One of my favorite new pics... Daddy's hand

Chubby cheeks!
Wow, almost a week has gone by since I wrote last... I'm really slacking! I'll try to dust off the cobwebs and remember anything that happened last week that is noteworthy. Hmmm...
Wednesday I attempted to go to Cradle Talk (the class for mothers of infants 0-3 months that's held by our hospital). I thought I left early enough and was making good time (for once), until I hit construction. That is one thing about Chicagoland that I'm not impressed with- the moment the ground thaws, construction takes over. It took 30 minutes to go less than 1 mile. Very frustrating. I was going to end up being 30 minutes late to class, so I decided it wasn't worth it and called Michelle from work to see if she wanted to go out to lunch. Keaton got to meet quite a few more agents at work while we were killing time before lunch. Michelle and I had a nice meal, and Mister K took a nap, probably because he got passed around so much at the office. He woke up right about the time we finished eating, and decided to wail until we got home. I was pretty wiped out at that point from all the driving, socializing, and carrying my almost 12 lb kid + almost 8 lb car seat around all morning, so I pretty much crashed when we got home.
Thursday is a blur and I really don't remember anything we did that day. Friday, on the other hand, was pretty eventful. Casey and I had to take a trip to the DuPage Health Department in Wheaton because they listed Casey's birthday wrong on Keaton's birth certificate, and it was a correction we had to make in person. I met Casey there, then we went to downtown Wheaton for lunch. I don't know what was going on that day, but apparently the middle school let out early, and there were hundreds of middle schoolers roaming the streets. It was almost like a scary movie, for several reasons. Herds of loud, obnoxious kids screaming and yelling, running out in front of cars, etc... AHHHHH!!! Okay it wasn't that bad, but it was a little eerie. Keaton did well, despite the loud kids. :)
Saturday we ended up meeting our friends Misael & Aidaris and their little girl Darielis at the mall in Schaumburg. We ate dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, and walked around the mall a bit. Darielis is 14 months old and goes about 80 mph where ever she goes- they even have a little leash they put on her to keep her with them, and now that I've seen her go, I think those leashes were invented for kids like her! She started walking when she was 9 months old, and hasn't looked back. She was literally running from store to store, weaving in and out of crowds. Watching her made me realize that I have it fairly easy right now- my kid doesn't even crawl yet! And it's only going to get harder when he starts doing that, so I need to take advantage of the time I have now to get things done around here, because it's only going to get more difficult. Oh boy.
Hmmm... what else. Yesterday Casey and I got quite a few things done around the house. Casey was on some kind of cleaning/fixing spree, and decided to clean out filters, replace batteries, and lots of other things during the day. I was able to sweep and mop the floors in the kitchen and dining room, and tidy up a bit. Case left around 2 to run some errands and run in to work for a bit. He got home around 5:45, and from then until almost 9, we worked on a fairly elaborate dinner that ended up being worth the effort. I can't take credit for anything except maybe dicing the veggies- he did everything else. It was delicious! He's turning into quite the chef in the kitchen. :)
In other news, we took a bunch of pictures of Keaton this weekend, and I finally took his SUPER late 2 month pictures. *I'm going to add an additional post after this one with the before/after photos from month 1 to month 2.5* He's grown so much! He's now 23 inches long, and like I said earlier, almost 12 lbs. My back is really starting to hurt these days, but I realize I am holding him probably a lot more than I should- I hope that's not going to bite me later on. I need to learn to put him in his crib when he's sleeping, or put him in his swing/bouncer when he's awake (more often)... I am guilty of carrying him around with me where ever I go, and not getting a whole lot done when he's awake because I want to interact with him and teach him things. He was super duper smiley last night, and I put him in the bouncer while I chopped vegetables. Every time I would walk away and come back to him at the table, he would give me a HUGE smile! Casey managed to get pictures of it yesterday, which was great because we hadn't gotten evidence of it before. So anyway, instead of rambling on and on now, I'll include pictures. Enjoy!
Biggest smiles caught on camera... Keaton with his new Build A Bear Buddy, Ernie the Owl! Nice job catching this, Casey!
PS: I totally forgot to mention that Keaton started an excellent tradition last week- he is sleeping through the night! He will fall asleep around 9-9:30, sleep until 2 or 3 a.m., eat, then go back to sleep for another 3-4 hours. Yay!!! He didn't do quite as well last night, but he had a tummy ache for about 30 minutes and was groaning and squirming around, so I laid him on my chest for a bit until he calmed down. In general, I am pretty excited about his newest efforts and I'm happy to get some more sleep now! He started it last Sunday and has kept it up every night, no matter how different his schedule is that day. Wooo hooo!!
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