Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Catching Up

There's a lot going on around here- Riese, Keaton, baby shower, snow, etc.

Before I get into other things, Riese is making me paranoid. He has been following me around everywhere today. Some people say dogs- and some animals in general- sense when something is happening. I sincerely hope that's not why he's become my shadow this morning!! Yikes.

IN other news, Keaton had a rough morning. He woke up fine, and we watched a few episodes of George before getting up and doing our normal routine. He was really whiny with me, and wanted me to dress him. I obviously can't help very much with that, but he threw a fit about it. Then Mom came in and he kept getting worse and worse- crying all the time, arguing and saying the opposite of anything we would say... it was tough. He didn't want to eat his waffle because the honey wasn't in the right place. He kept stabbing the table with his fork and scraping it everywhere. It took me three or more times of asking him to do something before he'd even acknowledge I was talking to him. And he cried for the biggest part of the morning. He doesn't have a fever or anything, so I'm not really sure what his deal was. He wouldn't let Mom dress him so I finally intervened and went into his room to help. I heard him have another meltdown when they were trying to get into the van, because he wanted to do it HIS way. Is this what 3 is going to look like? He's been very argumentative and combative lately. People often say that 3 is worse than 2, but I'm hoping that he will be one that improves with age... or this is going to be a long year!!

Kelley, Tracy, and some other girls planned a really nice baby shower for us last weekend. We got a lot of adorable clothes for the boys, and a great start on diapers and wipes! We are thinking about doing cloth diapering (Chelsea, send your wisdom, please!!) so we are going to start getting more information about that.

It's snowed more in the last week than it has all winter. It's cold and white outside!! I'm glad to be indoors to avoid most of it.

I'll update on my OB appointment yesterday when I have more time. Right now a friend is stopping by to visit. :)


1 comment:

Chimpsea said...

Ooooh hooray for cloth! You'll be washing them all the time but it's so worth it! Everyone has their own favorites but we've used FuzziBunz one size and BumGenius organic all-in-ones, one-size (both brands are adjustable so you can use them from infancy through potty training). Let me know what you want to know :) I'm so happy every day you blog because I'm glad those boys are still growing in there. And I've heard that three is more difficult than two? We defintiely have those types of days with Evelyn. It's hard to be three. And it's hard to parent a three year old.