of the placenta and if it's allowing enough nutrients for the boys. It would explain why they aren't growing at the rate they were before. But they could just be small. So there's that.
They watched the boys via ultrasound for 30 minutes, waiting for them to do the breathing reflex that most start around 32 weeks. They are only supposed to do it for about 30 seconds, but yesterday they didn't do it really at all, or only for a few seconds, so Dr. Moran thought it would be best to send me to Labor & Delivery for an NST and round of steroid shots. If they cooperated, I would be released. They got on the monitors, and actually did what they were supposed to. Besides the fact that I had to don the lovely hospital gown and get a very painful shot in my ass, they complied and I got to come home, with orders to come back today for another biophysical scan and then trip to L&D for the second and last steroid shot.
I got about 3 total hours of sleep last night. I just couldn't do it. So my demeanor today has been...grumpy. I should come with a warning label. Anyway, that felt worth saying. So Grandma stayed with Keaton at home and Dad took me to MFM. Casey met us there. The boys were being a bit more quiet than normal since after breakfast, but they were noticeably less active on the ultrasound. We buzzed them. I drank cold water. I ate cookies. I got up walked, emptied my bladder, and physically poked them, changed positions, etc...nothing worked. They were breathing fine (still not doing the breathing reflex yet, though) but not moving much. Dr. Taylor said that while it was really sort of non scientific to do the reflex test right now because they are still young for it, they still wanted to admit me and make sure things were okay, again, allowing me to leave if they passed the NST. The difference this time, though, was that he said if they continue to be more quiet the next few days (they are ornery and move all the time, remember?) then we were going to possibly induce as early as this weekend. (Say WHAT?) He said that it's safer for them to be out at that and they'll be able to be fed and grow without worries about their environment inside. He also said "we have won". He reassured us that we are in a very good place from this point forward, because they have less than a 1% chance of having problems, especially long-term. Reassuring and terrifying. I could have these babies any time, and while we knew that, it's for real now. I was in a real delivery room today. Sorry, but holy shit. This it's real, and it's going to happen, and SOON. SO...there's that.
In other news, Keaton has been 110% screaming, argumentative, tantrum-throwing two year old this week. Yelling, throwing things, hitting, kicking,saying the opposite of anything he's told, running away from us, you name it. I hope this is his last hurrah before his birthday Tuesday. I hope age three for him is as great as my parents say it was for me. There is probably just too much change for him and it's all catching up.
But it's about to get worse. We found a family that wants to take Riese...possibly this weekend. We thought that might happen, but we thought family would be here and there would be nice distraction for Keaton, but poor Nana De got sick and Mitch had to work, so the Hetrick family isn't able to come up this weekend for a family birthday party. We are doing an impromptu party Sunday afternoon with a few friends that could make it at the last minute. I am thankful Keaton is young enough that most of this will go on and he won't know the difference. But I can't help but feel badly for him, and between all of it I'm not sure how much he can understand or handle right now. Throw on top of that the fact that I just want the boys to be active and stay in until next week, but at any time something could happen. Not sure how much of this I can handle ...something has to give, right?
Argh. I'm sad that there are so many questions and not many answers. Makes planning difficult. Makes everything kind of crazy and chaotic and nerve-wracking. I'm afraid to make plans at this point, for anything. BUT...we have to be near the end of something. It will not always go this way. It will be a new type of chaos soon. And that's what I want... I want them to be out, healthy, and be able to see them instead of waiting to feel them and wonder if is enough. I want to be able to move again. I want some normalcy for my family. All of them. I'm not totally giving up here, but I'm ready for change!!! Argh!!!
Is anyone still reading this?
Time for me to stop. Hopefully time for sleep. Now I can say 33+5.
Better luck tomorrow!!
5 Amusing (to me) thoughts about bed rest
1. Is it really considered 'bed rest' if you get up every hour to pee?
2. Steroid shots are a literal pain in the ass.
3. I only have stretch marks on the left side of my stomach...??
4. TMI ALERT: Progesterone suppositories should not be yellow. That's all you really need to know.
5. Irony: Being on bed rest for X number of weeks, then having to be induced. I will laugh and cry at the same time if this happens to me. (Or "craff", as Casey calls it.)
Made it to week 33... I'll have to update later about my ooh so lovely and unexpected hospital visit Thursday. Will we make it to week 34? Cliffhanger....
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
33 week OB Recap
Ugh I can't sleep. It's normal, but it's really bugging me tonight. I long to be like Casey and pass out as soon as my head hit the pillow. He's snoring within seconds, literally. I haven't felt very well today (nasal congestion and headache) which has made me more sensitive, reactive, and emotional (hormonal?). I came to bed early and was just relaxing and trying to get ready for sleep. He went out with a few guys from work tonight, and came home and fell asleep before I did. I am jealous. But the twins have been dancing around a lot this evening so it's impossible to sleep when that happens. Oh well, it is what it is.
So to catch up on the OB appointment yesterday... The boys were being so ornery that I had to have an ultrasound to make sure everything was going fine. It was. They passed two of the three tests they do via ultrasound, so when they didn't do 30 seconds worth of breathing reflex (they are still young to expect this) the doctors decided to go ahead and do the NST anyway. Baby A did his time on the monitor just fine, but he kicked Baby B so much (who is breech now) that we had to stay longer and have him on the monitor by himself to ensure he was fine. He was, he just got kicked off of it all the time by his brother. I think we all know who the bully will be!
I think that's about it. Time for me to attempt sleep again! If I still feel the way I do now when I wake up tomorrow, I'm heading back to my general practitioner to see what she can do to help. I've gotta get better before Keaton's birthday celebration this weekend!!
Catching Up
Before I get into other things, Riese is making me paranoid. He has been following me around everywhere today. Some people say dogs- and some animals in general- sense when something is happening. I sincerely hope that's not why he's become my shadow this morning!! Yikes.
IN other news, Keaton had a rough morning. He woke up fine, and we watched a few episodes of George before getting up and doing our normal routine. He was really whiny with me, and wanted me to dress him. I obviously can't help very much with that, but he threw a fit about it. Then Mom came in and he kept getting worse and worse- crying all the time, arguing and saying the opposite of anything we would say... it was tough. He didn't want to eat his waffle because the honey wasn't in the right place. He kept stabbing the table with his fork and scraping it everywhere. It took me three or more times of asking him to do something before he'd even acknowledge I was talking to him. And he cried for the biggest part of the morning. He doesn't have a fever or anything, so I'm not really sure what his deal was. He wouldn't let Mom dress him so I finally intervened and went into his room to help. I heard him have another meltdown when they were trying to get into the van, because he wanted to do it HIS way. Is this what 3 is going to look like? He's been very argumentative and combative lately. People often say that 3 is worse than 2, but I'm hoping that he will be one that improves with age... or this is going to be a long year!!
Kelley, Tracy, and some other girls planned a really nice baby shower for us last weekend. We got a lot of adorable clothes for the boys, and a great start on diapers and wipes! We are thinking about doing cloth diapering (Chelsea, send your wisdom, please!!) so we are going to start getting more information about that.
It's snowed more in the last week than it has all winter. It's cold and white outside!! I'm glad to be indoors to avoid most of it.
I'll update on my OB appointment yesterday when I have more time. Right now a friend is stopping by to visit. :)
Friday, February 1, 2013
Up and At 'Em
Yeah, I kind of forgot to post about a pretty important milestone yesterday... Sorry for the previous rant. This entry will be more positive: I have permission to move around more often! Sit up more, walk a bit more, etc.. I'm definitely not off bed rest by any means, but I got the impression that my doctors think we will probably go into labor sooner than later (although, maybe TMI, but they haven't checked out how things are looking down below since week 28 and probably don't want to start anything) so it appears as though they are trying to get my muscles a little more ready for labor. Last night I got to sit at the table for dinner! It hurt, and I only lasted ten minutes, but I haven't gotten to sit up to eat in twelve weeks. It makes digestion So Much Easier. Haha...
My favorite part was when Keaton looked at me and said, "You don't have to lay over there anymore? You can sit at the table now, Mommy?" And preceded to get a huge grin on his face! He was also standing on the step ladder (or 'stool ladder', as he likes to call it) helping make dinner in the kitchen, and I walked in and he grabbed me and hugged me for a good minute. He's so accustomed to me laying down that whenever he sees me stand, he almost always runs up and hugs me, and usually kisses my belly. Such a sweet boy! He's mastering the art of flattery, as well. One night this week he was being rather ornery and not listening very well. He accompanied me to the bathroom (we tend to go together, for some reason) and while we are sitting there I start taking to him about being a better listener, etc. He just looks at me with those pretty hazel eyes and says, "Mommy, you're pretty. You're pretty, and you're gorgeous. I love you so much." Um...what was I taking about? Keaton being in trouble? I momentarily forgot because my heart was melting, no big deal. He completed the statement with what is quickly becoming his signature eyelash batting.. which gets him pretty much anything he wants. Some girl somewhere in the world it's going to fall under that spell someday. Lord help her.
I guess that's all. Keith is flying Mom up today, and then we have a ton planned tomorrow: Dog meet and greet in the morning, men of the house working on the basement, baby shower in the afternoon. The twins need to wait longer because they weren't invited to this party. And Keaton's party is next weekend so we can't have them come out then. Keaton's THIRD BIRTHDAY is the following Tuesday, and they're not allowed to come out then, either. After that, though, I think it's okay. :-) We would have made our 34 week goal by then.
I should go. Time to test the blood sugar and get a snack.