Last night Keaton tried on Daddy's glasses, and it was too cute not to photograph. :)
So I made a mistake last night, and I'm still ticked at myself over it. I laid him down in his crib around 8 pm, thinking we could establish a bedtime. Then after 30 minutes I went in to check on him, and I stupidly touched his face to make sure he was alright, but accidentally woke him up. Kicking myself, I tried to relieve the situation by putting the binky in his mouth, which worked for a minute until he spit it out. I thought this might be a good time to try to let him cry it out and maybe fall back to sleep without it. Ten minutes go by and he's still screaming his head off, and it doesn't look like he's going to calm down at all, so I go back to his room, pick him up, and wait for him to calm down. He continued to wail. This kid was pretty ticked that he didn't have his binky! So I cave and give it back to him... then he was fine for a few minutes, until he decided he was hungry. He ate around 9:15 pm, and actually didn't eat again until 5 this morning when he woke up! He wouldn't go to sleep right away because of the stupid binky, so I was up and down a few times until midnight, but the fact that he actually slept for FIVE STRAIGHT HOURS makes me pretty happy!!! Then he took another 1.5 hour nap in his crib this morning. So we're making bits and pieces of progress... now I need to find a way to resolve this binky thing. I wish I would have known about it earlier so it wouldn't have become such a horrible habit, because according to the nurse yesterday, babies can't put the binky back in their mouths until they are 8 or 9 months old, and this habit is tough to break. I don't want to do this for another 6 months! Any advice out there? I'm going to have to research this because there has to be a way for him to sleep without it. Anyway, I'm taking the good with the bad... he slept!!
Today is going to be 80 degrees and sunny. Yesterday was a little bit cooler, but not by much. Case came home around 3:30 and we took the boys on a very nice walk. Keaton was awake in his stroller the whole time, and he seemed to love it! He was very smiley whenever we looked at him, and was happy for a long time afterward. He must have liked all the movement from the stroller and he nice breeze. He has smiled at me now (finally) and seems to be happiest right after he eats. I'm still trying to figure this kid out. I also think he's growing yet AGAIN, because I will need to cut his nails for a second time this week!
Time to go be productive... I'm happy to report that I got a lot more done yesterday, even with running errands, etc. I think my husband was happy with my progress... now I just need to keep it up!
He looks so much like his Daddy with his glasses on! Yay for 5 straight hours!
Don't try to break the binky habit yet, it's tough but soon he'll be able to find/suck his thumb or fingers. We took Fiona's binky away at 10 months b/c she didn't love it, now she sucks her fingers.
Also, we did cry it out but waited until 5.5 months...I read something about baby still learning to trust that you'll take care of their needs and to wait until 6 months-we couldn't quite get to 6 months.
I agree with Clare about waiting to break the binky habit. We used a binky til Brex was 1 and had no problem weaning her. If it works for you and him-I say keep using it-you know what is best for you and Keaton. We also waited on the CIO til Brex was about 6 months. Trust your mother instincts and do what you feel is best--thats all we can do :)
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