This one is tough. Which school? I've been to a lot of them. We'll go back to high school for this one:
Homecoming, Topeka High, 2000. Dean Smith graduated from good ole THS, and my friend Tiffany and I just happened to get a picture with him. (Sidenote, why am I always wearing something strange- antennas, pigtails, etc.- whenever I meet someone remotely famous?) Homecoming was such a blast back then... we had a great time working on the Senior float, and the football game was fun as always. We just had our 10 year reunion last Fall... it blows my mind that time has gone that fast.
Speaking of time flying, have I mentioned that my kid is going to be a year old next week?! Or that I'm freaking out? Yep... it's true. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Tomorrow I'll be sure to tell you all about the Asian supermarket we went to today... it brought back a ton of memories of Japan... I can't wait to go back! (To the supermarket, or Japan for that matter!)
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