Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Finding Sanity

The little boys are 3 months old (14 weeks, to be exact). They are getting chunky! I love their cheeks and chins and squishy thighs. They are smiling and cooing and we've even heard a laugh or two. It's getting really good over here. Sure, I could use more sleep... but they are spacing out feedings closer to 4 hours at night *most* nights, so I'm getting around 2.5 hour chunks of sleep. Maybe I should just say I nap a lot, because saying 'sleep' doesn't feel like it does it much justice. SOMEDAY, I will sleep again. And it will be glorious.
Anyway, the smiles and laughs are making all things much better. I have also figured out that swaddling them tight and putting them in their swings works wonders... this week, at least. I have been able to get a bit more done around here. Every little bit helps. I wish I would have thought to do the swaddle/swing thing earlier. We are making it work, though!

As usual, where ever we go, we have a following of people who crane their necks to see the boys, have 20 questions, etc. I can't really go anywhere without being stopped by someone. But those of you that know me, you know I don't mind it. I kind of feel like I was put on this planet to experience things and share them, in hopes of helping someone in the same situation. I met a girl today at the grocery store that is pregnant with identical twins, and is going to the same specialists I went to. (She also has a toddler.) I gave her my number in case she has any questions. I hope to keep in touch with her. She has the same type of twins I had (one placenta, two sacs) so she is very likely to have to go on bed rest. I want to be able to help out any women out there that have to go through it. While I have a hard time remembering what it was like to sit in once place for an extended period of time these days, I also know that I want to take whatever I learned from it and help others in any way I can. I still want to volunteer at the hospital in the antepartem unit someday, or be a part of the parents of multiples panel through the hospital... just reach out and try to encourage people who may be in the same situation. I feel like it's sort of a responsibility of mine to try to help.

Anyway, things are going well. This is Keaton's last week of regular school before summer camp, so it's Spirit Week. Casey has been busy with work, so I've managed to take Keaton to school the past two mornings. That's not to say that I've been the most pleasant Mommy as I am not the most cheerful person before 7 a.m....okay maybe 10 a.m.... but whatever. Keaton is diaper-free as of three weeks ago, and he had a great streak last week where he went 4-5 days without an accident! Tuesday morning, however, he woke up before 6 and had peed the bed. We had to change his clothes, his bed sheets, etc., and by that point we were both awake enough that going back to sleep wasn't an option. I was a grumpy bear of a Mommy that morning. I put myself in check this morning, though, and although he woke up early (no accident this time) he attempted to go back to sleep in our bed but the babies woke up and wanted to eat, so we were not so lucky. I tried to be more patient today. I really need to work on that. But today was successful, I think.

Yesterday was Crazy Hair Day for Spirit Week. Keaton opted for the Einstein look. Today was Favorite color day, but his purple KSU shirt is officially too small. He wore his Superman shirt because he informed me that today red is his favorite color. The shirt is blue. You do the math. I have learned that toddler logic is something all its own, and I try not to question it. He knows what he wants, and unless it's going to hurt him, I usually comply! He's getting to be such a big boy. He has grown so much in the last month or so! He is completely into 3T clothes now, and almost in size 8 shoes. That seemed to happen overnight. Tomorrow is Sports Day, and he's very excited to wear his Jayhawk outfit. I'll try to take pictures.
Casey and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary last Friday! We went out Saturday to The Melting Pot for a delicious dinner. Ten years. Time flies! He got me a beautiful necklace and set of earrings. I proudly wore them on our date Saturday. It was nice to dress up, even if we turned back around after 3 hours, came home, and put on pajamas like nothing had happened. It was fast, but fun, and definitely worth it. My friend Michelle and her boyfriend Ryan babysat the boys. It was our first time away from them, but technically we were right down the street... still, it was good to get away for a short time and spend quality time together! We don't get that very often around here. Understandable, right? It's craziness with three little boys. But oh, so much fun!

Casey has been super busy with work. He traveled to Boston last week (MIT) and had a lot of fun collaborating with them. He may be going overseas in early July, so we are hoping to get some extended time with our family while he's gone. It's so nice not to have to take off work for things like that. I am ready to be in Kansas... ready for the boys to see their family... ready to change things up a little bit. Now that we are getting out and about, I'm not anxious about putting the kids in the van and getting out. I've even done it with all three of them, which sometimes feels insane... but Keaton has been really good anytime we are out. He likes to hold onto the stroller while we walk. He is an excellent big brother, and I am so glad these little boys have such a neat guy to grow up with!

I guess there isn't much more to tell right now. I'll try to update more often, but I keep saying I'll do that and I never end up doing it! So here's to trying. I'm not even sure if anyone is still reading!! But if you are... thanks!! :)

-Ash & the boys

Swaddle & Swing!
Pouty Ro
Crazy Hair Day
Smiley Babies!
Flirty Nik
Nik relaxing with Daddy

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

12 weeks, Keatonisms, and milestones

The boys are 12 weeks old today! At the weight check last week we found out they are as close to the same weight as they have ever been, even in the womb. Nik is 7 lbs 11.5 oz, 20.25 inches long, and Rowan is 7 lbs 9 oz, 20 inches long. They are even bigger than I thought! The doctor said to just keep doing what we are doing. They haven't hit the growth chart yet because they are still so far below the curve, but he expects them to around 5 months.  Until them we will keep supplementing their bottles with formula so they can pack on the pounds.

Keaton reached a milestone overnight: he slept all night in his bed without having an accident!  He has been wearing a diaper at night even though he is totally potty trained during the day. He will go to the bathroom by himself and even wipe correctly (usually). We felt that it was time for him to get out of diapers completely. It's tough because he is a very hard sleeper so he doesn't normally wake up and realize he's going or got to go. This could result on a lot more laundry in the near future, but it's worth it if he can learn the sensation and wake up on his own to take care of it. He's such a big boy now.

It is adorable to e'er him interact with his baby brothers. I asked him last week to bring me a diaper, and he brought an entire unopened box! He gets really excited when his brothers look at him or grab his hand. They are starting to coo and smile now, so he gets really excited to witness that. Yesterday they were both doing well holding their heads up during tummy time, and he was right there cheering them on. I can't wait until they start laughing...he will become their main source of entertainment, I bet. He loves being the clown.  :-)

Speaking of clowning around, here are some Keatonisms...

"We have a mystery, Mommy."

To me: "Can I do it please, pretty girl?"

Asking for strawberry shortcake: "Can I have some short strawberry cheesecake please, Mommy?"

"You smell like poop."

"Those bricks are the color of Bruno Mars."

"My nose is not breathing really well."

Singing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme: "It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Come inside...and see my toilet."

"Every girl is purdy and every boy is handsome."

"In my ice cream shop I made a pineapple, that's why I'm a doctor. By Sandra Boynton." What??

"You are pretty because you look like you have flowers in your hair."

"C: You're not being a very good listener.
K: I'm a good listener on Mondays and Fridays!"

Nik started throwing a fit while I was trying to get him to latch: "Maybe he doesn't like the food."

"Oranges make orange juice. Do donuts make donut juice?"


Mother's Day was very nice this year! The boys got me donuts and my favorite coffee, then got me two gift cards-one for a shopping spree, and one to go out with the girls for dinner and drinks! Then that night they took me out for sushi. It was a great day. My boys really know how to spoil me. I plan on going shopping today, I wore a hole in the knee of my favorite jeans and I need to replace them. Kohl's is calling me.  :-)

I think that's about all for now.

Until next time,


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

11 weeks, Keatonisms, on the mend.

The boys are 11 weeks old today, and are doing great! They are growing like crazy. They can wear most newborn clothes now, and only a few things so far have had significant room for growth...otherwise they are more then double their birth weight now! We have an official weight check tomorrow at the Pediatrician.

Keaton and I had a fun day yesterday. The boys were not as fussy as usual, which allowed us time to play a lot more. He was a great helper, even volunteering to clean in the dining room and kitchen. Thank goodness he's apparently gotten his father's desire to clean! We also went outside and transplanted some red and yellow snapdragons in the front bucket. (See pictures). There was one extra so he got one for himself, and is pretty proud of it.  :-)

Recent Keatonisms (hopefully no repeats...he's been on a roll lately!):

I want some wine beer.

Great Grandpa's face isn't round. It's more like a square.

When my baby brudders grow up, they will be people.

My potty smells like corn. Because it's yellow.

...the city of America.

Daddy had surgery because we don't want anymore boys.

Nana: Keaton, how'd you get to be so amazing?
K: It's because I know all the planets.

Why do birds fly like airplanes?

When will my baby brudders get eyebrows?

Can you help me? By Sandra Boynton

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, by Sandra Boynton

Mommy, you look really cute! Why?

I like the taste of dogs and cats.

We have a mystery, Mommy.

Can I do it please, pretty girl?

(strawberry shortcake) Can I have some short strawberry cheesecake please, Mommy?

You smell like poop.

Those bricks are the color of Bruno Mars.


Finally, on Friday night I started feeling a little off and decided if I felt the same upon waking up Saturday that I would to go to the doctor... It's a good thing i did. I found out I have strep throat. When Keaton found out he started crying and said, "Now you will have to go on bed rest again..." Poor guy! Luckily that was (obviously) not the case. I didn't show many symptoms of strep until after I started taking the Amoxicillin. Saturday afternoon I got a fever and felt like a car hit me. Fever broke that night, and Sunday and Monday I've felt better all the time. I had more energy yesterday than I did Thursday, Friday, and Saturday combined. Hence all the productivity. Poor Casey had to take up the slack this weekend and even had to come home early Friday because I was so exhausted. Glad all of that is over. I wore face masks all day Saturday and most of Sunday until I wasn't contagious anymore (24 hours, according to the doc). Luckily no one else has shown signs of getting it. Not a very fun weekend around here! I'm glad to start the new week on a better note.

That's all for now!
