If there is one thing about this pregnancy that I am tired of, it is dropping things. I can't seem to hold onto ANYTHING anymore. Not only that, but it's getting more and more difficult to bend over because I'm so out of proportion and top-heavy, so anytime I drop something I get ticked off because I have to bend over yet again.
I literally drop everything. Pens, clothes, pieces of cake at my baby shower (see picture... I think I still have crumbs in my boot!)... please don't hand me anything of value, because there's a darn good chance it will end up on the floor. When I was driving the other day, I forgot to get the base for the GPS, and instead I put the GPS in the cup holder. It stayed there for awhile, until I picked it up and dropped it right by my feet. I definitely can't bend forward the way I used to, but it was getting close to going under the gas and brake pedals, so I had to get to a stop light and bend forward. I really thought I had smashed Peanut there for a minute. That was definitely not comfortable in any way... but I had to do it so I didn't have an accident! Lesson learned.
I've managed to break 2 nice glasses (in one sitting) while I was trying to clean the kitchen. Case is getting used to hearing me yell obscenities and at this point realizes that it's just me dropping things again. It's so annoying!! I may be closer to the ground than most people, but I'm really tired of picking things up off the floor now. I hope that goes away at some point after the baby is born!
I don't think I have any major complaints other than that. I have finally tackled the acid reflux problem by taking a Pepcid AC every day, as the Doc suggested... wish I would have tried that out earlier. It has really solved my problem- so much so that I can tell when I forgot to take it, almost down to the HOUR. I am happy to report that with the exception of one night this week (when I forgot the Pepcid), I have not woken up in the middle of the night to eat Tums because of the acid reflux! I think at one point I was eating them in my sleep. Seriously.
Last night I decided to take advantage of a few coupons that Babies R Us was having online, and bought some things with the gift cards we received. Sometime in the next week, I should get our diaper bag, sound sleeper, the Tree Tops crib sheet (that matches our bedding), a large container of High Efficiency Dreft laundry detergent(for cleaning baby clothes, etc), and some pacifiers. We got free shipping on it, plus saved money using the coupons. I did some comparison shopping (and felt almost like an engineer with all the research I was doing last night) and found that a lot of the items we found at BRU are cheaper at Target. We still have gift cards to Target, so I bought the things we needed and could only find at BRU last night, and we plan to head to Target this weekend to get a few more items. We are getting some kind of baby monitor... we just can't decide which one yet.
We're at week 33 now! So hard to believe that there are only 7 weeks left! (This is assuming that Baby Hetrick is not super late... I think I would be miserable by that point, so let's hope the kid is punctual!) Casey was able to sit and hold my belly last night while he watched the Texas/Alabama game on TV. It was nice for me because I got to spend quality time with him, and he got to spend time doing something he wanted to do, all while we were 'hanging out' with Peanut. He was cute and talked to the baby, telling it that he is excited to meet it soon, play with it, and even change its stinky diapers. :) He's going to be an awesome dad.
I guess that's all for now. Casey's going to the repair shop today to drop off the title to the VW, and get whatever items we still have in the car. Weird that I won't see the Jetta again. We did have some fun times, until it decided to be a total piece of manure and have tons of problems. Time to move on! And time to end one heck of a week!
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