In other news, my kid has been squealing like a teapot the last 2 days. I am not really enjoying this phase of 'finding his voice' and I can't always tell if he's upset or if he's just doing it because he can. I find that just when I start to figure him out, he changes something up on me and I'm left guessing again. But with each new step I also think, at least it's just a phase!

He recently figured out that pears have a really good flavor, but the texture is not his cup of tea. I wish I could have gotten a picture of the faces he made when he tried it the first time... too funny. Here's a pic or two of him enjoying the cold pears in his mesh teether... he loves that thing!
In addition to self-feeding, he also used his sippy cup today for the first time by himself. I didn't get a pic of it, but I got it on video for Casey. Casey's normally really good at doing things like that, and I'm slacking. We should have some fun video to show him someday, especially the ones with he and Charley Brown together. We have hours of video to upload to the computer eventually... hopefully before he starts school. ;)
Another 'milestone' I forgot to mention is that he finally figured out that he doesn't have to use his face to make the Exersaucer play music anymore... he thought that he had to use his cheek or his chin to make it work at first. Then he accidentally bumped the button with his elbow and looked at me like, "Aha!"... it is so funny and cute to see him figure things out.
I think that's about all for the random Keaton milestones this week. Here's another picture for good measure.
1 comment:
We have the same mesh teether :) I like it because it doesn't have too many nooks and crannies for stuff. But bananas are tough to get out. I love the little facial expressions! Man I wish he and E could play! One day I'm sure.
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