We had a great time, and great turnout. Way too much food, though. We are still eating pizza every day to try to get rid of it all. Having it at Lou Malnati's turned out to be a good decision- a little pricey- but it was nice not to have to clean up the house or cook for the event. The waitress was great and made sure we had plenty of what we needed. Keaton was teething and was a little on the grumpy side, but luckily he didn't really cry or anything. He really wondered what the heck was going on when everyone sang to him! He wore his adorable shirt that Chelsea sent him for his birthday
(I should mention that Valerie, Leslie, and Mitch helped decorate the owl cupcakes on Thursday night after the Hetricks arrived. it was a fun assembly line and they turned out super cute!)
After the party, we headed back to our place and he took a nice, long nap. When he woke up, we opened more presents and then gave him a smash cake. Someone (probably me) accidentally put his smash cake in the refrigerator, so it wasn't as 'smashable' as we wanted it to be, but it turned out to be a good thing because he just sucked on the cold frosting until it got mooshy. I think you can even make out a little smile in this one:
Sunday we went out for breakfast with the family, and then the Hetricks had to head back to Topeka. We got back to our house and had to get ready for another party with a few neighbors in the afternoon. There were only girls this time, so Keaton enjoyed flirting with all of them and showing them his new toys. We busted the Owl pinata and the girls enjoyed their candy, and the owl cupcakes. He took another awesome nap after the party, and the rest of us relaxed a bit, too. That night Casey and I went out for a nice Valentine's Day dinner (a day early) and my parents stayed home with Keaton. We enjoyed fondue and nice conversation at The Melting Pot. I stuffed myself with delicious food and almost didn't have room for dessert... even my 2nd stomach that is completely dedicated to sweets couldn't make much room. Sad, but true!
Monday I went shopping with my parents while Case was at work, and we got Keaton a nice amount of new clothes at the Carter's and Osh Kosh B'Gosh outlets. Monday evening we watched parts of the KU/KSU game, which ruined my mood since the #1 Jayhawks apparently didn't show up and play, and lost to the Wildcats. I will not comment any further... I avoided Facebook for a few days afterward because I didn't want to read status updates about the game. Needless to say, it didn't really set a great mood for Valentine's day. Oh well, I'm just glad Case and I went out the night before.
My parents left Tuesday morning, and Keaton and I spent most of that day vegging out at home. He was pretty sleepy and cuddled with me a lot... I think he may be going through another growth spurt. I enjoyed spending so much cuddle time with him, though... I will really miss that when he decides it's not fun to do anymore! For now, I'll take as much as I can get. :-D
I guess that's about it. Besides swimming yesterday and walking at the mall with friends this morning, we haven't really done much. We will be working on all the food my Mom made for probably another week or so, so we'll most likely stay inside (even though it's 60 today... but raining). Keaton's got plenty of new toys to keep him occupied.
I've got a ton of pictures to catch up on with the 30 Day Photo Challenge, but I'm going to wait until next time... that's plenty for one entry.
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