Thursday, March 22, 2012


Here's a few happy things since the past two entries have been so... sobering.

1) Keaton was watching Word World the other day and one of the characters was making cookies and drinking milk, and Keaton looked at me and said, "I like milk." "I LOVE cookies. Eat cookies, please?"

2) Keaton sang to be during breakfast this morning. First it was "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" and then a song about an alligator. Then a few things I didn't understand, but I assume it's a song from school. LOVE it. And, he already sings better than I ever could. :)

3) Today when I took Keaton to school, we got to walk in with Ms. Ayten, one of his teachers. I dropped him off at the door of his classroom, and told him to have a good day. He said, "Bye bye, Mommy. I love you!" with little tears in his eyes. Needless to say, I would like to thank the makers of waterproof mascara today. Argh. Wearing all my emotions on my sleeve this week... I probably would do better not wearing make up at all!

That's all. Glad I have school today to distract me from tomorrow.


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