As the time draws closer, I really do find myself freaking out a bit about labor. I know I shouldn't because it won't really help me at all, but quite a few women I know are getting close to their due date- some have had false alarms already- and reality is setting in quickly. A classmate from elementary school is due next week, and last week she started showing signs of going into labor. All of the symptoms she's having are the signs we learned in class that indicated the baby would come within about 24 hours normally, but her labor is not progressing. She's frustrated (I would be, too!) especially when doctors are telling her it could be up to 3 weeks before anything actually happens. It would be nice if there was a way to know if this was 'it' or not when events like that happen! Again, I'm not exactly a Type A personality, but the uncertainty of this whole thing is starting to get to me. Let's throw in the fact that I will have 5 weeks as of tomorrow, but could potentially have 7 weeks if the kid decides to hang out in there a bit longer. I don't know how I'm going to do 7 potential weeks of this.
Maybe it's the crazy dream. Maybe it's lack of sleep. Maybe it's being cooped up in the house and I'm starting to lose it. Either way, as I write this entry this morning, I can't help but be nervous and paranoid, and can't talk myself out of it right now. I know it's not going to be this way for the next 5-7 weeks, but sometimes it feels like it's not going to go away. Throw on top of that the fact that my last appointment didn't go the way I thought it would... I'm convincing myself that something's wrong. I know it's better to stay positive, though... the power of positive thinking is a great thing. But I was born with this ability to worry about EVERYTHING (Mom, I know you're reading this right now... guess who blessed me with that trait? ;) Love you!) and right now, everything is what I'm worried about. Soooo... with that said... I don't think I am going to sleep too much more this morning.
On a little bit brighter note, I took the initiative last night and actually put the baby swing together, virtually by myself. I would like to say to anyone reading this that yes, I do live with an engineer who would be more than able and willing to put the swing together, but I did it on my own. Okay, he helped me with two pieces that were really hard to fit together. Other than that, all me. There's no doubt in my mind that Case would have done it quicker and had an easier time than I did assembling it, but it was my decision to do it... I don't want to emasculate him! See picture... I am pretty proud of my work. :)
OK since I seem to be the culprit in this scenario...I want you to try to quit worrying so much. This baby is going to be fine and will come on it's own time, just like any other baby! You will make it through any experience you may have and even if you have to have a will have this little one for a very long time and will be able to bond with him/her even if you can't do skin to skin the first moments. Your Dad got to hold you right away which was a really good thing for him and if Casey is the first to hold the baby that too, will be a good thing! Just remember you will always be it's Mom and will love it just as you are loved by us and he/she will know it! Hang tight babe it will all be fine! Love you lots...Mom
So much to worry about! I've been finding it frustrating to not be in control - it's like you can do everything right and still something could go wrong! Maybe that's part of learning to become a parent. I've been struggling too with thinking about labor and birth situations that are not what I wanted, so I feel you there. I think it's okay to think about the possibilities, because then you can kinda come up with a coping strategy for if they occur and you will be okay.
I love the swing! You are so skilled! I couldn't even hang curtains on my own last night so major props to you ;)
I have the same swing! Isn't it adorable?! Yes, Ash, you are banned from watching Birth Story or any other baby show. :p
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