Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Happy Keatonism Tuesday!
"I'm not a man, but I'm super."

Water from another car splashed onto our windshield while I was driving. "That made my heart get a little freaked out!"

Sees a rabbit in the back yard. "Rabbit, go away! You might be a dangerous or stinky one!"

"Someday I wanna watch the vitamin show." (The Flintstones)

I took a drink of an Irish milkshake.  "Noooo! You'll turn Irish-ish! You'll get very wound up and Irish will come into you!"

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It's Keatonism Tuesday again!

Happy Keatonism Tuesday!
"I think on St. Patrick's day we go outside where it's very warm and we dance in a circle. Is that right?"

"Do Storm Troopers make storms?"

I had just taken a shower and had a towel over my hair. "You look cute in your towel. You look like a Storm Trooper!" (Someone's obsessed with Star Wars!)

Me: "You get shots to prevent diseases. If you didn't get them, you could get really sick."
K: "Or I could die...then I would never be alive again. And they would make a statue of me."

"Goalies are good. Bullies are bad."

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Keatonism (and Fat) Tuesday

Happy Keatonism (and Fat) Tuesday, everyone!

"Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet, eating her courage and whey."

He saw my Sprite: "May I have some please? It will not make me go crazy."

"God is an architect because he designs things."

"What color is a toot? I think it's clear." (LOL...)

"Does sand have air?"

"Last night in my bedroom, I smelled something very familiar."
Me: "What did it remind you of?"
K: "Trash."

"I was on Earth for 60,000 years." ???

"How does Superman dance? What color is his home?"

"Look, it's the Peanut manager! (Mr. Peanut)

"I think those girls are having a girls night off."

"Does Han Solo drink coffee?"

K: "Mommy, why did Ellen say that guy was handsome and pretty? I thought just girls are pretty."
Me: "Because he (Jared Leto) is a good looking man."
K: "Why is he good looking?"
Me: "Good genes, I guess. His mom is really pretty, too."
K: "What color is his mom's jeans?"