(An early pic of Keaton and the culprit)
Between Keaton's hiccups and this (excuse me) damn binky situation, I may never sleep again. I am officially FED UP with the binky, and now wish we never would have started him on it. The past 2 nights have been spent running back and forth to the nursery to put it back in his mouth when he starts crying. He can be completely zonked out- mouth open, past the REM sleep, and it will wake him up. The moment I think I may be in the clear, he starts wailing again. So the past 2 nights I have gotten about 10-15 minutes of sleep at a time before he starts crying. I missed plenty of opportunities yesterday to nap with him, which I sincerely regret now that I'm awake again at 2 a.m. just waiting on him to pass out for the 'night'. I already apologized to Casey last night when it all started, as I'm sure I'll get nothing done today around the house... that is, if I want my sanity back and want to be at least tolerable to be around. :-/ I even took him out of his crib and brought him out to the couch, and he laid next to me while I attempted to get some kind of sleep- that way I could just pop Bink back in his mouth without having to get up and down. I think I may have tallied 30 minutes of sleep. Then I tried taking him back to his room while he was tired, and he woke up screaming and hungry... which brings me to now.
Saturday was actually a pretty stellar day with Keaton- he only really cried one time all day long! He was awake most of the day, had tons of smiles, and I even heard him laugh again! Days like that almost make me forget the crappy, fussy times. Then Saturday night, the binky dependency set in around bed time. We tried our best to keep him awake until about 9 p.m., and put him in his crib for the first time (at night) and he slept until midnight. After that I was up every 10 minutes or less because the stupid binky kept falling out of his mouth. After talking to the doctor about it Friday, I've decided that we're not ready yet for the Cry It Out thing, so I guess I'm kind of stuck unless he falls asleep without it and can stay asleep. Help!!! I'm really at a loss now.
I'll write again later about Easter... right now I'm just trying to get this kid back to sleep. Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!
1 comment:
Our turkey never took a pacifier but is still addicted to his thumb at almost 3yrs. Advantage- always there. Disadvantage- always there.
You might try one of these: http://www.wubbanub.com/. I hear they are great for helping keep the pacifier in and getting it back where it belongs when it falls out.
Good luck and don't forget to nap.
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