Piglet and Paper (aka Nik and Rowan) are passing so many milestones, I don't think I can keep up with all of them. Really, the technical/scientific aspect of the boys' stay in the NICU (aka Casey's specialty) is almost completely lost on me. You'd think after a whole week in the NICU I would kind of understand how things work... yet, all I really care about is how the boys are doing in general, and I try not to get caught up in most of the numbers. So forgive me if I am only showing you the emotional/touchy-feely side of NICU. Too bad Case didn't start a blog so you could get the other side.
Rowan without nasal cannula |
Anyway, the boys have really gone through so much this week and have exceeded expectations (much like their Daddy on a regular basis. Nik and Rowan have both eaten from bottles now. They are BOTH on room air now, and I was able to see Rowan get his nasal cannula out today! And... *breastfeeding moment ahead* Rowan tried to latch today!! That little dude is a fighter! I am excited to see him try things that his brother is doing as well. Rowan gets fed an hour after Nik, but he starts getting fussy as soon as Nik is eating. The crazy part is, they are in separate (but joined) rooms. I doubt he can smell the milk, but he seems to sort of *know* what is going on... twin intuition? I guess we will see! They both got bottles today and did pretty well! They are probably going to move Nik up to two bottles a day and the rest through the NG tube. They are both almost at their birth weights as well. Keep it up, boys!!
I really enjoyed my time at the hospital today. I was there from 11 a.m. until about 4 p.m. when Casey and I left to pick up Keaton from school. A big snowstorm came today so it was nice to hang out inside and spend time with my babies. Casey met me at the hospital cafeteria for lunch, then we got to upstairs and hold the boys. I held Rowan and Case held Nik. Rowan cracks me up. He cries SO loud the nurses can hear him all the way down the hall! He gets really wound up. He also sticks out his little bottom lip just like Keaton used to when he'd get mad. He's like an adorable little baby bird.
Nik's crazy hair after head ultrasound |
They both got head ultrasounds today to make sure they didn't have any brain bleeds or any other concerns. They both passed without any problems. They had the awesome ultrasound gel all over their heads, which would explain Nik's crazy bedhead. :) I still cannot believe how much hair they both have! I wonder if most of it will fall out, or how it will change in color as they grow. I'm sure it will eventually be darker, but I wonder if they'll stay more blonde? Only time will tell. I love it, though.
I got to go with Mom to take Keaton to school today. I officially get to drive now! I chose not to, and probably won't really try until all this snow calms down. I am scared to drive the minivan by itself, especially with snow involved. Maybe I'll get gutsy tomorrow and try it... we will see! Not excited about this weather. But Keaton is! He got to help Daddy shovel the driveway, then make a tiny snowman, and his first snow angel! I'm glad he and Case got to hang out together... I wish I could have played in it, too. But it was fun to watch them out the window (and stay inside where it's warm!).
Snow Buddy |
That's about all for now.. I KNOW I left out tons of details. I'll try to catch up again tomorrow!
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