So technically I ate this on Saturday, but I had to 'cheat' a little. This is one of the Koala Bear cookies I found at the Asian Market on Saturday... I used to get these all the time in Japan, and was stoked to see them again! There were quite a few things I found at the market that we used to have in Japan, and I look forward to going back there to grocery shop and stock up soon. They even had some of the coffee we used to get in the vending machines! I miss Japan so much... it was fun to bring back good memories of the place.
Day 21: A photo of somebody you find attractive.
Of course!! Oh, and:
Keaton's taking a great nap right now. I attempted one, but then Case called and said he was on his way home, so I decided to stay awake so I can sleep tonight. Hopefully. That's still pretty hit or miss- mostly miss- for me. I am exhausted every night, but don't end up actually falling asleep until 10 or later. Never fails. I'll try a bit harder tonight.
Yesterday was Superbowl Sunday. I can't help but think of where I was last year at this time- getting 'kicked out' of the hospital because my contractions weren't strong enough, and having 5 days of Pre-labor. So much has changed in a year! Anyway, we didn't go anywhere yesterday because the game was so late, so we ended up cooking most of the day. I made tempura and rice, and Casey helped me with some miso soup. Then he took over and made some chili for dinner. It was good- I was a little concerned about the chili because of all the hot things he was putting in it (jalapenos, chipotle peppers, among others) but it turned out just fine.
Well, little man is waking up now, so time to go. More tomorrow!
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