Tuesday, December 6, 2011

End-of-Semester Stressors

Yep, it's December. Which means I didn't hold up my end of the bargain and update again before November ended. Thanksgiving was great with Nana and Papa Hetrick here. We got some awesome Black Friday deals without waking up super early or staying up super late. I feel like the rest of the time has been spent on school; It's crunch time now, and I have just over a week left until class is over. It's a bittersweet feeling right now. I have really enjoyed this class, not only for all of the things I've learned/become more aware of as far as the environment is concerned, but I've met some wonderful people that I hope to keep in my life long after class is over.

I've been pretty stressed out lately. Understatement. I had to take a trip to the doctor right before Thanksgiving as all the stress took a toll on my body. No worries, everything is fine now- just a reminder that getting a better grip on stress is something I should take more seriously! Most of my stress was due to all of the things that were happening yesterday in class- I had to take a test, which I probably didn't do so hot on since my attention was diverted to the oral presentation and 5+ page paper my group and I had to give. Our schedules never seemed to match up, so every time we would agree to meet, it never worked out that we could all be in the same place at the same time. On Sunday night, my friend and lab partner Aaron came over (same Aaron that provided the epic pre-birthday celebration with Lindsey) and we spent over 8 hours making our presentation. Our third groupmate, Emily, got called in to work and could not join us. We finally got finished with the presentation on Sunday evening around 11, and then went to school early yesterday to practice. We weren't even able to get all the way through it once before we had to present it, which was extremely nerve-wracking... not to mention the fact that I HATE public speaking in general, so I am fairly certain I shaved years off my life preparing and stressing over it. BUT, it turned out really well based on the feedback we have gotten so far. After our presentation, our classmate Mike told us a that he is glad we went later in the semester because we would have set the bar too high for everyone else. I should mention that the majority of my class doesn't give a shhhhh about doing anything- they don't read, don't take the quizzes, don't study for tests, play on Facebook the entire time, and I have as sneaking suspicion about 3-4 of them come in stoned half the time. This made giving the presentation a tiny bit less intimidating since I figured no one was really listening anyway. Nonetheless, I was still nervous to speak in front of everyone, so I got tripped up here and there and ended up reading most of the notes directly from the presentation instead of making it conversational (something Aaron excelled in, and I'm pretty sure he carried Emily and I because he made everything much more personable and interesting). Anyway, it's over now, so after doing a few finishing touches on our paper, we will be D-O-N-E. [Sigh of relief]. Now it's time to look into next semester and see what's in store for me. It looks like I have all photography classes from this point forward! Woo hooooo!!

So that's that. As for other aspects of life, Casey is tying up loose ends at work in order to start his new position (same building, different group/title/job level) in January. Keaton is running around everywhere, talking about everything, and keeping me very, very busy. In a good way, of course. He now sings the majority of Row, Row, Row Your Boat (too cute, I need to videotape it ASAP!). He screams whenever I have to get him dressed, and has started pulling his shirt up and flashing people regularly. I told him I didn't have any Mardi Gras beads for him so he's gotta stop. He is very motivated by M&Ms and "pops" (that's my kid, future sugar addict... oh boy) and he has been a bit more cooperative on the potty-training front. Very slow process, and I'm definitely not trying to rush it. He loves this video and song so much right now, I feel like I play it 300 times a day. While watching it yesterday, I asked him if the hamsters and robots were dancing, and he said, "They shufflin." He absolutely kills me!! He goes out of his way to make you laugh, which I love. He also will correct you if you call our new IKEA couch a "couch"... it's "sofa". Get it right, Mom. We finally got rid of the old, tired, ugly yellow couch (much to the dismay of several friends and family who thought it was so comfortable). They never had to break a sweat putting on the huge slipcover to hide the ugly underneath! I don't miss it at all! We gave it to our new neighbors down the street. :) Keaton is kind of obsessed with the IKEA couch sofa now and loves laying on the chaise. I do, too.. it's been great when I have to read for Biology- I can just stretch out and relax. (Wait, did I just say relax? Nevermind. Maybe someday!!) I promise to post pictures sometime soon, too- Casey took some of Keaton's first haircut over a month ago and asked me to help teach him how to edit, and we haven't gotten to sit down to edit them yet because we've both been too busy. I can say that I hope this month doesn't go the way November did, but I know it will, especially with the holidays. I promise to try and update again very soon!


Oh!! One more cute Keaton moment and I'll leave you: Whenever we play the video above, or whenever Keaton sees the hourglass or circles that come up when something is processing, he says, "It's thinking". So the other day I asked him what he was doing, and he said, "I thinking." I asked him what he was thinking about, and he said, "I thinking... Mommy!" and now he says, "I thinking Daddy!" which is adorable. I tried to get it on video this morning, but he always clams up when I record him. I'll try to get that and the other fun things he's doing on video very soon! I'm such a slacker!!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful... Turkey Day 2011

So much to be thankful for today, and every day. This year has been sort of a tough one for us, through transitions with work, parenting, marriage, and life in general; I think it was a pretty good wake-up call to me that there are things in my life that need changing, and so I've started the very slow and not-so-easy journey of self-improvement. Who isn't doing that? Or trying to, at least? But I think there have been some moments in my life lately where I realize that I'm not who I want to be. What better time to figure out who you are than when you turn 30? Who knows... it sounds good right now. So here I go... as I started to feel like I was 'losing' myself lately and couldn't really figure out what made me "me"- I'm not just Casey's wife and Keaton's mom... but what else is there? Well, I don't know exactly, but I know I'm working on it.

I think part of blogging for me is a therapy to try and figure out just what's going on in by brain... and although it usually just comes out as a play-by-play of what we did for the day, someday I can look back at this time in my life and remember it for just a tiny second. Life changes so quickly these days that if I don't write it down, I'm afraid it will be lost forever. (I say this and realize that I have only written a handful of times this month... but it's the thought that counts, right?) I do know that I am thankful for the blogs I've written previously: My Experiences in America and most of all My Experiences in Japan because it allows me to go back and experience it all over again. Lots of words, lots of time, and someday, lots of fun stories to tell Keaton. (And maybe some to leave until he's much, much older...lol...)... Anyway, I'm thankful for all of it.

I am also thankful for all the people that have stuck by me, watched and helped me grow, and dealt with my very random and sometimes manic thoughts, emotions, or actions. If there is something I've also realized lately it's that there are certain people that come into your life to make you realize what living is all about. I feel totally blessed that I can count those people on two hands.

I guess that's all for tonight... hopefully more to come before the end of the month.



Monday, November 14, 2011


What an incredible end to my 20s. My best friend of 25 years surprised me on Thursday by flying up to Chicago for a few days. I was able to go out and celebrate with her and have some girl time on Friday night at a bar/restaurant where my friend and classmate Aaron works, and they treated us like VIPs. It as nothing short of an epic night with great food, terrific company, dancing, and drinking. Oh, and did I mention that my husband volunteered to make the 40 minute drive to drop us off? Amazing. Saturday, Casey threw a birthday party for me. It was great seeing local friends and I really enjoyed watching all the kids have fun together. Lindsey flew back home Saturday night, and then Sunday was spent with my boys. We had a great brunch and spent some quality time together. Casey helped me clean the house while Keaton took a 2.5 hour nap (and just woke up from another 2 hour one just now!). We went shopping and I refreshed my very tired wardrobe. Awesome, awesome birthday weekend.

That is a very short recap, but I wanted to write it before I get sidetracked again! So far, turning 30 has been very very good!! :-D


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

End of my 20s: A look back. And Forward.

Only four short days left in my 20s. Um...what? Where did that go? How did that happen? And what do I have to show for it?

I have an amazing husband and adorable little boy. I have a family who continues to care for me and support me, even though I have never stayed consistent with what I want to do with my life. I have amazing friends who support me and listen to my ramblings, worries, and many insecurities, and still stick around. I've got a car that runs and a house in a great neighborhood. I've got a job that may not pay money, but it pays in slobbery kisses and even the occasional "I wuv you". And that's just right now.

So much has changed for me in the past 10 years. Colleges, majors, living in a dorm. Being engaged. Moving home. Working for photography companies. Getting married. Moving to South Carolina. Getting Charley Brown. Working for the University of South Carolina. Living in Japan. Supporting Casey while he got his Ph.D. Moving to Illinois. Owning a house. Becoming a mom. Losing Charley Brown. Going back to school again. Man, what a ride!

As I look ahead, I have no idea what to expect. More losses and new beginnings. Jobs and schools and new adventures. Obstacles and bumps in the road. But one thing I've always had- and with care, I hope to continue to have- is a loving and supportive group of people around me who are there through it all. If you are reading this, you are most likely one of those people. Thank you for being some part of this journey, no matter what role you might play.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

And then it was November.

I officially reached an all-time low in October for 3 total blog entries. Seriously, that month was insane! And I doubt this one will be any less crazy, but I think it's better that way. Here are some highlights: Time with Grandma De was great. Halloween was awesome. (Keaton loved trick or treating, even if he was a bit tired and shy- but he said "please" and "thank you" at almost every house! He also thought that the kids that came to our house were supposed to give HIM candy, so when a little girl came to our door and he tried to take candy from her bag, he was kind of upset and confused because she wouldn't allow it... haha! He caught on quickly, though.) I know we did a bunch of things just since the last entry, but I can't really remember them. Luckily I have taken a bunch of pictures during that time, though, so just check out the Flickr pics if you'd like to know what we've been up to.

Keaton is starting to put two and three words together, and is starting to tell little 'stories'. He is also a tattle-tale among our little group of friends, and tends to rat out anyone who isn't doing what he thinks they should do. I can't help but laugh... I think he comes by that honestly. He is a bit stranger shy these days, but it really doesn't take long for him to warm up to people. Once he feels comfortable, he starts chatting away. Last night, my Biology class was canceled for the second time this week, so the boys and I went out to dinner. Casey had been requesting a trip to Hooters for awhile now, and I always had some decent excuse not to go... until last night. Wouldn't you know, the second we opened the door, Keaton saw the hostess and then looked directly at her chest. I couldn't help but laugh... he is a GUY, after all. LOL... I'm in for it with this one. He continued to pour on the charm with all the waitresses. He even got a balloon and a free rubber duck out of the deal. What a little flirt! (Glad it was him and not his Daddy! Just sayin'!) :-)

What else is new... hmmm. I turn 30 in 10 days. I am trying to figure out what to ask for and am coming up empty handed thus far. I would love to have a better flash for my camera, but the ones I am currently looking at cost almost as much as the camera itself. Is it worth it? I'm not entirely sure. I have so much more to learn about this photography stuff! I am also looking into classes to take next semester. It appears as though my luck has run out with the classes I can take close to home, and I'll have to drive the 40 minutes to main campus in Glen Ellyn from now on... which may mean preschool/daycare for Mr. Keaton next semester. There are so many things up in the air right now that I'm having trouble sitting down and really looking into it because I first want to find out what is going on with Casey and job opportunities he is looking into. So far it looks as though we are staying put, but I'd hate to enroll and then end up backing out due to moving, etc. So, I'll wait a bit longer. Semester doesn't start until mid-January, so I have a bit of time. I've said it before, and I'll say it again- there is never a dull moment around the Hetrick household anymore! I do think it's better that way, though... it tends to keep me a little more motivated.

Mr. K is awake now, so it looks as though my break is over. More later!


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Toddlerhood... a sign of things to come.

Keaton is not tiptoeing towards two... I would say he's running at full speed at this point. Sprinting. Hurdling. Today was one of those days that, as a parent, you sit back with a glass of (fill in the adult beverage) and think of days to come... "terrible twos"... the puberty/teenage years... all of those times where you wonder what the heck you are doing, and when this phase will end. And it will, eventually. Heck, I'm sure he'll probably wake up tomorrow and it will be totally different. Today was just...eh.

He had so much fun with his Grandma Hetrick this past week that I think maybe he's just starting to come back to reality. Tomorrow is going to be interesting, though... I'm sure he'll ask where "Nana" is first thing when he wakes up. We have music class tomorrow at the library, so hopefully that will make him happy. It is also supposed to be beautiful again tomorrow, so I plan on spending as much time outside as possible.

On a happier note, we had a very fun time yesterday with De/Nana/Grandma Hetrick at the Lincoln Park Zoo. We got to wear our Halloween costumes and heard lots of people talk about our little Yoda (Favorite comment was probably, "O-M-G, that is the cutest thing I've ever seen!!")... lol... I was a little embarrassed because people kept coming up and wanting to take our picture, but in all it was a very good time. Here's a pic! More to come... I have a ton to edit (about 6G, actually) so at some point before Christmas, you should see pictures from Fall 2011. I hope.
Halloween 2011- Lincoln Park Zoo
I think that's about it for tonight. Tomorrow is a better day!!


Monday, October 17, 2011

MOA Trip

Here's a recap of the last... 1.5 weeks since I wrote last? Yikes. I am seriously slacking on this.

I stare at the calendar and can't remember what the heck we've done lately. Ummm... Friday we left for Minnesota and met Keith and De at the airport in Minneapolis, then headed to our hotel and then Mall of America. We ate dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp Company. I ate a pound of crab legs (which could have been more, honestly), and Keaton was slap happy and obsessed with the shrimp mascot Bubba and got upset whenever Bubba walked away from him. I'm glad he hasn't gotten to the stage where mascots freak him out... in fact, the two times we went to restaurants with mascots, he was super excited to see them. He didn't want them to go out of his sight. Again, just glad he's not screaming bloody murder or anything. :)

The next day, we went back to MOA and shopped til we dropped. Or at least until Keaton was ready for his nap... then we went back and shopped some more. I am now the proud owner of a pair of gray UGGS, something I never thought I would get, and honestly never wanted until I tried them on last year. It was an early birthday gift, and I haven't really taken them off since Saturday. They may not be practical, but they sure are comfortable and easy to get on and off, unlike the lace-up boots I've been wearing since 2008. Man, I need to revamp my wardrobe. I digress.

Casey is away this week at the AIChE conference in Minneapolis, so De came back to stay with us, which has been great. I am very lucky that I get along so well with my mother-in-law, because not many people I know actually like their mothers- or fathers-in-law. I lucked out with both. She has been great, and very helpful with Keaton. Tonight I had my third Biology test (*technically 2nd for me, since I was sick for the last one) so it was nice to be able to focus on studying today and not worry about Keaton. We are doing little projects around the house this week, and she's giving me nice insight on my husband. Which, really, is never a bad thing.

So I guess that's really about it. I mean, I know it's not. I know I'm forgetting tons of things Keaton's doing/saying. OH, like this one! We were checking out the Microsoft store at MOA, and watching a big group of young people play one of the dancing games on XBox. Keaton of course loved to watch them dance, and kept wanting to go up and dance with them, but I kept holding him back. Another lady near us encouraged me to let him go, so I did. And within a millisecond of letting him go, he ran right up to the TV and pushed the power button on the XBox, completely shutting off the game. Oh my goodness, I was so embarrassed. A bunch of people got up and left and were obviously not very happy about it, but then, he's a little kid and didn't know better! And I'm sure some of them were thinking, 'Where was that kid's mom?' Well, she was standing back with her jaw on the floor. I would also like to note that after going through MOA and the Minneapolis airport with that little man, I completely understand why people have 'leashes' for their kids... that may be one of the only ways I can keep my sanity since he's tiny and all over the place! Oh, and he hates holding our hands, so that makes it a little more complicated. Am I complaining? Sorry... I'll stop. I am just tired... that's not a complaint, it's a fact!! :)

I think that's all for the evening... I hope to write again sometime soon! :)



Friday, October 7, 2011


Oh, October.

It snuck up on me. I adore this month- the leaves changing, the crispness in the air. Even football. Maybe I like the excitement that other people have about football, but it's contagious excitement nonetheless. I love hot chocolate (esp. salted caramel hot chocolate from Starbucks), chili, s'mores, hooded sweatshirts. HALLOWEEN!!!

October brings back so many memories for me... Bugging my Mom to death as a child about what I was going to be for Halloween, and then wishing it was more than just one day so I could show off whatever awesome costume she made. [The toilet costume in 4th grade (the absolute best costume of my childhood, no doubt!) and the Spartan Cheerleader costumes she made Casey and I as adults were my faves. I will say it again- I only hope I can make Halloween as exciting for Keaton as Mom made for me!] Taking a walk with my Dad around our neighborhood as a kid and picking up all the pretty leaves, then coming home and pressing them between sheets of waxed paper... Swinging and listening to music for hours and hours... Going out for pizza and to haunted houses with my swimming teacher Pam and her husband Thomas (and stealing all the mushrooms off his pizza at dinner, and burying my head in his chest at the haunted house because I was too freaked out to open my eyes...lol...)... Going with friends to the haunted houses in Kansas City and nearly peeing my pants when a midget jumped out at me... I could go on and on.

Grandma, Mom, and I- May 2000, my high school graduation
I can't talk about an October memory, though, without remembering October 6th, 2000, the night my Grandma passed away. I will refrain from recapping that night, because even though it's been awhile, it still hurts just as much if I allow myself to remember. I just want to acknowledge the impact that she had on my life. I learned so much from her, and wish that I would have realized how special she was when I had her around and actually told her how much she meant to me. I was just out of high school, and really didn't realize the value of much of anything. If only my almost-30-year-old self could go back and give my 18-year-old self a little talking to... I definitely would have done things differently. But what I take away from this experience is that you have to realize what is right in front of you, and enjoy it to the fullest while you can, because there is no promise that it will be there tomorrow. I cherish each and every memory I have from Octobers past... and the lessons I've learned from them.

I wonder what my 40-something-year-old self would say to my almost-30-year-old self?


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mommy & Fangs

This weekend went so fast, I really don't know what the heck happened... I am trying to think about what we even did this weekend. And wouldn't you know, I am right smack in between two very long weeks where Casey is doing training activities at work, and working late nights. We have been so spoiled the last few months- he'd been home by at least 4:30 every night. I will get through this week... I will I will I will.

A few things to note about the last week: My sister-in-law Leslie got engaged on Wednesday night! I can finally called Mitch "Uncle Mitch" soon! We are so excited for them!!

Speaking of new names, Keaton decided, almost one year to the day that he started saying "mama", that he would graduate me to "Mommy" this weekend!! He just started calling Casey "Daddy" in the last week, too. I can't help but smile whenever he says it. :) Heck, I even smile when I hear him say "Daddy"! When I ask him, "Where is Keaton?" he now points to himself! He also attempts to say "Trick or Treat" which sounds like "tee teet", and can kind of say Yoda... I figured it would be good for him to know who he is going to be for Halloween. :) I ordered our costumes yesterday. Then I just need to make a light saber for Keaton out of glow sticks... wow, I'm a huge nerd. And... no one is shocked by this epiphany.

Keaton also gained his two upper canine teeth in the last week, which would explain why the week was soooooo long! He was pretty moody a lot of the week. Hopefully the bottom two will come in soon, and then we'll just have the 2 year molars to look forward to (ha, right!) and we'll be done.

Speaking of done, I thought I had more to write, but alas, it's 8:30 and I need to read some more Biology before I sleep. More later!


Oh, I totally forgot!! I got a B on my first Bio test!!! That is quite a bit higher than I expected. THANK GOODNESS. I am still frustrated with class, but that makes it a bit better. :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Odds and Ends

Hello... it's me again. I have not dropped off the face of the planet, I assure you. Life is BUSY. The last 2.5 weeks have consisted of Casey's birthday and surprise arrival of his family, and then the arrival of my parents for just shy of a week. Now it's Wednesday, and I think that being spoiled by all the people in our house recently has made me very aware of how lonely it can be when everyone leaves. It is making me the tiniest bit burnt out this week, but I think that's mainly because 1) I am frustrated with Biology class, 2) Casey has a conference going on and has worked later than normal since Monday. It is a two week conference, and I am already ready for the two weeks to be over. He spoiled us by getting home early so often in the last few months, that when he comes home after 5, it feels like he's been gone forever. Moral of the story is, I need not to be spoiled.

The last two weeks have been a lot of fun, minus Biology class. After that darn Bio test, I am struggling to be motivated to do anything in class. We should get our grades tonight, and I am definitely not looking forward to it. This should motivate me to do better on the next one, the problem is, I am not really sure how to study for the next one. I was very confident and sure of myself going into the test, and it totally took me by surprise- in a bad way. I doubt our teacher is going to be very happy with the outcome, but maybe he will take another look at the way he's giving us the material and do it differently. I hope. Not that he's totally to blame, but he certainly isn't helping the matter. Anyway, enough complaints. I just need to keep up with my reading, review a lot, and understand the concepts. Sounds simple enough.

In other news, I am trying to get Keaton's costume idea nailed down and figure out if I'm going to buy it or make it. At this point, making it seems to be the less expensive solution, but I don't know how to manage housework, schoolwork, parenting, being a good wife, and making a costume. I was able to make it last year, but that was a totally different time in our lives- Keaton wasn't walking yet, was still taking 3 naps a day, and I didn't have classes. [Chelsea Bartel, if you are reading this, I need to channel some of your awesome motivational energy ASAP!!]

Just thought I would let you know what is going on in Hetrickland at the moment... more to come... hopefully sooner than later!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Weekend, and words

What a weekend! I actually felt like I had a weekend this time, which was nice. I normally feel like I blink and it's the start of a new week. When I woke up thinking today was Monday, it was a nice surprise to realize that it had come and gone already. It's not only the folks in the working world that dread Mondays... I know I'm not the only S@HM that thinks this!

We packed our weekend full of various things like home improvement projects and socializing. We now have a new fan (with a light!!) in our living room. It really adds a lot to the room, and I enjoyed it so much more last night when I was getting my homework done. (Thank you for installing it, Casey, even though you will probably never read this!) I'd also like to thank my husband for making so many improvements to our yard, which is looking better all the time.

We went to Last Fling on Saturday in downtown Naperville, and had lunch with Kelley, Tim, and Nolan at Egg Harbor Cafe. I love that place!! Kelley and her mom have taken us there a few times now. They have Red Velvet pancakes, which sounded too sweet even to me at first (being the sugar addict), but they were amazing! We are definitely making that a common place to take friends and fam when they come visit. After lunch on Saturday, we took Keaton to the family events they had at Naper Settlement. He got to ride a horse for the first time, and I think he enjoyed it. I enjoyed it up to the point that the horse decided to bend down and eat some grass, and Casey had to grab Keaton so he didn't fall off the front of the horse! Yikes. Momma heart attack.

Sunday we continued the social festivities by attending our neighbor's Labor Day/birthday party. Keaton went swimming with Casey, and I got to hang out with the neighbors. It was a lot chillier on Sunday, so I showed up to the party in my bathing suit and turned right back around to put on jeans. What a weird weekend as far as weather is concerned. It was hot and rainy Saturday, then blustery and cold Sunday. Luckily it's been beautiful yesterday and today. We've got a few errands to run this afternoon to tie up a few things for Casey's birthday. So far it looks like it will be a good one! Keaton and I are taking him out to dinner on Friday night (with a surprise or two up my sleeve). We are having a few friends over Saturday afternoon to celebrate as well. I hope he has a good one! I'll write details after the event, just in case he does actually read this. :)

As far as Keaton goes, we've had a few rough days over the past week. He is really struggling to find his independence, and BOY is the kid independent! He wants to feed himself now with utensils, which means the dining room table is an absolute disaster area when he flings apple sauce, Gogurt (his current fave), or whatever all over the place.(I'd like to note, before I forget, that I made meatloaf the other night, and he actually really likes it! He ate more last night for dinner. Hooray!!) He gets pretty upset when we try to help him with things. Some days he doesn't know what he wants. Last Thursday he was really moody all day long, and cried more than he has in a long time. He wanted me to pick him up, then he'd push me away. He didn't want to play. He didn't want me to read to him. No clue what was wrong, but I guess Casey could hear the frustration in my voice, because he brought flowers, wine, and dessert home with him after work. It really helped brighten up one of the toughest days I've had since Keaton was a baby. I couldn't even peel potatoes because Keaton was tugging at me so much that he almost pulled off my pants! LOL... so glad that day is over.

This weekend we had another tough time with him because he kept doing things we would tell him not to do, and then when we sat him in Time Out, he thought it was funny. (Nothing frustrates me more when I'm upset with him and he laughs.) I realized that he doesn't learn anything by sitting in Time Out by himself, but if I sit him there and hold him still, he gets upset and realizes he's in trouble. He said he was sorry and gave me a hug. He wouldn't nap, and we spent 2 hours trying to get him to, because he was obviously very, very tired, and CRANKY. Oh, and I should also mention that his new favorite word is "No". I say that word more than I would like to, but I have really tried to keep it at a minimum. I try to divert, or say, "Let's not do that" or something along those lines. Now he hears some of his older friends say no, though, and mimics them. It was bound to happen eventually.

In happier Keaton news, he now says "please" (sounds more like 'peese') quite a bit now. He can tell me what he wants for breakfast, whether it's O's (Cheerios), faffles (waffles), me-mul (oatmeal), or go-got (Gogurt). He basically repeats the last word in any sentence we say, and luckily only a few of them become words that he remembers and uses regularly... I say that mainly because I said "bitchin" the other day and he repeated it. Mommy fail. He hasn't said it since, and we didn't make a big deal out of it, so hopefully I won't hear him say it (and won't say it myself) for a long, long time!

I guess that's all for now. I got my homework done last night, and got some cleaning and lawn watering done this morning, so I felt like relaxing a bit before he wakes up from his nap. He's been asleep since about 10:45- maybe if I'm lucky he'll go for a 2 hour stretch today!


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Busy busy busy

My motivation is super low today after attempting to wear Keaton out so he would take a good nap. The nap part is going well (although knowing Keaton, he will wake up when I'm blogging, as he tends to) but my motivation to get anything done around here is next to nothing.

I don't have class again until Wednesday, thanks to Labor Day, so reading and taking online quizzes for class really doesn't appeal right now. I am working on watering the lawn since we had it aerated yesterday and they put new seed down. Watering the lawn and having an almost 19 month old has its limits. I need to find a way to get him to help me with it, and then maybe it won't be such a hassle. :)

There is a lot going on around here lately, so I haven't taken much time to do anything other than study, sleep, and of course hang out with Mr. K. The house is a mess, and I'm working on that slowly, but we had mulch delivered last week and I knew better than to vacuum the floor for a few days as we tend to track some of it in with us everytime we are outside. We have been outside a LOT since the much arrived, and my husband has been working his tail off to make sure our yard looks better than it ever has. He's done a really great job, and I'm thankful for that, because I just attempt to do small things out there and end up making a mess. I did not inherit my Dad's green thumb. I think at one point in my life, I actually liked digging in dirt and didn't mind being covered in grass... but now, since taking the time to take a shower has to be pretty much planned out having a little guy around, it's not as easy. I guess I could stand to relax a bit, too, and just get dirty once in awhile.

Yesterday, Keaton and I went over to Kelley and Nolan's, and the boys played for about an hour in their back yard. Keaton got soaking wet in the hose, and then went down the small slipper slide about 20 times, and had grass all over him. I threw him in the tub and then laid him down for a quick nap before I had to leave for class last night. In the 2 hours I was gone, he got totally dirty again (sweating from head to toe while racing- as in running, which he learned to do recently- our neighbor Tyler) and we had to give him a second bath last night before bed. Between dirt, mulch, chalk, and grass, I don't think an inch of him has stayed clean for more than 20 minutes (unless I keep him in the house, of course). I realize our days of playing outside in the warm sun are numbered now, so I'm letting him do it as often as possible. Casey and I purchased a bike trailer last weekend, so now we can tow him around and go for a ride. (Hindsight: That would have been wise to do earlier in the year, but oh well.) I see some nice cool evening rides ahead of us in the near future, as soon as my bike is aired up... I haven't ridden a bike since we lived in South Carolina! Casey took Keaton for a little ride around the block last night in the trailer, and Keaton loved it.

I guess that's about all for now. I'm planning to actually make dinner tonight- something I have slacked on this week- and look forward to spending a nice evening with my boys. Tomorrow is Friday, and Casey has Monday off. Woo hoo! Good things ahead.


AHHH!! Before I forget!!! Keaton heard my heartbeat the other day, so I asked him, "Do you hear it go, 'boom, boom'?" From that point on, he would put his hand on his chest and say, "Boom boom heart! Boom boom heart!" Last night he listened to Casey's heart, and it was neat to watch his facial expression as he heard it. His eyebrows went up, and he sat up and said, "Heart!" I heart watching him learn every day. :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

School Days

What a week it's been... I am so glad it's Friday. This time last week I was getting ready for my quick trip to Topeka to celebrate my best friend's 30th birthday! It went very well, and very fast. I think in the 30 hours I was away from Keaton and Casey, I have never wanted to be two places more in my life. But I made it through, and cried only happy tears. Hard to believe that was almost a week ago now!

I survived my first week of Environmental Biology. My professor is a very nice older man, probably in his 60s, who is very open-minded and encourages us to challenge the things he says in class (and happens to have a very thick accent, which makes listening and taking notes a little more challenging!). He wants to learn from us as we learn from him, which I respect a lot. It is nice to have someone who is will to teach and learn in return instead of professors like I've had in the past who think it's their way or the highway. I feel like I'm going to learn a lot in this class, and it's interesting and very applicable because there are topics related to it almost every night on the news. (Not that I watch the news that much anymore... it can be so depressing! But now I'm a little more interested thanks to the class.)

I am only the second oldest in the class- I was a little nervous about being the only one that wasn't right out of high school. Luckily a guy I met on the way into class the first night is right there with me. He and I agreed to work together if we have projects and things throughout the semester. We already found out about a paper and presentation we have to give, but if I understand it correctly, we won't have to give ours until almost the end of the semester because of the topic we chose. (We got very lucky on that one, because I chose the topic, only to find out later that groups will give their presentations when the topic comes up in class discussion- ours is slated for the end of the semester, in late November. Woo hoo!)

Mr. K is awake now, so I guess it's time for me to go. I'll try to update again soon!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Before I forget...

Last night after Keaton got out of the bathtub and we got his pajamas on, he was walking out of our bedroom and very loudly passed gas. Then he turned around to Casey and I and said, "Big toots!" LOL... I couldn't believe my ears! He is such a little boy...

The last two days he's been waking up at 4:15 in the morning. No bueno. I have given him something to drink, a little bit of Advil, and put him in bed with me... he ended up sleeping almost 2.5 more hours each day. He also talks in his sleep now. He is so much like his Daddy.

Speaking of, Keaton's waking up from his nap now, so I should go. I'm headed back to Topeka this weekend- solo- and look forward to celebrating my best friend's 30th birthday Saturday night. Then I'm back home Sunday evening and start school Monday. Am I ready for this?? I'm sure I'll let you know next week. :)


Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm a student again...!!!

I'm officially enrolled in Biology 1110. Holy crap, what am I doing!?!?

Class starts NEXT MONDAY and I am freaking out. But kind of excited. But mostly freaking out.

My class is every Monday and Wednesday night from 4-6:20, and the best part is that it is only 10 minutes away from my house, so Casey got permission to get off work early and be home to watch Keaton. Yippee!! I sincerely hope I can do this... I don't want to be pessimistic before the class even starts, but... BIOLOGY. OHMYGOODNESS.

Here goes nothing. I knew I just had to jump right in and do it, and I'm having such a productive day today that I thought... DO IT. Just do it.

Alrighty... I guess Mr. K is not going to nap this afternoon, even after waking up at 4:15 and then again at 5ish this morning, and taking a fairly short nap around 10. Maybe we'll go outside and enjoy the nice weather.



Thursday, August 11, 2011

Little man, growing up

Upside: Keaton has been in a very pleasant, happy mood today, and woke up after 6 (second day in a row! Woo hoo!) Downside: After two rather long attempts, he is still not taking a nap for me. He's been up for over 6 hours now. I think he has finally settled down (he isn't standing up in his crib, or singing, or throwing things out on the floor) but he's still awake. I really hope for at least a 2 hour nap from him since he's waited so long. (Maybe I can actually clean the bathrooms!!)

He just ate some steak and corn casserole with me for lunch. He is almost refusing to drink water now, and seems to only want "moke" all the time. (I guess it could be a lot worse, right?) He said "I wan jello" while sitting at the table- in a regular chair, mind you. He doesn't seem to want to sit in his high chair anymore... think it's time for a booster. Yesterday at lunch, he shocked me by refusing to drink from his sippy cup, and would only drink out of a glass, without a straw. I still haven't gotten him to drink from a straw at all, I guess maybe we will skip that for now and work on the cup by itself. I have to hold it for him, but he does a good job drinking and not spilling it out the sides. He sure is growing up fast.

Tomorrow, he will be 18 months old. A year and a half. That is insane. He is talking even more than ever, and likes to point to just about everything he sees and tell me what it is. Books are a lot more fun now- he can point to everything in Goodnight Moon when I read about it. He especially likes the bowl of mush...lol. (I think he just likes saying "Mush".

Words, words, and more words:
  1. Milk- "moke"
  2. Grapes- "bakes"
  3. Strawberries- "Staw-ah-ees"
  4. bubbles
  5. chalk- "cock"... I'm really working on that CH part with him!
  6. clock- same as above...lol
  7. color- "kee-ya"
  8. watch
  9. phone
  10. sunshine- "suh-sine"
  11. heart
  12. star
  13. remote- "mote"
  14. Jello sounds a lot more like jello now!
  15. bear- "bee-ahh"
  16. tree- "tee"
  17. flower- "Fow-ah"
  18. Purple sounds a whole lot like purple. I also think it's his favorite color, because he will pick out the purple crayons in the box of 100+. Maybe if we have another kid they will like blue and red. ;)
  19. yellow- "yah-yo"
  20. George (as in Curious George)- "Joh-J"
  21. Cat is "Ca" or "Meow meow"
  22. Duck
  23. cracker- "caca"... lol... I will not tell him what that means in Spanish...
  24. Nutrigrain Bar- "Bah"... it sounds like he has a Bostonian accent
  25. "Scoot"- when he wants to scoot off of a chair or the bed
  26. book
  27. night night- "nigh nigh"
  28. booty- "Bye-ey"
  29. Neighbors names; Scott "Cott", Mike, Nina, Barbi "Bye bi", Tyler "Ty-lah", Nolan "No" or "Nos", Emily "Emmy", Robin "Rahbi"
  30. Bambi- "Maym-bi", which he now wants to watch 5 times a day!
  31. Grandma- "Gahmah"
  32. Grandpa- "Papa"
  33. cloud- "cowd"
  34. airplane- "bay-payne" lol... you have to see what he's looking at to translate that one
  35. door- "doh" 
  36. shoe
There are a lot more, but I think those are the most common these days. He is absolutely, completely blowing my mind.

He's finally asleep- time to go clean something!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Anxiety... Enemy #1

Oh, anxiety, how you plague me. I just started really looking into going back to school... again, only a few weeks before school STARTS, but I digress... and my anxiety is on the rise. I think it's the thought of really going back and leaving Keaton with someone that makes me nervous. Or maybe it's actually getting something completed that has me on edge, I don't know for sure. Either way, this little voice in my head keeps telling me to give up, but I can't listen. I've listened to that voice more than enough and have nothing much (academically) to show for it.

One thing at a time. First, I have to figure out if the college still has me in the system, or if I've been gone too long and have to reapply. It's only been 2 years... but that seems like forever ago! Last time I was there, I was 7 months pregnant and waddling up and down the hallway to my Photoshop class. Now, I can't even remember what my username/password combination was to sign in and see what classes I have taken. Mom Brain? I think so. I hope so. But I honestly sat here for 2 minutes trying to remember the semesters I was even IN college last. 2008? 2009? Did I go from Spring to Fall? Sadly, I can't remember. (Maybe I blogged about it... hmmm.....)

Anyway, I am really trying not to listen to that annoying little voice in my head, and actually push through and get this started. I know this is the hardest part. But those "What Ifs" Shel Silverstein talked about are crawling inside my head and making me second guess everything.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Future

Well, we are not moving to Ohio anytime soon. Things just didn't add up for Casey to take the job in Toledo, so we are staying put. I think the situation turned out for the better for us, as we have plenty to do with our own house before we start worrying about another one. In the next few weeks we are going to try to tackle some of the things we haven't yet, and I think in the long run it will be best for us so we can sell it in better condition than we got it, eventually. It's the smart thing to do.

For me, at least, all this talk about possibly moving made me realize that I need to get my booty back in gear and try to go back to school soon. I need to get at least a few classes under my belt again. It would be good to dust off the cobwebs and relearn some things about my camera, too. Hopefully in the next week or two, I will be able to set up a meeting with an advisor and figure out what classes I still need to get a degree or certificate. (Of course I kick myself now, as classes start again soon, and I am just now seriously thinking about this... but then we didn't know we were NOT moving until yesterday.)

Thinking about school for me also makes me realize that we should probably get Keaton into some type of school-like environment... which is probably something else I should have thought of previously. How does that sneak up so fast? I guess it's easier since I stay at home with him and I am not concerned about going to work, etc., because then he would've needed a place to stay during the time I'm not home. Hopefully we're not too late in the game and we'll be able to get him started somewhere, even if it's just for a few days each week.

Lots going on in the future. For now, Mr. K is waking up from his 2+ hour nap now, so off I go. More later!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cooling off

It has finally cooled off in Chicagoland. I think the high the rest of the week into next week is supposed to be in the mid to low 80s, which sounds like perfect summer weather to me. This has been a weird season, mainly because it was cooler and wet in the beginning, and now it is just too bloomin' hot. I remember long winter days when we were stuck in the house, and now I will think of the long summer days when we're stuck because it's too hot to go outside. Poor Keaton just wants to play with his bubbles. (All the time.) I dread winter, but I wouldn't mind if Fall made an appearance sooner than later, as long as it stuck around for awhile.

That makes me think of Halloween... I would normally have already thought about it in more detail, but this year is a little off. If Casey gets/accepts the job in Ohio, we will be moving by October 1st, which means we would be in a totally different place for Halloween. I guess I don't want to think too much about that right now, because there is nothing I can do about it... just wait and find out what's going on. I hate being in limbo... I feel less motivated than normal. (That's almost scary!)

Now it's time for Keaton's Words of the Week:
  1. Scott (Cot)
  2. Mike
  3. Robin (Rah-Bi)
  4. Milk (Moke)... I think he's been saying this for a few weeks now, but not sure if I mentioned it before.
  5. Jello sounds more like "Jel-Do" now and less like... dildo. LOL...
  6. Please (Pees)
  7. Thank You (Tah Kah)
  8. Sorry (Sah-he)
  9. Block
  10. Phone (Fon)
  11. Money (I guess you can't learn that one too early, right?)
  12. Bambi (mam-ee)
I know there has to be more. Really, he tries to repeat everything, so I should try to write this down when Casey and I are having a conversation, or when I'm on the phone, if that were possible. Earlier this week, I asked him to sing a song. I love asking him this because he gets his 'song voice' and starts singing inaudible things, but occasionally you'll hear "Melmo" or "Mama" or "Dada". It is too cute! And somewhere thrown in there are letters- E and I seem to be his favorites. When I ask him to sing the ABCs, it normally sounds like, "B... I... E... C... O..." or some combination of things. Love that kid... he is hilarious.

Speaking of him, he's taking a good nap right now, and we are supposed to meet my friend Kelley at the park at noon. Not sure how that is going to happen at this point, but I would rather have him sleep since he was wide awake at 5:15 this morning! I guess it worked out well, because we had to take Casey in to work since he hit a deer on the way in yesterday morning. His car is getting fixed, and insurance is paying for a rental, so I guess this was our first and last morning taking him in.

Little man is up now... gotta go!


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Chi-town Adventures

Today Casey, Keaton and I got all touristy and went to downtown Chicago to visit the Willis (Sears) Tower. We decided to take advantage of the time we have in the Chicago area, just incase we decide to move, and do something we've wanted to do for awhile. We had a really good time, and didn't have an agenda, so we took our time and relaxed as we walked around the SkyDeck. It was a beautiful day, so we were able to see just about as far as you can see from the top of the tower. (I also found out that the tower is 368 Ashleys tall. Neat.) We also decided to stop by Garrett's Popcorn that we've heard so much about. We bought a tin of popcorn (and actually got it all the way home before eating any... we're saving it to share with the neighbors tonight). It was a really fun time roaming around downtown with the boys. I took quite a few pictures that I will need to check out soon. Check out Flickr in a few days and there should be something new and fun. :)

After we got home, we put Keaton in his swim suit and went over to our neighbor's pool. It was a lot of fun just hanging out with all the neighbors... and of course Keaton loved all of the attention. :) We have been going outside about once a week at night to sit and chat with the neighbors, which has been fun. This is the closest we've gotten to them, and of course that happens right before we may move away. Or not. I'll let you know how that works out later. It's a nail biter in the Hetrick household right now... so much to think about. I don't envy Casey right now!

More later...


Friday, July 29, 2011

Til It's Gone

I hate how clear things can be in hindsight. I know I have talked about this before, but it seems to be a theme in my life... and that is just becoming more apparent to me in the last week.

There is a chance we could be moving. To Ohio. And it didn't hit me until the realtor showed us houses in the Toledo area on Monday... we've got so much work to do if we move. This house has been terrific, especially for our first home. We really got lucky with the house, neighborhood, and price. It also amazes me how much different the housing market is now, and how much more house we could have in Toledo for the same price that we paid for this one, which we are outgrowing. We could easily get a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with finished basement and a lot of other perks for the same price we paid for our little 2 bedroom ranch in Plainfield. It's hard not to get excited about something like that.

Still, though, thinking about moving has put a lot of other things in perspective for me. The friendships we've made here. The places I wish we would have gone more often. The classes I should have taken. Things I wish we would have done to the house that would have made it much more pleasing to the eye if we have to sell it. Hindsight, like Karma, is kind of a bitch. Why couldn't I have seen these things before?

Nothing is set in stone, and we probably won't have any decisions made until sometime next month, but it still makes you step back and realize the things you have that you didn't even notice until you might not have them anymore. Sometimes I think life is all about perspective... I really need to find a new one and take advantage of what I have right in front of me before I don't have it anymore.

And with that, I am motivated to go clean something. :)


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Things I'm thankful for today...

  1. Driving in crazy weather and making it to our destination (Toledo, OH) without any problems.
  2. The hotel and area we are staying in is nice, clean, and friendly.
  3. The baby monitor reception reaches all the way downstairs to the restaurant/bar, so we can sit and relax after Keaton goes to sleep!
  4. Keaton is asleep!
  5. There is a pretty decent sushi restaurant right across the street from the hotel and we went there for dinner.
  6. I realize I haven't yet talked about why we are here... Casey has a job interview on Tuesday. We are here checking out the area. There is a decent chance we won't be moving and Casey won't change his jobs (at the Naperville location, at least), but he is keeping his options open. Thus, we took the family road trip here today.
I think that's about all for now. I really hope Keaton sleeps better than he has the past week. Darn those teeth!! All he can talk about is "wah wah"... he even says it in his sleep. Operation "Eliminate Pacifier" will begin shortly after this trip is over.

Random: I am sitting by a window at the restaurant right now, and Casey is sitting outside the window with a glass of wine and a cigar. For people that don't know we are married, we probably look strange as we keep looking at each other and "talking" back and forth. I always wonder what people would think in situations like this if they observed us without knowing our situation. As someone who does that with other people, I would find it humorous. Anyway... more later. :)


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Scaling the walls.

I just saw Keaton climb up on the couch by himself. Yay for scary milestones! As long as he doesn't try to climb out of his crib, I think we will be okay. Right?? One of my friends has a little girl named Harper that was born on the same day as Keaton, and she and her husband had to transition the crib to a toddler bed recently because Harper figured out how to climb out. I sincerely hope Keaton decides to wait for awhile... I don't know how we will ever get him to go to sleep when he realizes he can get out by himself and play instead! 

Last night he woke up crying at 12:30, 1:30, 2:30 to almost 3, and 5 a.m., before waking up at 6:30 for the day. He is pretty tired right now, but he doesn't act like he wants to sleep at all... I hope he gives in soon so I can get something done around here! Luckily he's not in a bad mood (like he was most of yesterday). His tummy was upset part of the night, and at 5 I decided to let him come sleep in bed with me- something he rarely ever does anymore. It seemed to calm him down a bit, and we both got a little bit more sleep. Hopefully he'll decide that a 2 hour nap sounds good. I could get a lot done in that amount of time... the floor needs to be mopped and the kitchen is a disaster! The bathrooms could use a good cleaning as well. Looks like he is slowing down a bit right now, so instead of blog, I'm going to get a start on getting the house clean. If any other milestones come up, I'll be sure to let you know. :)


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Down for the Count

Keaton is finally asleep for the evening, so now I have some free time on my hands. I figured that I could spend one night uploading photos/video from both cameras and my phone, so I should have a decent amount on Flickr very very soon. It is way too hot to go outside and chat with the neighbors, so I will hermit myself in the house for an evening. Or two. :)

This morning I saw that it was 86 degrees outside, but the heat index made it feel like 102. Really? I'm not sure how that works, but that was before 10 a.m... YUCK. Kansas is getting hit pretty hard, too. It's tough because of course my child only wants to go outside and play with bubbles. Seriously, I told my parents recently that if I had a nickel for every time he has said "bubble" recently, he'd have a pretty good start on his college education fund. Bubbles, Melmo, and Wah Wah, followed closely by Mama and Go. He cracks me up and really knows what he wants, and will not hesitate to say it over... and over... and over... until you distract him or give in. (I try hard to distract first and give in only occasionally, otherwise he will learn to play me like a fiddle!) Oh, and his favorite snacks are "Jel-do" and "Goga" (jello and gogurt).

Speaking of words, today I took him to Barnes and Noble because I wanted to get a Scrabble Dictionary. I have been playing Words with Friends (the internet version of Scrabble) lately and I find that there are so many times I have the letters q, x, z, or v and I have to wrack my brain to come up with words for them. I figured a little studying wouldn't hurt. Then there are the people I have played in the past who definitely cheat... you can always tell who they are when every word they play is something like "xylyl" or "ywis". Who the hell knows what those are? And if you do, I mean really do, then don't play me. I feel like an idiot. LOL...

Anyway, while we were at B&N, we just happened to be there right before Storytime started. I used to take Keaton before he got super mobile and wouldn't sit still for more than a few minutes. I was reminded of why we don't go anymore as he wiggled out of my lap and ran up to the little 'stage' where Megan, the B&N employee and storytime hostess, was reading to the kids. Keaton decided it would be fun to run around with another little boy who was 19 months old, and the two took turns walking up and down one of the big steps on the stage. Trouble is, we are still working with Keaton on going up and down stairs (which would help if we actually had some in our house, besides the wooden ones in the basement that we don't play on), but when he saw the 19 month old step up and down it without a problem, he decided to try it out himself. All I could do, short of chasing him around the stage, was sit back and hold my breath. And that's exactly what I did until he fell down and smacked his head on the floor. Luckily he did not get hurt, or cry, but it was still a nerve-wracking situation all the way around. Boys will be boys, right? I wish parenthood came with either a book (i.e. Parenthood for Dummies) or some free anxiety medication.

The kid was super tired and a little cranky when we left B&N, so I figured he'd come home and take a nice nap for me. That was at 11:30 a.m. He didn't actually take a nap until 1:45 this afternoon. I should also mention that he woke up at 4:30 this morning! He has had some really strange sleep habits lately, I assume because his darn teeth are being so mean to him. I hope the final 4 come in quickly and we can get this part over with!

I guess that's about all for one day. On to edit photos...


Turns out there were more videos than pics this time- check out YouTube.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Time for a Change

I can always think of so many things during the day that might be blog-worthy. Then, when I actually have a free moment to sit down at the computer and blog, nothing. Oh well. I guess it'll be more Keatonisms or something... or whatever topic my brain lands on.

How about... Productivity. It has been on my mind a lot lately. I look around my house and get overwhelmed with the amount of things I need to do. The problem is, I'm not doing anything. I must scare myself into submission because I feel paralyzed when I JUST cleaned up all the toys, or JUST swept the floor, and it's a mess again. That said, I managed to get quite a few things done yesterday, and it felt good. Sometimes I wish I had the energy to do it when Keaton goes to sleep, because then it would be clean for more than a few hours! Oh well. If I can ever convince Casey that we need a maid, I will stop complaining about my house. So pretty much... never. ;)

It looks like Dr. Hetrick and I may actually get a date night tomorrow night. I found a babysitter at the last minute, so we may take in dinner and a movie. We need to do things like that more often. I get so wrapped up in being Keaton's Mommy that I tend to forget about being Casey's wife. So we're working on that. I am super glad it's Friday, and I'm ready for the weekend (minus that dentist appointment in the morning to have a cavity filled...). Not sure what we have planned this weekend, but I hope to take in every minute of it. The weeks seem kind of long right now, probably because Keaton and I tend to do the same things every day. Wake up. Watch Curious George. Eat breakfast. Clean up. Play with toys until Keaton wears out. Nap (sometimes I do, too.). Eat lunch. Clean up. Play with toys- especially the beloved BUBBLES. Haha! Eat a snack. Wait for Daddy to get home. Eat dinner. Keaton goes to bed, then I clean up again. Seriously... over and over and over. Time for a break in the schedule! But before long it won't be summer anymore, and I will miss days like this. I just need to remember that I am the one that can change things around here... so I should. And I will.

That's enough from me for today. Time to go do something!

Casey and Keaton drew this on our driveway last night. The little pink squiggly lines were all Mr. K.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More Keat

Newest Keaton words/phrases/activities, etc.:
  1. Tyler (Ty-lah)... our neighbor who is 6 months older than Keaton
  2. Peek-A-Boo- I forget how he says it, but you can tell what he means. He loves to jump out from behind a curtain or peek out from where ever he's hiding and say it... I need video!
  3. Peaches- he now says it clear as day
  4. Cat- previously it sounded more like "Ca" (which is also his word for 'car', so it was nice to hear that distinct T at the end. He saw a cat yesterday at the Farmer's Market and became instantly obsessed.
  5. Cracker (cah cah). I think I wrote about this one previously, but today he was having a meltdown because I wouldn't give him a pacifier, so I started showing him videos of himself on YouTube. We got to the one with the graham cracker, and he stood up, said, "Cah cah" and led me to the pantry. Kid knows what he wants!
  6. Back (Bat)... he found this little plastic tool you use to massage your back, and I showed him what it was for. Now he will say, "Bat" and rub my back with it. While I feel guilty and almost as if I'm crossing some sort of child labor law line... it still feels good and I'm not going to tell him to stop if he wants to. LOL.
  7. Sweep (Seet)- he loves to sweep and he always tries to grab the broom whenever he sees it. Again with the child labor thing... but he WANTS to! I'm not going to stop him!
Looks like I'll have to cut this one short, as little guy is standing up in his crib right now, sweetly saying, "Mama... mama." One more thing, though- he figured out how to climb up on the couch today. He used one of his other toys to do so, but I have a feeling our little Curious George is about to start making this a habit. Oh boy.


Monday, July 11, 2011

More Keatonisims

He said so many things this weekend... really. I can't remember them all. He's also been singing a lot. Yesterday he said "E I E I O" (after a few tries) and he helped filled in the blank to the theme from Elmo's World. I just sang the "La la la la, la la la la" and paused, and he said, "Melmo!". That was pretty awesome. :) Today when it started raining, he was looking out the window and I said, "It's raining!" and he started doing the hand gestures to the Itsy Bitsy Spider. LOVE. IT.

This morning, Keaton "tooted" (that's our word for passing gas in the Hetrick household) and I said, "Keaton, did you toot?" and he smiled really big and said, "Toots!" LOL...

Sometimes he will look at me and said, "Mama, I wan wah-wah." He even throws in the little doe eyes and blinks them at me. Then he moves on to "Mama, WAH-WAH." If I don't give it to him by then, meltdown ensues. We're working on it.

In other news, we had a great weekend. The weather was nice and hot, so Saturday afternoon we went for a swim in our neighbors' pool. Our neighbor Rob and his 4 girls were all there swimming, too, so we had a great time hanging out with them. They invited us to dinner that evening, so we went to Old Country Buffet (I think the last time I was there was in high school?) and got to witness what it was like for one guy to try to feed 4 girls under 10. It was pretty chaotic. I don't even know if he was able to eat anything, because as soon as he would get one girl settled, another one would ask for something. Sidenote, I will never have 4 kids.

So after watching Rob be Super Dad at dinner, we invited him over to sit outside and have some drinks once the kids went to bed. It was great catching up with him. A lot of crap has been going on in his life (read: soon-to-be EX wife is being a complete moron and is causing a lot of drama for him, his kids, and people on our street). Casey and I didn't realize how much had been going on around here or how far we were out of the loop until speaking with him. It was refreshing to see someone with such a great head on their shoulders, working his ass off to make sure his kids fare as well as possible in that type of situation. I still don't understand how a guy who has 2 jobs has to give up 60% of his paycheck to his wife who cheated on him (numerous times), among other things. It is just ridiculous. Anyway, I shouldn't air someone else's dirty laundry in my blog, so I apologize.

Well, little man is waking up now, so I should go. Time for lunch!


Friday, July 8, 2011

Early Morning Update

Some early morning thoughts for you today. I am up before the sun, and before MY son, which is very very rare. Casey and I managed to be in bed and asleep by 10 last night, which is also rare. So I am awake, and luckily Mr. K is not... yet. I figure he will sense I am blogging so he should wake up anytime now (although I would absolutely LOVE it if he slept past 6... he hasn't done that for me at all this week!).

I got a haircut last night. I decided to switch is up a little and had my stylist part it on the opposite side. We'll see if I can tolerate the change... I just needed something different. Casey didn't even notice, which kind of cracked me up. I looked at him, pointed at my hair, and said, "... nothing?"  Then he looked me over and couldn't figure out what was new. LOL... I think that must be a mean joke to play on a man...not many guys I know would have noticed, either. I think it's drastic, but I also analyze myself in the mirror on a pretty regular basis, so I shouldn't expect him to know what's different right away. It's not like I dyed my hair blue or shaved it off... I think he would notice then. I think. ;) (Just kidding, babe... if you ever happen to read this.)

In other news, we just got back Tuesday from another quick trip to Topeka. We had a lot of fun- maybe too much- because it went so fast that I barely remember we were there. Keaton absolutely LOVED all the attention from everyone, and has take the rest of the week since we've been back to kind of 'detox' from all the attention. He's also getting at least one, maybe two of his canine teeth, which has actually not gone well at all. He has been probably the moodiest he has ever been, and super clingy. Needless to say, I am very thankful today is Friday. I am ready for a weekend without many plans. I am ready for Casey to be home and to help mellow Keaton out a little. I also think I will finally cash in my massage that the boys bought me for Mother's Day last year. I have never made time to go, which is sad. Oh well... hopefully it'll work out.

I also have a dentist appointment in the morning... yay.

In other (good) news, we got a Dyson vacuum a few weeks ago, but didn't actually get to use it until last night. Boy, was it worth the money!! I just did a once-over in the living room and hallway, and the amount of crud the thing sucked up was incredible!! Our central vac still works, but we needed something a little more heavy-duty. I highly recommend it! We got the one without the ball (Casey read better ratings on it) and so far, so good. Woot woot.

What else, what else... I guess I should attempt to remember things we did in Topeka. Actually, I'll do it with pictures, since it's been FOREVER since I posted them on here. Here you go!

Surprised De at the lake for her 50th birthday!
Keaton and Evelyn had a play date!

Spent quality time with family!

Look at this boy... growing up so fast...

Quality time celebrating July 4th with the fam
Fun with Fireworks (and photography)

We also went out to the lake on the 4th, and Casey got to ski. Keaton and I got to swim in the lake, which was fun. Speaking of Keaton, he is awake now... and it's after 6! Yay!  Happy weekend, everyone!


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mush in the Brain

I think I will probably depend on this blog when I need to reference things Keaton has been doing lately. And if the little guy would be more consistent about his nap schedule, I might be able to blog more often. Or more consistently. I think a theme for my blog thus far has to be my consistency of being inconsistent. Ugh.

Mr. Keaton is one busy little guy. When he's awake, he does not sit still. If he does, he is either 1) leaving me a gift in his diaper, or 2) doing something he shouldn't. If I am doing something in another room and 30 seconds go by and I haven't heard anything out of him, I know to go find him and see what he's getting into. Usually he's hoarding silicone oven mitts from the kitchen, stealing remotes ("mo"s), or sneaking into my bedroom and playing with Casey's belts in the closet. When he's really tired, sometimes he will walk around the house and point out all the things he is not supposed to play with. This morning he went up to the electrical outlet and said, "No!"... then he walked to the trash can and did the same thing. (I think someone needs to put a shock collar on me and buzz me every time I say 'no' to him, I must say it a lot. Bad Mommy!) I try to say, "Let's not do that" or at least distract him with something else, but that doesn't always work. And what about the times he does something he is definitely not supposed to do (touch outlets, twist himself up in the curtains, or other things that could seriously injure him)? When I try to correct him, he laughs at me. I am sort of at a loss as far as discipline goes for a 16 month old. It's tough to be genuinely upset/concerned about the kid and he's cracking up!! (Sigh)... it's just a phase... just a phase.

I am so ready to go home this weekend!! I think I just need a change of scenery. We (Keaton and I) have gotten stuck in a rut lately and I feel a bit burnt out- it will be good to see family and be in a different environment for a few days. Bring it!

Sorry, I will try to write more later. For now, I need to get to bed... my brain, or what's left of it, is mushy. :)



Friday, June 24, 2011

A Good Cry

Two posts in a week... what is the world coming to?!

I knew today would be a bit tough, as it's the anniversary of Charley's passing. I'm going to include something I wrote just over a year ago, before Charley passed away. Truth is, I probably won't even read it- it's tough. But then again, maybe I will... I could kind of use a good cry about him right now. It's nice to get it out once in awhile, and being a woman, I haven't had a 'good' cry in a long time. (Anyone that knows me should know I'm a crier, so saying that it's been a long time actually means weeks- maybe even months. That's a long time for me!)

Here goes nothing. I'll try to end on a happy note again at the end.

May 7th, 2010

This is just so hard. You grow so attached to something, knowing that it won’t be around forever. But something so special… Charley has been nothing short of amazing in the almost 6 years we’ve had him. Everywhere I go, something reminds me of him. When I drop food on the ground, no matter where I am, I always think of him and how he’d be right there to clean it up if he could. French fries will probably always make me think of him because it was something he always begged for and always got. I will miss the way his butt wiggled and how he could never walk straight because he was always so full of excitement and joy. He was by far the happiest dog I have ever met, and I’m really glad to say he was mine. He never met a person he didn’t like… except for maybe that one creepy guy at the park in South Carolina. I remember the man calling to Charley, but he didn’t leave my side. He never barked or growled at anyone. In fact, he only barked and growled in his sleep, unless his Kong fell under something and he needed to get our attention. Never growled, though. And he only bit us when he was a puppy. Even when his ears were infected and it hurt to clean them out, he never bit. His spirit was like a magnet- people would just gravitate toward him, even if they were scared of big dogs. He has always acted like a puppy, and most people wouldn’t believe he was almost 6 years old… the only give away was the gray in his muzzle.

Charley’s favorite things were:

1) Peanut Butter (which we had to say in code, otherwise he would start drooling)

2) Kong, which he would drop in our laps or on the bed, covered in Charley Slime

3) People food. I will thank Grandma Harding for that one. ;)

4) Walks

5) “His People” at Petsmart

6) The dog park in South Carolina

7) Anytime we would say “Go” or “Bye bye”

8) Getting his butt scratched, especially when you were in the bathroom because he knew you’d be sitting down anyway so you might as well scratch!

9) 3 Dog Bakery in Columbia, SC. Always had a blast there.

10) Doing tricks. Sit, shake, wave, high 5, low 5, dance, stay, leave it… hide and seek.

11) White rice, especially Japanese sticky rice.

12) Whipped cream

13) LICKING. Some people didn’t like to be around him because he would lick so much, but usually it was an endearing quality about Charley. He was such a friendly guy.

Some favorite memories:

1) Charley coming out of the door, the first pup to greet us when we were picking one out at the breeder. He picked us. And I will always be thankful for that.

2) Thinking that something was wrong with him when I first saw him, but finding out later that the reason his fur was matted on his head was because he’d gotten into tree sap.

3) The first night he was home with us, and he was crying in his crate. Casey had to hold me outside the door to his room because I had a hard time hearing him cry. Funny how similar it is now with Keaton.

4) The first time he climbed up on the couch. He wanted SO badly to be up there with us, and we kept yelling, “You can do it, buddy!” Then he made it up there and curled up with us.

5) The kid learned tricks so quickly that I forgot how I taught him things. I think ‘shake’ was his first trick. He was so excited when he did it and got praise for it that he would do it all the time.

6) He loved chasing lizards on our screened-in porch. I think I still have video of him playing with them.

7) He ate a pecan and it got stuck in his tummy. We had to go to the vet, and they had to go through the ‘back door’ to see what was happening. I am pretty sure I cried when he did… his little eyes bugged out of his head. Mine would have, too.

8) The time our friend Jose gave him beer… he ended up peeing on my friend Jenny’s foot. I remember walking into our house to see my puppy’s face in a Dixie cup, slurping up the beer. He’s never had it again, but always wanted some whenever Casey was drinking it.

9) The way he kept sliding on the floor of our kitchen in our first house in SC, and would end up bumping into something and scaring himself.

10) Scaring himself at Swearingen while chasing a Palmetto bug and barking at it, then flattening out on the ground when his bark echoed and sounded like a bunch of other dogs barking. He was so freaked out!!

11) Playing ball with him in the courtyard at Swearingen.

12) Taking him to visit Casey in the lab, and having him run up and down the hallway. He scared so many of the foreign students. One Chinese student wouldn’t come out of the bathroom until Charley was gone.

13) Having him sit in the front seat of the VW, and pulling up to stop lights. People would always glance over at him and laugh or smile.

14) The way he scared a girl at Sonic, and she refused to bring us our food because she thought he would bite her.

15) Having brunch with Casey and Charley at The Gourmet Shop in Columbia.

16) Charley’s first plane ride to Kansas. Leaving him with my parents while we were in Japan was one of the hardest things I’ve done so far, next to this. It was really hard to say goodbye to him. I feel that pain again now.

17) Seeing his daily ‘puppy dreams’.

18) The way he and Melanie, our neighbor’s daughter, would get so incredibly excited when they would see each other! “Charley Brown” was one of her first phrases.

19) His soft coat. We would get compliments on it all the time. He really was soft, and I think it happened even before we started giving him peanut butter.

20) I never knew dogs could get allergies until Charley came along.

21) The way he would walk up to the baby’s swing and push it with his nose, or give my pregnant belly little kisses before “Peanut” was born.

22) Last night, hanging out with my boys on our bed. Keaton had his hand on Charley and looked like he was really feeling Charley’s fur. He also smiled at him while in his bouncy seat last night.

23) The talent show at Three Dog Bakery where Charley decided not to do any tricks. He still got second place. 

24) Running circles around him when he got fixed because the huge cone around his neck hit the ground and scared the crap out of him… he literally would not move. I had to walk him into the house one paw at a time.

25) Sitting with Charley and Casey on our porch swing in SC, getting him through his first thunderstorm.

26) “Blue”, the toy octopus. He went through at least 2 if not 3 of those. Ripped them to shreds.

27) Getting trapped in bed between Charley and Casey, both of whom were snoring.

28) How high the kid could jump!!

29) Charley in Charleston… afraid of the waves.

30) Charley being in love with Mya… and running in circles for 3 hours the night before he got fixed.

31) Charley running to the door or window whenever I say “Daddy’s home!”

I don't blame you if you already stopped reading this. I made the mistake of reading it and am barely able to see the computer screen through my tears. But you know what? I am just thankful that he was in our lives, and I'm thankful he's not in pain anymore. BEST DOG EVER.

Well, I think that's more than enough emotion from me for one day. Here's a happier note for you- one of my favorite pictures of Charley and Keaton together:


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Remembering Chuck, and the Ice Cream Dance

This could be a super short entry, but it's been awhile since I've written and I felt the need. Keaton is napping and should be up any time, so I guess I'll blog until he wakes up!

We've been so busy lately! Last week Casey was in Vancouver (and witnessed the hockey riots first-hand). Of all times for him to go to Canada! He survived, and got some pretty crazy photos of the police in riot gear. Crazy stuff!

I wish I could remember what's gone on since I wrote last. Keaton's saying a new word every day, which is funny, and a little scary at times (only because I really need to work on cleaning up my language). So far he hasn't said any cuss words yet... that we know of... but he does have a tendency to spout out a bunch of things when he's trying to get you to understand what he wants. I guess I'm glad he does that instead of just point and yell. Yesterday he said his version of cracker (kakah), shovel (sounds a lot like bubble), and today he was cracking up at lunch when I was saying "edamame". He calls it "damommy". LOL! Too, too funny. Last week he said pineapple "piyappah". I can now understand why my Dad found it entertaining to say big words and have me repeat them as a very young child. Now the trick is to remember his version of them so I know what the heck he's talking about! Most things are still lost in translation.

Well, on a different note, tomorrow marks the 1 year anniversary of the day Charley Brown passed away. I cannot believe it's been a whole year without him. It is definitely getting easier now, especially to talk about, but it doesn't make me miss him any less. I still think about him at least once a day, sometimes more. I can remember so many details about a year ago... on the 22nd of last year, we had to take him in to get fluids. It was the night of my first appointment with the counselor, and I remember Casey telling me that Charley wasn't doing well, and racing home to take him to the vet. I also remember the 23rd, because I woke up thinking that Charley would have passed in his sleep, but he ate a ton of food and was up and walking around again that day. Good thing, too, because the tornado sirens went off and we had to go to the basement. He stayed right by my side- he was so nervous! I remember being surprised that he was up and moving around. It almost seemed like things were improving, until the next day- the 24th. I have blocked out a lot of that day, and don't care to recall much of it now. Anyway, I guess I just wanted to acknowledge the significance of tomorrow, and the fact that Chuck is still here with me every single day.

I hate ending this entry in that way, but Mr. K is stirring and I need to go tend to some laundry. I got to write a lot more than I thought I would! If you need a pick-me-up after that last part, just watch this:



Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Serenity Now!!

I posted this as my status on Facebook today, but for good reason: How do you teach patience when you need some yourself?

1) I absolutely adore my child, but he was in rare form today. He was super moody, and hyper, and doing things he knows he's not supposed to (like touch electrical outlets, climb on toys/furniture, throw things from his high chair, and put random objects in his mouth, to name a few). It wore me out. I also know that he knows he's not supposed to do these things, because he will look at me as he is about to touch said electrical outlet and say, "No!". I have to laugh about it now, or I may go crazy!!

2) Top this off with the fact that (sorry in advance) I got my period today for the first time in two years. That's right, for the first time since before I found out I was preggo with Keaton. Nursing until he was 15 months old made it stay away longer, and so I guess my body finally got back in sync again. I really didn't realize how much your body changes before and after you have a child. Will it ever be normal again? (Was it ever normal??) Anyway, all the PMS symptoms are back in full force, and I just want to crawl into bed and sleep. Wah wah wah... tomorrow is a better day! Thank goodness for Excedrin PMS. :)

So if you add up these two factors alone, my patience level is lower than normal. I find myself being frustrated over the tiniest little things the past few days. I have zero energy and really have to push myself to get anything done. I mean, moreso than normal. Then I've got this little boy who is super curious and into everything, and I have to step back and say, "Breathe. It's not his fault you are in a crappy mood." And all is well again.

Sorry to be a downer. I don't like writing entries like this, but I also have to get it out. Tomorrow will be a better day! I hope to wake up with energy, and motivation, and lots and lots of patience! :)


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A B C...

Keaton is indeed trying to sing the ABCs lately... it sounds at least somewhat like the song. It is pretty cute, and I really need to get it on video, but all my attempts are in vain because he seems to get camera shy. I'll keep trying, though. :)

I'm sort of in a list mood today (even downloaded a task list for my phone so I can check things off throughout the week and try to keep myself motivated) so I thought I'd keep with the pattern and make an alphabetical list of what's up in our world right now.

A- Aunt Leslie & Aunt Valerie came to visit Keaton this past weekend. Fun times! 
B- Beautiful weather the past few days!! 
C- Canada. The current location of a conference for awesome people that understand catalysis.
D- Drama- what's happening on our street lately. It's turning into Jerry Springer around here! (Neighbors are getting a divorce and it's getting pretty ugly.) 
E- E-mail, something that is not working well on my phone at the moment. 
F- Father's Day is this weekend! I'm still working on the gifts... which brings me to
G- Golf clubs- something Casey wants for Father's Day. How cliche! :)
H- Headache... something I have had for the past few days. Darn birth control! 
I- Italian food. I have had a lot of it lately, and seem to want more. The perks of living in Chi-town. 
J- Jumping. I showed Keaton how to do it today, and his imitation was HILARIOUS! 
K- Keaton, who never ceases to brighten my day. :) 
L- Lists. I can't make enough of them lately... and can't check them off fast enough, either. 
M- Monkey. My son is turning into one... he's starting to try to climb on everything. Ahhhh!! 
N- "Noon-ul"- Keaton's version of the word "Noodle" 
O- O's, Keaton's name for Cheerios 
P- PMS. Nuff said. 
Q- Q, a letter that really trips me up while playing word games. 
R- Rabbits- they are taking over our yard!! 
S- Sleep... you can never get too much, in my opinion. 
T- Traveling- something Casey is doing a ton of lately.
U- Understanding. Something I need to do more of, for both my boys. 
V- Vacuuming, something the house really needs right now! 
W- Washington (State)... where Casey will be headed soon for training.
X- X and Q are both letters I need to look up in the dictionary, so I can remember more words that start with them when I play Scrabble. 
Y- Yelling. My neighbors are doing a lot of it!  
Z- Zoo- We went to the Brookfield Zoo last weekend with Casey's sisters. I'll upload pics soon!
