Thursday, February 23, 2012

"Wish List"

Okay, so I always seem to find things I really want when there is no big event (birthday/Christmas/winning lottery ticket) to ask for them and for some reason I seem to forget about them when it is time to make a list. SO, for the record, I am making a wish list for myself so that I can come back and remember what I would like someday.

1) Lighting
2) Cheap, fun lens attachment
3) Wireless Camera remote

I will make this happen. Someday I also hope to have a small studio in our house (probably not the current house) so I can do all these fun photography things without having to rely on the weather outside... don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for natural light and would prefer it over other alternatives, but unfortunately it's not very reliable. Anyway, blah blah blah, that's the list. It may change by next week, but it was worth the research. :)


Quotes and such

Sometimes I wish I could link my Facebook status with my blog... I feel like it's a less wordy way to express what's going on rather than rambling on and on in a blog... but alas, here I am, rambling on in a blog. :) Here are a few status updates of late, though... kind of summarizes what's going on this week:

"Yesterday, Keaton asked me to draw a Jayhawk and handed me a purple crayon. That's just wrong."

"When it takes me a solid minute to try to open the child lock on the oven, I'm fairly confident Keaton won't be able to do it. Then again, this is Casey's kid."

"Little bit of 'wisdom' for the day: You can use a kleenex as a napkin, but I don't recommend using a napkin as a kleenex. *Deep thoughts by Sick Ashley*"

In other news, our front Ash tree got cut down yesterday because of some invasive beetle that burrows in and kills them. Lame. I loved that tree. Our subdivision looks so bare now! I hope the City or Village decides to replant, otherwise it's going to be a pretty dull Fall around here. I vote Maple!!!

I've had coffee this morning. Forgive me. Too many words in my head and no real direction on where they are going. Coffee allowed me to get a ton of things done yesterday, so I'm thankful for that. This morning, though, I've got too much energy and no where to really direct it except the blog. Again, I apologize... luckily class starts soon. Casey came back from L.A. last night and got home around 2 this morning. Keaton was too excited to see him this morning and didn't want to leave the house! (I should also mention that Keaton slept in until 7:30 again this morning... I don't know if this is becoming a habit, or if he still has an ear infection, because that's the only time he really sleeps in. We shall see on Monday at his recheck/2 year appointment. Either way, it's nice to wake up before him and get some things accomplished!)

A few Keaton moments before I leave you: Last week while he was sick, he had a sudden burst of energy and said, "I froggie." Then he got down on the floor and started hopping around saying "Ribbit! Ribbit!".. I may attribute this one to something he learned at school, because I don't think we've ever done anything like that at home before.

This morning at breakfast, he took a napkin, unfolded it completely, then threw his hands in the air and said, "Tada!" LOL... he was so proud of himself!

I think that's about all for today. I'll try to make it more of a habit to blog while I've got time to spare at school.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Back in the swing of things...

Today was Keaton's first day back at school. I didn't mention where we were going, but the second we pulled into the parking lot at school, he started bawling. The director of the school, Ms. Silvia, was very encouraging and promised to e-mail me during the day to let me know how things were going... I am anxious to hear how he does. Since it's been more than 3 days since he had a fever, and he's getting energy again, I think it was time to go back.

I am feeling better today- I'm not as congested as I have been since Saturday. I can't wait for warm weather so all this junk (hopefully) goes away!! Every month it seems to be the same this year, and I'm ready for a change!

In other 'news', I have decided to label myself "Technological Kryptonite" due to the large number of things I seem to come into contact with that have issues or die altogether (i.e. the new external hard drive Casey got for me for school, our CD-ROM drive, our printer at home, at least two computers at school, and my cell phone). They all have had their own issues, but it's becoming such a theme that I'm pretty sure I'm the problem. This is also not ideal for someone majoring in Digital Photography who has to work with computers/technology all the time! Yikes. LOL...

In still other news, I can officially say (because they announced it on Facebook) that my best friends Sara and Jeremy got engaged on Valentine's Day! Sara was in love with Jeremy in 8th grade, and even told me she was going to marry him one day. It is crazy that her prediction will come true!! I'm super excited for them and can't wait to hear details about how he proposed... on a surprise vacation to Jamaica! :)

I guess that's really about all for now. I'll try to write again soon.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Poor buddy...still recovering from his ear infection

Poor buddy...still recovering from his ear infection. Watching WALL-E seems to help at least a little.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Heart by Keaton

Heart by Keaton by lilbitfromks
Heart by Keaton, a photo by lilbitfromks on Flickr.

Heart by Keaton

Thursday, February 16, 2012

2nd birthday, sickness, and funny quotes from photo class

I'm attempting to be better at blogging by linking pictures from my phone to the blog. It may not count as a written entry, but at least it's something since I've been so slack busy lately and not writing often. Lots going on around here! Keaton turned two last weekend, and with that came the nastiest bug he's had yet. It's knocked him out for the past 5 days, and he still has an intermittent fever, along with a cough, congestion, and yet another ear infection. This poor kid can't catch a break. Our families flew up for his birthday last weekend, and he got sick shortly after. Casey's family left Sunday afternoon, and my parents left Tuesday (Valentine's Day). Needless to say, besides dinner Monday night, it was a very low-key holiday. I stayed home Tuesday to be with Keaton, and then this morning Casey stayed home with him while I went to my morning class. Thankfully my afternoon class was a lab today, so I wasn't obligated to go. I sincerely hope whatever this is will leave quickly because it's tough seeing Keaton so lethargic and quiet. I've enjoy cuddling with him, but I also have no idea how I'm not sick yet. I'm going to have to disinfect the entire house this weekend!

Anyway, even though today feels like Monday to me because it's the first time I've showered/put make-up on/left the house since the start of the week, I'm glad it's finally Thursday. I'm ready for the weekend if it means that Mr. K will be healthy again.

On a different note, my classmates and I have started writing down funny things my Intermediate Photography teacher says during class. While most of them are not as funny as they were when he said them (in a funny voice, or given the context of whatever we were talking about at the time) there are a few that I think are worth sharing. He is funny and sarcastic, and half the time we don't know what the heck he's talking about... but it makes for an entertaining class period. We'll tentatively call it "Sh*t my Photography Teacher Says"

"This video is about blind photographers. They are blind- that means there's hope for you guys!"

"[This photo] may not be interesting, but it's so interesting that I got another one!"

"I was wrestling with an Italian woman once..."

"I wanted to feel pretty today so I put on my black tights to go with my new haircut." (He's married, by the way. To a woman. He was indeed wearing black 'tights' under his jeans because he was cold.)

"There's nothing worse than a drummer who does not know when to quit the solo."

"Computers make your butt get bigger. And bigger. Because you are sitting."

"I try to follow my mind sometimes, but it doesn't really go anywhere." - I may have to steal that one.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Keaton Cuteness

Tonight when I was rocking Keaton before bedtime, he put his head on my chest and he said, "Boom, boom!" so I asked him if he heard my heart and he said, "Uh huh! More heart, please?"... this child melts my heart daily. :)

Not sure if I included this recently, but here are some of the new (rather cute) things he's said in the last few weeks. He calls the microwave "Mikey-wave", thinks a question mark is a "Mousekatool" (thanks to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse), and has gotten really excited to see things lately. For instance, he will walk into a room, see a toy/blanket/etc he hasn't seen in a day or so, and yell, "It's Panda!! Hi, Panda!!" or "Airplane blanket!!!!!!!" or my favorite, "We're home!! Hi, home!!" LOL... he'll even enter the room and say, "Hi, Mommy! Hi, Daddy! Hi, Keaton!" Now that he knows that his grandparents are coming soon for his birthday, he keeps saying, "Nana hold me, Keaton". He says it multiple times a day. Needless to say, he's pretty excited about family coming for his birthday next week.

Next week, what? How the #&!! did that happen? Two years ago on Superbowl Sunday, I was in 'pre-labor', and now I have a kid that gives me a running monologue about everything that's going on. :) I love it, but I can't believe how fast it has gone. So many people I know keep saying, "It's time for the next one!" and all I have to say is, the next on will get here whenever it's supposed to! :) Apparently it just hasn't been time yet. And I'm okay with that, because Mr. K is keeping me on my toes! I also think he will be an awesome big brother when the time comes.

In other news, yesterday Keaton got his first real haircut at Kid Snips. His hair was finally long enough to cut on the top and sides, so we went for it. He did not do very well- kind of cried/whined most of the time, and moved around enough that the stylist accidentally cut a little more off one of the sides than the other. As I've found through experience, though, it grows fast enough that I bet we won't be able to tell in a week or two. It looks really cute... he looks like such a little man now! Pictures to come soon, hopefully!

Today the boys and I went to the Arboretum. Even though most of the plants are dead and there aren't any cool fountains, etc due to the cold weather, I am happy to report two things: 1) I was able to take quite a few pictures for a big assignment due on Valentine's day for Intermediate Photography, and 2) we bought a membership so Keaton and I can take full advantage of the place when Spring and Summer arrive.Which I have been ready for since... last month. :)

That's enough blabbing from me. We're watching the recorded version of the Superbowl now and I'm having more fun watching Casey fall asleep sitting up while attempting to watch it. That must tell you how exciting the game is. This guy is pretty entertaining.

Time for me to drag my husband to bed now.  More later!


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Picture

Here's the edited picture that goes along with my last entry...

Notice the pajamas on the floor... along with his blankets and stuffed animals. Not sure why he likes throwing everything out of the crib now when he's done sleeping, but it's just another quirky thing that goes along with toddlerhood!

He's currently on a 2 hour nap... I took him to Grounds for Hope this morning and we had fun playing with my classmate Janine and her son Dawson. Poor guy is tuckered out! (So was I, I came home, folded some laundry, and took a nap myself!)

That's all for now... more later!
