I had been asleep for almost a full hour last night, when suddenly I feel this movement and poking on my arm. I woke up to discover that Peanut had been pushing my arm via my ribcage area- apparently my arm was pushing down on the baby and they had had enough... it was strange! So this evening as I'm laying in bed, I put Casey's hand right where it had happened last night, and almost immediately it started pushing back on Casey's hand! The look on his face was priceless... it's pretty strange/cool to be able to feel a little leg (or maybe arm) sticking out. I'm waiting to see a foot or hand poke out one of these days.. I hear it happens, but so far I haven't witnessed it yet. There seems to be a lot happening in there right now, especially when I lay down... according to the doctor, that's about the only time the kid gets any room. Needless to say, that's the main reason I'm awake right now- I laid down and started getting poked again!
So our doctor's appointment went better today. Casey came with me, and I thought I was going to have to have an internal exam this time, but it turns out they just did a bacteria test (normal for 35-37 weeks) and the internal exam will be next week. Joy. But anyway, the exam today went fine and I'll find out the results when I go back a week from Friday. I gained one whole pound over the last 2 weeks, which is slightly depressing because I ate a LOT of food. And anyone that can drink an entire gallon of milk by themselves in less than a week should be able to gain some kind of weight, you'd think. But I guess 1 lb is better than nothing. When they measured me this time, the doctor just said, "You are measuring small/normal, and we wouldn't expect anything else from someone your size." So that made me feel better- they don't need to do an ultrasound at this point because Case and I aren't big people so the baby shouldn't be, either. It was nice to get some peace of mind after going a bit nutty over the past 2 weeks. :) Oh- the heart rate was 138 bpm this time. :)
We met yet another doctor today. So far I like everyone, so I'm not very particular about who delivers the baby at this point. I do realize that the two male doctors have somewhat strong personalities, and both like to talk, but I am definitely used to people like that after some of the jobs I've had over the years. The guy today apparently liked caffeine- when Case or I would ask a question, he would spew out a ton of information on the subject- it was almost dizzying for me to try to keep up. I figure the guy did a good job, though, when Casey said that his answer was thorough enough that he didn't have any more questions! When I go back for my next appointment we will meet a new doctor to the practice. I think we will have met everyone by then. I can't even keep their names straight at this point!
We were lucky and saw the nurse practitioner that I like today. I told her I missed her last time and the last lady was apparently having a bad day or something. She said that she actually hears that a lot about the other lady... so for some odd reason I decided to be candid and said something to the effect of, "Yeah, she said she left her stethoscope at home that day, but I'm pretty sure I know where she had it instead!" I instantly turned bright red when I realized what I said, but luckily she and Casey both got a good laugh about it... haha... oops! Darn those baby hormones, making me speak my mind again! ;) At this rate I might say it to the other lady's face next time. She was a jerk!!
Anyway, enough of that. I spent tonight hanging out with Casey, watching KU kick the crud out of Missouri, and pretty much vegging out. Around 9 p.m., my friend Ben called; he was driving back from Kentucky to go home to Madison, WI, and was having a hard time getting through Illinois due to snow. He asked if he could come crash at our place for the evening, so I ran around and tried to do some last-minute tidying of the place so it looked presentable (and because I slept most of the day due to lack of sleep last night and didn't get anything done today). About 45 minutes later Ben called back to say that the weather cleared up and he was going to go all the way home tonight after all. I guess it turns out to be a good thing because Casey's parents are stopping by on Friday night and staying Saturday, so it will be less cleaning to do before their arrival. The guest bed is made, and the guest bathroom is mostly clean now. Everything happens for a reason, right?
So I feel like I'm mostly rambling now, and that never makes for a good blog entry. I'm going to attempt to go back to sleep.... I hope Peanut and Case will allow it!
PS: Peanut is due in ONE MONTH!!!!
PPS: My stomach just growled (after eating a plate of waffles) and it made the baby jump! I have also enjoyed putting my iPod headphones on my tummy the past few days and letting it listen to some music. It moved around most when Sting and The Beatles came on. What can I say, the kid has good taste in music! :)