This probably isn't worth an entry, but it keeps happening and I wanted to document it... people I know who haven't seen me for awhile keep saying, "Wow, you've gotten bigger!"
No offense, guys, but I'm growing babies... I have to get bigger!! Haha... in a way it's funny, and in a small way it's annoying. If I weren't getting bigger, something would be wrong! I know more people are just trying to be nice and say something at all, but that is one that I'm not sure if I really enjoy. What do you say to that? I don't know. Blame it on the hormones or something... I'm not trying to be hypersensitive. Just observing.

Tomorrow we go in to MFM for the normal scan. I don't really know what to expect from this one. I kind of want to talk to them about how much their opinion differs from my OB, and what I should do. I trust MFM more right now because they have been a lot more consistent than my OB. There are too many people and too many opinions. The OB I saw Monday said that MFM is being 'paranoid' and that we didn't need to be as overcautious or take all the tests that I've taken during the pregnancy. He said they are worrying too much, basically, and that the boys are doing fine and there's no sign that I should have to be induced between 36-37 weeks. He even said they 'don't have proof' that there is any problem with their placenta, and they may actually have two separate ones after all. I'm not sure how much of that I believe, because MFM have done an ultrasound every time I go in (almost every week since week 20), and my OB has only done two. How would he know? I've seen him twice during this pregnancy, I think... maybe just once. I hope he's on vacation when I deliver. Actually, I hope he takes a few of his fellow doctors in the practice with him as well. If they could take the next 3 weeks off, I would be happy. :) (Snarkiness is abundant during this pregnancy. Sorry, people.)
Sidenote- I find this pretty funny. Mom just got me the BIGGEST box of chocolates for Valentine's Day. I told her she was evil. I have a very very low amount of will power when it comes to chocolates, especially anything with caramel in it. Gestational diabetes... look out! My numbers have been really good, so I will splurge a bit. (All I want is sugar right now... all the time... it's bad). I hope everything goes well after I have the boys and I'm able to eat without restrictions again. I will need lots more calories, so I look forward to being done with my blood sugar checks and having to wait to snack! I am hungry all the time. But I'm growing babies, and getting bigger!!! Like I'm supposed to, darn it!!
I hope you all read this and know that I'm laughing as I write it. It probably comes off as cocky, or unappreciative, or something... definitely not my intention, I just find so many things ironic or funny right now and feel the need to write it out. Bear with me, guys.
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