Saturday, April 3, 2010

7 week check up

Yesterday Keaton turned 7 weeks old, and it was time to head to the Pediatrician's office for his immunizations. I was definitely not looking forward to this trip, because seeing him in pain is HORRIBLE... I am happy to report that he only cried a little (and it wasn't the screaming cries like he's had previously).. I still got teary-eyed watching him, but as soon as it was over, we hugged him and got him ready to go, and he was content until we got home. I ended up giving him some Infant Tylenol because he was moaning and fussing a bit when he wasn't sleeping, but it seemed to do the trick. I was actually able to get a few things done around the house in between fussing sessions, too. I'm glad it went better than I thought it would, and luckily he didn't start running a fever or anything.

Now for the numbers: Keaton officially weighs 10 lbs, 3 oz. (No wonder my back hurts at the end of the day!) He's 21 and 3/4 inches long now! No wonder so many of his clothes won't fit anymore! There is no question about it- the kid is eating well. :-D I talked to the doc about the binky situation, and he said not to even worry about it until at least 4 months. He said that hopefully Keaton will start sucking on his hands to pacify himself and maybe we won't have to wean him off the binky, if we're lucky. He's already starting to suck on his hands now, so I have to be sure to clean them more often (especially since he's starting to grab things, not to mention when Charley gets a lick or two in, because who knows where that dog's mouth has been! I mean, I know a few places it's been, and that's enough for me.) Yuck. Anyway, he's definitely on track and is reaching all of his milestones... yay!

Not sure what the weekend will hold for us. Tomorrow is Easter and we talked about going to church, but 1) we haven't found one yet that we like, and 2) Keaton would have to probably go to the nursery during the service. I would not be able to concentrate knowing that he would be with people we don't even know. SO yeah... no go this year. We may dress him up and take him to see the Easter bunny at the mall, since it's his first holiday. Other than that, we have no plans.

Last night we took advantage of the summery weather (80 degrees!!!) and grilled steaks outside. Keaton sat in his bouncy seat outside with Daddy & Charley while I made Casey's Grandmother's potato salad (which turned out pretty well considering I didn't know what I was doing!). Casey even bought ice cream sandwiches for dessert. Speaking of that, I've heard the ice cream truck drive around our neighborhood this week. We may have skipped over Spring fever and moved right into Summer! It had better not snow again anytime soon, or I may have to move back to the South. :)

Before I go, I'd just like to thank those of you who read the blog on a regular basis, and for giving feedback- it is always appreciated! It's nice to know you're out there and I'm not just writing this to myself. :)




Chimpsea said...

Hey Ashley even if I don't have time to comment, I'm always reading! :) I'm so glad that little K did well with his immunizations and that you were okay too! I've only seen Evelyn get one shot so far and tons of heel pricks and it's a killer! So glad he's feeling better with the Zantac too.

Naperville Dentist and Wife said...

Just popping in to give a heads up that it "traditionally" ends up snowing in April in the Chicago area :) Hope Keaton enjoyed his first Easter!

Ashley said...

LOL... thanks for the reminder! I think I'll start packing now. ;)