Saturday, March 31, 2012

Recovery, KU Basketball, and My Big Boy

So much has happened in the last week, and I meant to update earlier, but the week flew by and now I'm struggling to remember all the highlights. There were a few low lights (thanks to the crazy hormones and lots of tears Tuesday and Wednesday). I am back to 100% physically (as far as I know), and emotionally I'm stronger every day. It has helped to have my Mom here since last Saturday. I was supposed to rest this week, and with a few exceptions, I think I did pretty well. Mom played with Keaton, cooked, cleaned, did about a million loads of laundry, and kept me sane. I had a lighter class schedule this week, which helped... but I really have to focus ASAP because I've got at least 5 projects to take pictures for and I currently have no great ideas. Spring break is this week, though, and I'll have almost an entire day to myself to work on photos before we leave for our little family vacation next week! Woot!

Last Sunday, KU played Roy and the North Carolina Tarheels in the Elite 8, and pulled off one amazing win. Mom and I were so excited about it that (despite the fact that I should have been 'resting'), we started dancing around and Keaton followed suit. I think I will always remember that moment- Beating Roy, dancing with my kid and my Mom. It was pretty great! Even if we don't beat OSU today, I feel satisfied with the result overall. But if we DO win... that would be pretty freaking sweet. :)

Sunday was also a big milestone for Keaton, as we decided to transfer him to a 'big boy bed' since I wasn't supposed to lift him after surgery. He has done great!! Mom made a comforter and pillowcase for him out of a cute fleece material we found printed with airplanes and helicopters... he is so incredibly proud of this bed, and it's adorable. Sometimes he pretends to go in and sleep during the day, and always smiles when he says "big boy bed". I'm really glad he's done so well, because I assumed once he figured out he was 'free', he'd be all over the place. Luckily he's not been too adventurous... yet. :) Little boy is growing up!! He also went potty 3 (or maybe 4!) times in the last week in his potty. (I've said "potty" so much lately that I actually told Casey I was going to go potty before we left the house.)

Wednesday we took Keaton to a little airport diner not far from our house for breakfast last week, too. He absolutely loved it, and I'm sure we will go back again soon. He was screaming out the window, "Airplane!!! Helicopter!!!" (which he tends to pronounce 'hel-top-ter"... I love it. It makes me smile and laugh almost every time he says it!)

Casey and I went on a date last night... I ate a huge plate of crab legs (man, I missed those!!) and then we went bowling. I hadn't bowled since 2009. I suck just as badly as I did then. But we had fun together!! I beat Casey by one pin in the first game... and he beat me by many more in the second. It was a great time, though, and fun to go out together again. Hope to do it again soon!

That's all for me for now. Rock Chalk!!!!!!


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Here's a few happy things since the past two entries have been so... sobering.

1) Keaton was watching Word World the other day and one of the characters was making cookies and drinking milk, and Keaton looked at me and said, "I like milk." "I LOVE cookies. Eat cookies, please?"

2) Keaton sang to be during breakfast this morning. First it was "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" and then a song about an alligator. Then a few things I didn't understand, but I assume it's a song from school. LOVE it. And, he already sings better than I ever could. :)

3) Today when I took Keaton to school, we got to walk in with Ms. Ayten, one of his teachers. I dropped him off at the door of his classroom, and told him to have a good day. He said, "Bye bye, Mommy. I love you!" with little tears in his eyes. Needless to say, I would like to thank the makers of waterproof mascara today. Argh. Wearing all my emotions on my sleeve this week... I probably would do better not wearing make up at all!

That's all. Glad I have school today to distract me from tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Update: Holy Emotions, Batman.

Goodness. Womanly hormones are almost evil. Because so many things are happening to my body right now (*see previous post*) I am an emotional wreck, and for pretty good reason. Today has been the worst day so far, emotionally, at least. I spent a large portion of the afternoon on the phone with doctors to schedule a D&C. I feel that for my sanity, and because I don't want to wait for what the doctor said could be "four to six weeks" for it to pass on its own, this may be the only real way to move on. Not everyone agrees with it, but I feel like it's the right decision. It is difficult to ask someone to wait around while there is something still inside that isn't alive anymore. Emotionally, that is probably the toughest part. So I am going in for outpatient surgery on Friday morning.

I don't think I'm really nervous about the surgery aspect of it. I mean, I hate needles, and the thought of actually being at a hospital and having surgery I guess isn't the most comforting thought. But really, my anxiety level rises when I think about the before and after part, because those are the things you carry with you after it's all over. I hate sitting in waiting rooms in the little gowns while you wait for what seems like an eternity for the doctor to arrive. My brain tends to think of tons of different (and probably irrational) situations that may happen. But really, I was most anxious about finding out that I might have to have a D&C, and those fears were confirmed. So now I'm on to the next step. I think about two things: That feeling when you first wake up in the morning, and for a moment you forget what is really going on. Sort of an "ignorance is bliss" kind of thing. Secondly, I think about the movie Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind. It is strange, but the concept would be nice sometimes, wouldn't it? Erase the parts that you don't want to haunt you for the rest of your life.

Maybe it wouldn't be so nice, though. Because those are the parts that make us stronger. The number of lessons we would actually learn would be pretty small, one could assume. So yeah, scratch that. I don't want to remember a lot of details about it, but I guess I want to remember the parts that are going to move me forward. The trick is to convince that brain of mine not to play it over and over and over and over until it drives me crazy. Anyone know how to do that??

So, here we go. Decisions made, and hopefully the correct ones. I want to thank all of you out there who read my last post and sent so much love and support... really, you make this situation so much easier to bear. I don't know what I'd do without such an awesome support system around me.



Monday, March 19, 2012

Oh, roller coaster of life.

I sincerely hope this entry doesn't offend anyone, but I feel like it's a topic that not many people openly talk about, and maybe one that should be addressed and not so taboo. I don't have a medical degree, but I am about 99.9% sure that I am currently having a miscarriage. I have gone through this once before, but the last time I had only known I was pregnant for 4 days... this time, I have known since February 1st. That's enough time that we started to tell family and a few friends, and we went in last week for our first appointment. The doctor couldn't find a heartbeat, but they assured me not to worry- it happens all the time. After getting poked and prodded for awhile, they said we would schedule an ultrasound to make sure all was going well. Due to Casey's crazy work schedule last week, we made an appointment for a week later (today). All last week, I spotted a little- which is something that regularly happens after an exam. But Saturday morning, it was not normal at all, and it's only gotten worse. As I said, I've gone through this before, and unfortunately history seems to be repeating itself. To say that it's anything else would probably mean a miracle, at this point.

I know this is a very common thing, and I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. The part no one talks about, though, is how tough it can really be. It's not just the emotional attachment you may have to your unborn child, it's the physical things that go with it. Every time you go to the bathroom, there is a reminder of what is happening. You can't actually escape it, no matter how much you try. In some ways, it is like your own personal Hell. There is also the fact that many people find it tough and possibly awkward to talk to someone who is going through it. What do you say to someone, especially if you haven't experienced it personally? My advice is, just be as supportive as possible. You don't have to have the magic words to make someone feel better, because really, those probably don't exist. But knowing that people are there for support, or a meal, or even a hug, means so much. Not everyone is like me and feels like talking it out, that's just the way I tend to deal with things. Not everyone (or maybe anyone) would even blog about it, but I think it's important. I'm not doing it for attention, I'm doing it because someone, somewhere, may just want to know that what they are going through is normal, and they are not alone. It can be a confusing roller coaster of emotions. You may blame yourself or wonder if there is something you could have done to prevent it. You might be angry. You might be depressed. Hell, you might be all of the above. But you also may see, sometime down the road, that because of it another door was opened for you. I cling to that. We can't predict what is going to happen in life, we can only try our best to enjoy the journey and roll with it. Yes, I am sad today. Yes, I am dealing with all of the plans I made that will need to be changed. And yes, it sucks. But I/we are going to get through it, and probably be even stronger for it. I just need to get through today, and hope for a better tomorrow.

I have realized in all of this that I am also going to be more sensitive when I talk to other people about their family situation. I have been told numerous times that since Keaton is older now, it's time for 'the next one'. People joke about it or even ask you about it point blank. (The best is when a stranger says it... who are you, and why do you care if I have another kid anytime soon?) Before you ask or comment, step back for a second and think... maybe they are trying for another, and it just hasn't happened yet. Or maybe they aren't ready. Or maybe they don't even want another child, or aren't able to have one. What seems like an innocent comment can actually be a very sensitive one, and people don't seem to think about that. I know I'm going to start.

So, that's what's going on. If you are still reading this, I can only hope that it helped you in one way or another. As painful as it is to talk about and go through, it is a fact of life, and probably why they call the birth of a child a 'miracle'. I am so thankful for Keaton, and Casey, and all of the amazing family and friends that are so supportive of us, even if they don't know what's happening. I know that I'm not in this alone, and I know life has a way of working itself out. And with that, I can move forward.


Just an update... It was indeed what we thought it was. It appears as though the baby stopped growing after 6 weeks. The downside is, not everything has come out yet, so we either wait for nature to take its course, or I go in for a D&C. Very tough decision and situation right now. I would prefer not to drag this out longer than it needs to be, I think that is what makes it all so difficult, because it's already been going on for four days now. I can't help but be ready to be off this ride and move on to whatever else life has to offer. Thanks for reading, and thanks for the support we've received... it really means a lot.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Potty Time!!!

Yay, an entry about going to the bathroom! But when it's your two year old and he goes twice in eight hours, it's time to celebrate and tell the world about it! (I wonder if he'll read this years from now and wonder why the heck his mom wrote in and blog (and of Facebook) about his trips to the toilet... but I'm a proud Mommy!!)

Last night was a very late night with Mr. K. In fact, he didn't actually fall asleep until almost 9 p.m.. He didn't want to eat what we made for dinner, so Casey and I spent quite a chunk of time trying to convince him to eat a few things, and he refused. Casey finally said, "If you eat this, we will go play at the park." Actually a very good and convincing idea, had it not been 7 p.m. already. But Keaton complied, and we headed to the park. We played for a bit, then came home, fed him a little more, and got him ready for bed.

Our normal nightly routine includes Keaton's love of procrastination: Multiple drinks of water, pleading to read one more book, begging to rock longer and/or rub his back more. Lately, though, he's asked to use the potty. We will sit in there for 5-10 minutes, and nothing will happen. But last night, it did. We praised him a ton, and then finally got him to bed. Then at 3 a.m. this morning, he woke me up to tell me he had to go again. And he DID. I am so proud of him! I know there is probably a long road ahead with this, but the fact that he's actually more aware of what's going on now is a huge step. We are still waiting for him to figure out how to go #2, but this is such a good start!!

So yay, potty training is in effect. I really have no clue what I'm doing, I just hear that you are supposed to be super patient (Hear that Ashley... patience!!!!!!) and consistent. Two things I definitely need work on, but a good time to practice. I can't believe how quickly Keaton is growing up!

What else... hmmmm. The weather this week has been nothing short of amazing, and we spent almost the entire day yesterday outside. We walked with my friend Janine and her son Dawson in the morning in downtown Naperville, and then we went walking yesterday with Kelley and her friend- almost 3 miles. After that and going to the park last night, I was absolutely exhausted. I actually feel pretty good today and am surprised by the amount of energy I have, but then, this weather makes me super happy!! I am ready to start working on all the photography projects I have due in the next few weeks. "Midterms" were this week (which we don't really have in my major, thank goodness!) and then we are going to hit the ground running until mid-May when school is out. We are trying to figure out something to do for Spring Break the first week of April. While we would love to go to SC, the timing just isn't working out right now, and it's a bit pricey this time of year. Heck, even a trip to downtown Chicago for a few days would be nice... I just need to break up the monotony of being at home!

My bridesmaid dress came in yesterday for Leslie's wedding... I am excited! This will be the first wedding I will have been in since my own (almost 9 years ago)! I am ready to go home in June.

I think that's about it for now... that's plenty. So much going on- life is super busy, but it's motivating me to actually get things done. For once! More later!!


Monday, March 12, 2012

Keep Eatin' Keaton

Keaton apparently had a nightmare this morning and woke up around 4:15 yelling and saying, "I hungry! I hungry! I want ice cream!" After a little consoling, he went back to sleep until around 7:30. Since then, though, he has eaten the following:

1 waffle
1 stick of cheese
1 banana
1 bowl of yogurt
1 cereal bar
1 cup of jello
a few bites of a donut, some Cheerios, and a few bites of my cereal.

It's only 11:00. He's been eating this way for let past week... growth spurt, anyone? At this rate he's going to pass me in height by the time he's three!!! And... he just asked to eat a muffin. Dear Lord... I think I'm going to read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to him before nap today. Hopefully when he wakes up he won't be a butterfly, though. That'd be hard to explain.


Monday, March 5, 2012

2 Photo shoots, one tired lady.

Here's a peek at what I did today:

Little miss A is too stinking cute... she's also 7 months old and already climbing the stairs and cruising on furniture! I thought I would take advantage and get her in action. I love her facial expression!! I also love how bright her eyes are in this one. So needless to say, this one's definitely a qualifier for my homework assignment.

I also took pictures of my friend Neva with her two boys, which I haven't gotten to edit yet. I'm excited to see what came out of that shoot. There is one picture of her oldest boy that I really liked, so I'm anxious to check it out tomorrow! Busy, busy day today. I am pretty much exhausted and will be happy to get to bed. I haven't been to bed before 11 for the last three nights, and it is starting to hit me hard, especially after today! I forgot how tiring it can be to photograph children! But oh, so much fun. :-D


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Second Year Stats & School Stresses

Keaton went in for his 2 year check-up last week. Shocker-- he's short. He's 33 1/4 inches now, which feels pretty tall to me, but then I'm the size of a 4th grader so I really don't think that counts for much. We also need to work on beefing the kid up, because when we weighed him at the office, he was 22.5 lbs. That is less than he weighed at one of this previous sick visits, and this is after he's had 3-4 meals before naptime on a pretty regular basis! Apparently the kid inherited a ridiculously high metabolism, which hopefully isn't a curse for him as it is for some people. He's eating better and more now than he ever has (as in, he's is less picky), so I'm not entirely sure why he's not gaining any weight. Maybe it's the fact that he wants to "go go" all the time... I'm sure that has something to do with it! Anyway... I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. He's a toddler, and he's definitely not starving himself by any means! He steals my food half the time!

I almost forgot-- last Tuesday, he went #1 in the potty at school for the first time!!! We were so proud of him, we took him out for pancakes that night. I've been trying to work with him more at home, and sit him on the potty more frequently now so he can try to do it again. So far we haven't had luck, but I know he's thinking about it. Tonight I took off his diaper and let him run around with just sweat pants on so he could feel what it was like if he did go (knowing that the chances of him going #2 were very minimal... otherwise I doubt I would have tried it!). He did end up peeing, but he realized it right away, and that's the idea I was going for this time. I also bought him some 'big boy' underware and have them sitting out where he can see them. When I change his diaper, I talk to him about the underware and how he will get to wear them when he starts using the potty. I figure that, like the pacifier, it will click one of these days. He still tells me that he gave the pacifier to Santa for other babies, so I know he understands how the system can work. I understand that most boys take longer to potty train, so we're definitely not rushing into anything yet, but it doesn't hurt to get it into regular conversation. As Keaton would tell you, he is getting to be such a "big boy"!

In other news, I am currently working on a project for Intermediate photography that is really intimidating me. It is funny that for a long while I thought I wanted to do portrait photography, but now that I am assigned and have one week to take 4 different photos, I am stuck. I'm not allowed to take any pictures of Keaton, animals, significant others, etc. Today I went to my friend Kelley's house to take some pictures of her son Nolan, and I haven't gotten to look at them yet, but hopefully one will work out. Poor guy was tired and not feeling very well, not to mention the fact that Keaton was with me because Casey couldn't watch him, so I almost feel like I created chaos for Kelley and her husband by going over there. I have a few more sittings on Monday with a few friends and their children, so hopefully those will turn out fine and I will have a nice variety. I look at people who inspire me (especially Jessica Jill- check out her blog in the "Blogs I Stalk" column, she is AMAZING!) and they make it look so easy... I hope I can do even a fraction of what she and other photographers who specialize in portrait photography do. We will see! I am going to try not to stress so much over it, though... it's just one class. Hopefully it'll be more fun than work and I can rediscover my desire for it again.

I guess that's about it for now. Tomorrow De is flying in to stay with us for a week while Casey is in the UK. It should be a fun and busy week!
