Friday, January 22, 2010

35 weeks!

I am happy to report that I actually got sleep last night! I still woke up 2-3 times for bathroom breaks, but apparently I fell back to sleep quickly, and woke up when Casey's alarm went off. (Funny Casey moment- last night while he was asleep and I was watching TV, he rolled over and said, "Delivery. Delivery." I wonder what's on his mind? Unless it's pizza or something. :)

Speaking of last night, I met up with Casey and some of his coworkers to say farewell to one of them who is going to Exxon next month. It was nice to get out again and socialize. It was me, Casey, and 5 engineers he works with. I was the only girl. I figured this would be awkward, but instead I spent most of the night joking around with them and trying to give back a little bit of what they give Casey every day. Apparently I did fine and didn't overstep my boundaries or say anything too embarrassing... haha. :)

After dinner/drinks, Casey and I headed to a Meet & Greet with a group of pediatricians close to our house. I screwed up the date and found out after we got there that we showed up a week early. Yikes! I guess the positive thing was that the office was still open at that time, so that was good to know- it was 8 pm. I still feel pretty stupid about going a week early, though- I guess I want this month to be over! Casey was forgiving, and it gave us a chance to stop by Target and Walmart to get a few items we needed. Still, I could have saved us time if I would have realized that I wrote down the 28th but kept insisting that the Meet & Greet was last night. Blah!

Sounds like Case will be busy with work stuff this weekend, so I may try to take advantage of the warmer weather (40s!!!) and get some shopping done. I have managed to drink an entire gallon of skim milk since Monday- Casey got MAYBE 2 glasses out of it. I don't recall drinking that much milk before... it was delicious. I guess that will happen, though, when I average 2 breakfasts every day. I must say, my nails look pretty awesome right now! Gotta keep it up! :) So yeah, I will at least need to go to the store and get more milk!

Today marks 35 weeks! I have an appointment on Monday and am happy to say that Casey gets to go to this one with me... it makes me much less nervous when he's there. Hopefully all this eating will have me back to where I'm supposed to be as far as measurements go... I would like to avoid doing another ultrasound right now because then there's a decent chance we could find out the sex... we've gone this long without knowing, hopefully it will stay that way!!

I guess that's all for now. Today I plan to get some laundry done, and continue collecting items for my hospital bag. If anything exciting happens later, I'll be sure to update.



Chimpsea said...

Pregnancy brain strikes again :) I was SO nervous that we'd find out the sex today but the tech was great about it. We told her first thing that we didn't want to know so she was very careful about telling us to look away if she was anywhere near the special bits. But that said, I too am hoping that your growth is great and they don't make you get another one!

Jenny said...

If you have to have an u/s, just tell the tech that you're team green and they will have you look away. Problem solved. :)

Yay for 35 weeks! And congrats on the sleep, I'm super jealous.