Family picture- Easter
Last night was much better on the Binky front, as Keaton fell asleep without it and slept from about 10:30 to 2 a.m.. Then he was up, screaming, and hungry. I fed him and entertained him until around 4 a.m., then attempted to put him back to sleep without the binky, but it didn't work. At least this time when he spit it out, it was every 20 minutes or so, so I got at least a little bit more sleep. Casey and I took turns getting up to put the binky back in until I finally woke up with him at 7 to feed him. We hung out and listened to the thunder until around 9 when we fell asleep. He woke up at 10, on the dot, and was hungry. Yesterday he ate just about every 3 hours, and a little extra before bedtime. (I hoped that would get him all the way through the night, but not so much.) Oh well, one thing at a time. He's taking a nap now (with Bink, unfortunately) and I'm eating lunch and attempting to do a bit of house work. I found out my friend Kyle is coming either tomorrow afternoon or Thursday morning to stay with us for a few days. We haven't gotten to see him in a LONG time- I think it's been over a year now? We grew up together in Topeka and he's always been one of my best friends. Normally I get to see him at Christmas, but he had to work during our last trip home. He now lives in St. Louis where he's studying to be a Pediatrician. I'll try to take some pictures of Keaton with 'Uncle Kyle' this week!
In other news... I guess there isn't much? Oh, I forgot to write about Easter. Again, there's not much to write- Casey and I went to brunch and then pretty much hung out at home until he had to run in to work in the afternoon. Keaton had a meltdown about the time Casey left (this seems to happen a lot, too) but he calmed down and was better in the evening. Pretty lazy Sunday overall. Probably the highlight of Easter was dressing Keaton up in his outfit. Here are some pics of our little Easter Egg! :)
Such a little poser!! :)
(Daddy took this pic while Keaton was asleep.)
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