Friday, February 1, 2013

Up and At 'Em

Yeah, I kind of forgot to post about a pretty important milestone yesterday... Sorry for the previous rant. This entry will be more positive: I have permission to move around more often! Sit up more, walk a bit more, etc.. I'm definitely not off bed rest by any means, but I got the impression that my doctors think we will probably go into labor sooner than later (although, maybe TMI, but they haven't checked out how things are looking down below since week 28 and probably don't want to start anything) so it appears as though they are trying to get my muscles a little more ready for labor. Last night I got to sit at the table for dinner! It hurt, and I only lasted ten minutes, but I haven't gotten to sit up to eat in twelve weeks. It makes digestion So Much Easier. Haha...

My favorite part was when Keaton looked at me and said, "You don't have to lay over there anymore? You can sit at the table now, Mommy?" And preceded to get a huge grin on his face! He was also standing on the step ladder (or 'stool ladder', as he likes to call it) helping make dinner in the kitchen, and I walked in and he grabbed me and hugged me for a good minute. He's so accustomed to me laying down that whenever he sees me stand, he almost always runs up and hugs me, and usually kisses my belly. Such a sweet boy! He's mastering the art of flattery, as well. One night this week he was being rather ornery and not listening very well. He accompanied me to the bathroom (we tend to go together, for some reason) and while we are sitting there I start taking to him about being a better listener, etc. He just looks at me with those pretty hazel eyes and says, "Mommy, you're pretty. You're pretty, and you're gorgeous. I love you so much." Um...what was I taking about? Keaton being in trouble? I momentarily forgot because my heart was melting, no big deal. He completed the statement with what is quickly becoming his signature eyelash batting.. which gets him pretty much anything he wants. Some girl somewhere in the world it's going to fall under that spell someday. Lord help her.

I guess that's all. Keith is flying Mom up today, and then we have a ton planned tomorrow: Dog meet and greet in the morning, men of the house working on the basement, baby shower in the afternoon. The twins need to wait longer because they weren't invited to this party. And Keaton's party is next weekend so we can't have them come out then. Keaton's THIRD BIRTHDAY is the following Tuesday, and they're not allowed to come out then, either. After that, though, I think it's okay.  :-) We would have made our 34 week goal by then.

I should go. Time to test the blood sugar and get a snack.


1 comment:

Chimpsea said...

I'm so glad you get to be up and moving around more! I had NSTs every Tuesday and ultrasounds every Thursday for the final month with Gideon. Just crazy. But I definitely didn't have to have them there holding it the whole time! I'm so glad you have been getting good nurses. I hear ya on the getting all the docs in one room thing too. It's so frustrating when you aren't being heard. I'm just so happy that those boys are still in there, growing! That's all that matters right now.