Friday, September 11, 2015


Nik and Rowan are seriously cracking me up these days. Here are some funnies from our littlest dudes.
Nik: "I here to help!"

Me: "Nik wants to be called 'Niky'. I like 'Niko'."
Rowan: "I like Niko, too."
Nik: "I like Rowan!"

"I watch dat movie when I was kid." LOL... he says 'when I was kid' all the time now because I laughed so hard the first time!
Rowan: "Darth Vader likes Phil Collins."

Me, to Keaton, "Have a good day!"
K: "You too!"
Rowan: "U2 is music!"

Rowan, picking his nose... as usual.
"Mommy, I have a booger."
Me: "Ooookaaay... would you like me to get a Kleenex?"
Ro: "Yeah. I don't wanna eat it in my mouth."