I will never forget when my Mom's coworkers flew me back to Topeka for her retirement party. She had no idea I was in town, and I remember having to sneak around, and even called her from my cell phone while up the street from my house and had to pretend I was at work. I was so nervous as we made our way to the party... then some of the girls from her office brought out a huge box and had me get in, and they wheeled me into the party. The look on my Mom's face when she opened the box was absolutely priceless!! It was one of my favorite times going home. I am so glad I was able to be there for her party and celebrate the fact that she was free from a job that caused her way too much stress for one person to take on. So glad she's retired!!!
Keaton and I ventured out into the white, cold world today. It was interesting. There are definitely some idiots out on the road... sometimes I think I'm one of them, but I try to be extra extra careful in the snow/ice. I had some colorful language at times (oops!) but we made it to my haircut appointment and back without much trouble. I just hate it when people pull out in front of you and go 2 miles an hour. Especially when it's icy, and when they had plenty of time to pull out previously, but they decide to wait until you are right there... you either have to slam on your brakes or change lanes. Casey and I were talking about that the other night, and I said, "Do they just not see you or something when they pull out in front of you like that?" and he said, "It's hard to see when you've got your head up your ass." So true... so true. LOL...
Keaton and I took 2 naps together today, mainly because 1) he's wearing me out, and 2) he would not sleep in his crib! He's doing fine right now [crosses fingers while knocking on wood] but today he would not lay down and stay there! I spent 45 minutes trying to get him down for his afternoon nap, and finally just gave up and napped with him. I've got to have more will power for this to work. And more energy! But enough of that... I have a feeling he will be walking on his own within a month. Of course I said the same about crawling and was wrong, but he seems pretty determined to move now. Maybe that's because all of his buddies are crawling and cruising now, and he wants to keep up with them during play time. Looks like Case and I will be shopping for more baby proofing material this weekend... Keaton tried to climb up his bookcase today! He stood on his tiptoes and started pulling up with his hands... we may have a little monkey after all! Just when I thought I couldn't worry about anything else, the kid tries climbing. LOL... I'm in for it.
I guess that's about all for now. Tomorrow's Friday!! Woo hoo!!!
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