Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Weekly Keatonisms

Happy Keatonism Tuesday!

Keaton, yelling out the window to the street cleaning truck: "Thanks, street cleaner! You're the best!"

"Mommy, my bottom hurts. I have a dinosaur in my bottom."

"My nose is very smellful and good."

Singing: "Nik's hands are so cute, and his toes are so cute, and his face is so cute... And Rowan is cute, and mommy is purty, and daddy is haaandsome!"

Me, to Casey: "This quiz says I should only have one kid. So which one are we keeping?"
K, overhearing my joke: "You're going to keep me...because I'm the best."

Casey to Keaton: "Do you want to..."
Keaton: "-build a snowman?"

K, to me: "You're my favorite girl in the whole world!"

After he saw a baby: "I just saw little cute fella."

"Oh, grief." (After watching Snoopy)

Me: "What happened? Why are you crying?"
K: "I was clucking like a chicken and then I clucked right into the bookcase with my elbow!"

"It's not nice if you call birds 'birdies'. If they hear you they will poop on you."

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Mr. K

Happy Keatonism Tuesday!
Keaton, to me: "Your nose looks pretty. Put it on Facebook." Lol...

"My heart almost went into my brain and I thought I'd break my head open."

"I think this song (Dark Horse) is Katy Perry and Darth Vader."

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Silly kid

Happy Keatonism Tuesday again!

Me: "Rowan is tooting up a storm."
K: "What color is the storm in Rowan's booty?"

"I have homework! Stop interrupting me!"

"I don't like new things. I like old things from the 80s."

"Dezausted"- exhausted?

"When I'm stretched out (he meant stressed out) I feel upset."

Grandma: "Does dad have a man cave in the basement?"
K: "No, he's got a Batman cave in the basement."

"Pacifier. It's like we pass a fire that we toast marshmallows on."

Friday, April 4, 2014

Belated Keatonisms

I tried posting these but there's a problem with my phone the last 2 weeks. Sorry for the delay!

Keaton: "Why is it snowing in Spring? Mother Nature, go away!"

"Mommy, your singing voice is good. Maybe not to other people, but to me." (Pretty sure he is the only one that enjoys it! Lol...)

K to Casey: "You're silly."
Casey: "You're sillier."
K: "You're celery."

Casey: "So I'll be..." (paused for a second)
Keaton: "...coming around the mountain?"

"When you go to the Dark Side, you eat Red Lobster all the time."

Casey: "What would you call a mixture of peanut butter and nutella? Nut butter?"
K: "We would call that disgusting."

"My brain counted very fast."

"The TV is flat so everyone on the TV is flat."

K: "Rowan had a shiny smile."
Me: "What do you mean?"
K: "When he smiled, sparkles came out."

K: "She used to be your daughter but now she's my mommy."
My mom: "Can she still be our daughter and still be your mommy?"
K: "No. She can only be one thing."