I've definitely had my share of crazy diaper changes in the last 2 months, but today may have taken the cake. Keaton was getting fussy, so I went in to change his diaper. I have gotten to the point where I *normally* know when he's going to pee during a changing, so I normally cover him up just in case. Today he did a sneak attack and peed even though it didn't look like he was going to... all over. So I cover him up and wait for a minute for him to stop. I peek in, and he looks like he's done, so I take the diaper out and start wiping him down... then he unleashes again! All over me, all over himself, and this time hitting the diaper pail near the changing table. At that point I didn't want to keep using more wipes, so I strip him down and put him in the bath tub. He loved it. I had to take him in to the alternate changing table in our bedroom because the other one was covered in urine. When I talked to him about going potty all over everything, he just grinned at me and giggled. Typical boy, I suppose.
I thought the story would end there, but he did a similar thing just now as I was changing him... ahhh!! Looks like it'll be bath time again tonight. I don't even want to think about how much money we wasted today with diapers, wipes, and laundry... YIKES. Holy cow. If he weren't so darn cute, I might be upset. Then he grins and I can't help but grin, too. :)
Here's a pic of us last night- two months!! We took him out for ice cream. He enjoyed watching us eat it for him. :)
The joy of having a boy, this is one thing I am NOT looking foward to!
I love it! I also love that you've continued the pics by the door. I just had a thought of you holding Keaton for a photo when he's like 16 and it made me giggle. :)
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