Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Another Early Morning

Baby Hetrick decided that 4 a.m. would be a good time for me to get up today. :-/ Needless to say, after the hiccup session is over (baby, not me) and first breakfast has settled, I am going back to sleep.

Last night for dinner, I made the (un)wise decision to make Tempura. I always forget how much work this is and seem to remember right in the middle of it, when I can't just quit and eat the food... I have to stand there over the Fry Daddy and keep going. The kitchen was a disaster when I was through, and I was so tired from standing up that I had to take a break in between cooking and eating, then eating and cleaning up. But it was worth it... turned out to be pretty decent after all. I made the tempura batter and sauce from scratch this time- normally I cheat and have one or the other from the store. My dishwasher must love me right now... I've used it just about every other night since I've been cooking so much. I am getting really tired of cleaning the kitchen all the time, though!

Other than that, last night was pretty tame. I started watching American Idol. I think I've only made it all the way through 1 season so far, watching somewhat religiously... but I think now that I've got a lot more free time, I will probably watch all of the episodes this season. Casey's been working at least a little bit every night for the past week, gearing up for when Peanut arrives so he can have some time off. I have to keep this in perspective right now, so when I start to feel lonely because he's home but not hanging out with me, I have to realize that it will pay off in a month or so. I also have to realize that the guy doesn't get any real 'alone' time, so when he comes home he doesn't always want to hang out with me, either. This is harder to understand sometimes when I have all day by myself, then depend on him to entertain me when he gets home. I guess I knew this ahead of time, having had a preview of it last year when I was unemployed, but it's still tough to really understand until it's actually happening. I think I really miss living in a college town right now... there was always something going on, and people my age to hang out with, as opposed to the 'burbs where it's all families and such. I will be more grateful for where we live once we have a kid, but for now, I AM BORED. I miss having a vehicle!! But think of all the money I'm saving by not being able to go shopping or drive around... (hmph).

Case will be up soon to get ready for work, so I guess I'll go and try to get his lunch together or make him coffee or something productive... until later...


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