He has had a lot of fun in the last week. Uncle Kyle came to visit last Wednesday night and stayed until Friday. Keaton showed him what a meltdown looks like (a few times) but also did a great job whenever we went out to eat. On Thursday he slept all the way through lunch, but was awake through most if not all of dinner. He was great and spent most of the time staring at Daddy or up at the TVs on the wall. He does seem to like TV... we've watched "It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown" last week and Tom & Jerry early this morning after his 1:00 am feeding when he was wide awake. He loves lights and can't seem to get enough of them!
On Saturday we met up with Jenny, Olivier, and baby Lucas as well as Olivier's brother Xavier and his wife Samantha at IKEA. Lucas stays awake a ton for being a little guy (he's 10 days younger than Keat) so while he was looking all around and interacting, my kid was sleeping the day away in his carseat. After IKEA, we all came back to our place and fixed dinner. The boys seemed to get on a similar schedule at that point and were hungry, fussy, and even spit up at the same time! We got pictures of them hanging out together... above. :)
Keaton spent his first night in the crib on Saturday night and did great! He only woke up at 3 to eat, the slept again until about 6:45 when Case got up with him. He didn't last as long last night, but after eating at 1, he decided to stay awake for another 2 hours, then he had tummy issues so we ended up sleeping out on the couch for awhile. He's done better this afternoon, and I've seen a lot of smiles today! He spent a good hour in his bouncy seat, perfectly content watching me eat lunch, looking out the window, staring up at the lights, or batting at the toys on his seat. He'd get really excited when he'd hit one and it'd make noise- he'd start kicking his feet and sometimes he'd let out a little squeal or two. My favorite so far is his owl laugh- he'll yell out "Whooo whooo!" and now tends to smile when I say it back to him. :-D Love it.
In all, I'd say that although the last 2 months have been really tiring and trying at times, every time I look at his face I love him even more. Maybe that's why I can't seem to get anything done around here- I want to hang out with him as much as possible. He's a pretty amazing little guy! Parenthood is getting better all the time. :)
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