Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Keatonism Tuesday

"Do they have a potty and snacks in Carolina?" (As in, the entire state of South Carolina...)

"You carved a spider on your pumpkin. Don't worry, Mommy, it's not real. It's pretend."

"Friends that are together make wrong decisions and not wrong decisions."

Casey: "Keaton, would you mind turning down the volume of your voice a little bit, please?"
K: "But inside my body, my voice is really loud."

"Be careful not to smash any nuts, because some squirrels and me wanna make pancakes."

Naming butterflies: "I'm gonna name this one Vitamin, and this one Drop of Ice Crystals, and this one Light up Lightning, and this one Ishani, and this one is Dusty, and the little butterfly is named Bulldog."

"Inside the seashell it says 'I'm a wave' over and over and over."

"Okay Nik, I know you're having fun, but were going to stop playing like this now so you don't rip my shirt. Okay little brother?"

"Turquoise & turquoise make turquoise."

Casey said someone's name.
K: "That's not a healthy name."
Casey: "What makes a name healthy?"
K: "Rainbows."

Me: "You have so many crayons, I'm not sure what to do with all of them!"
K: "Color."

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

8 months & Keatonisms

"This is gonna be a master waffle."

K:  "I put my little dinosaur inside my book, now it is my check mark."
Me: "Book mark?"
K: "Yeah! Book mark. That's what I meaned."

Me: "Which brother is this?"
K: "Nik."
Me: "How do you know?"
K: "Because he starts with an N."

"Santa only brings presents to little kids and big kids, not adults, Mommy."

"Apples mashed in applesauce makes more applesauce."

"Where does he sleep? Does Daddy have a home in Greece?"

Nana: "All the big people are going to bed."
K: "But Mommy is a little people."

"Hi, super duper Mommy!"

Papa: "It's okay, we are flexible."
K: "Mommy's not flexible."
Nana: "What does that mean?"
K: "It means we're bony."

"I love you and I like you. You always will be a good boy Nik."

Casey threw away a plate into the trashcan. "If you throw Nik into the trashcan we won't have anymore Nikolaus."

"A bee put pollen in my nose."

To me: "I get to keep you."

"Yeah! I concur, Daddy."

"Mommy, you're something else."

Me: "Do you know who sings this?"
K: "Florence and the Machine. Is she really in the machine, Mommy?"

"It's okay if I'm dirty. Dirty is part of my job."

(Coughing) "It went down the wrong throat."

"Can I have cookies for breakfast?" (That's my kid! No doubt about it!)

"What is the Equator for? Is it to open up Earth?"

I took a picture with my phone. "Can you send that picture to Daddy? How does it get to him? Does it fly?"

There is a surety in one of the Frog and Toad books called The Corner, where Frog wants Seeing to come, and his farther says it is right around the corner, so Frog looks around many corners until he finds it. Keaton's comment after the story: "Why did they go around the corner? Why wasn't it on the side?"

"Why does the water doesn't go down the drain?"

"Mommy, you don't say bad words. Daddy does." (Haha! If only he knew!!)

"Why do kids don't go to jail?"

Me: "You should sleep like Snoopy. He's a good sleeper."
K: "No he's not, he doesn't sleep. He's a stuffed animal."

"Can you bring my brother to me? I don't know how to fly."

"May I have some vegetables, Daddy good-cooker artist?"

"Baby (brother), you can touch my brain!"

"Mommy, soup and poop rhyme!" (loudly in Walmart)
I think that has caught you up on Keatonisms for the past 2 weeks. I'm really slipping these days!

The little guys are 8 months old now...which is crazy. Nik is starting to get up on his knees now and scooted himself backward a few times yesterday. I'm fairly certain Rowan said "mama" last week, maybe by accident, but I heard something like it and have a few times since! They both have two bottom teeth now. And I don't have to stop nursing them if I drink enough protein shakes, long story short. Yay!

Fun little people.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

New Stages

Tuesday Keatonisms:

"I don't like to shave my legs."

"He's my cuddling boy." (Rowan)

"I really like your thinking, Daddy!"

"Mommy, I really like you! You're short. I just like you."

"I'm gonna have a store, it's called The Fixing Store. We fix babies at my store too, Mommy."

To my Mom, on the phone: "Now you're gonna talk to my brother Nik. [Puts the phone to Nik's ear, waits.] Nik isn't saying hello right now."

"I hear something in my ear. I hear your voice, a little quiet voice in my ear."

"You are a good Mommy. Even when you get upset and yell sometimes, I know you always love me." **This one brought tears to my eyes. 15 minutes later, he was telling me he wanted to go to time out. Lol...

"I really like you. I really like everyone. Some people maybe I don't like, if they are mean. But you are my friend. I like you. I really like you, that's why I like you."

Me, about a toy I had to take away from him. "You might get it back sometime this week."
K: "It's sometime this week right now!"

Me: "Alright, buddy, it's time to stop running around naked."
K: "I'm not running, I'm walking around naked."

"I'm a go-getter, like Daddy!"


 So, Keaton is going through this strange stage where instead of sleeping, he begs to go to Time Out... gets out of bed 10-15 times... screams and hits the bed when I take toys away from him because he's playing when he should be sleeping... etc. I tried the Super Nanny approach last night and just calmly walked in, led him to his bed, didn't say a word, and tucked him in. That worked okay until I was feeding the boys on the couch in the living room, and Keaton got up and I couldn't get up to lay him down again. I will be so glad when this stage is over!

The twins are going through this wonderful stage where I believe they are done with their nighttime feeding. Just in time! With the exception of Sunday night (when I had the stomach flu and Casey was on a plane to Greece), they have slept until at least 5 am. They are eating less often during the day, and seem to be enjoying their solid foods a lot. Of course, the worrier side of me keeps wondering if anything is wrong (the logical part is like, 'Why? You are getting sleep for once, calm down!') but the worrier side is annoying and won't shut up. So... we'll see. But I'm happy not to get up every 3 hours anymore. 

Casey's in Greece, and De is coming today for the rest of the week. My parents visited two weeks ago. I love having the company, and I didn't realize how much I wish we could live closer to home until I'm stuck by myself with the boys and am throwing up all night. Sunday was the worst night I've had in awhile, but my amazing neighbors bailed me out and took all three boys from 9 a.m - 2 pm yesterday, allowing me a 3 hour nap and some recovery time.  I'm glad it was a quick stomach bug... but boy did it foil my plans to gain more weight! I still haven't gotten my appetite back 100%, but I'm at least drinking a lot of water and Gatorade to try and stay hydrated. Hopefully the worst is over for our household.

I think that's about all for now! I think I forgot to note that my blood tests came back 'stable', so I'm meeting with my lactation consultant on Thursday to see what my game plan should be about nursing the boys. I trust she will lead me in the right direction.

More later!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

No more nursing? :(

So the last post was so long that I decided to update on other happenings, besides the funny things my oldest says. :)

Here's what is on my mind right now. It's about nursing, so if you have no interest in it, it may be best to skip this post.

It looks like I'm going to have to stop nursing the twins, because they are taking too much of the nutrients I need to stay healthy. I would have to eat 4000+ calories each day just to maintain my current weight, let alone trying to gain any. Nursing is something I wanted to do for the first year, to keep them as healthy as possible (especially since big brother will undoubtedly bring germs home from school). So my option may just be to pump (which I'm not thrilled about because I'm kind of lazy and hate having to wash so many bottles, etc., all the time). The doctor mentioned pumping and supplementing the bottles with extra calories for the boys (sounds like the first couple of months of their lives). I'm bummed. I'm waiting on a call from my doctor today to see what my blood test results were from yesterday. I'm nervous that they are going to find something wrong with my thyroid or worse. The consequences of continuing to nurse are pretty straightforward- there really isn't much of a way to do it (unless I somehow were able to eat all the time). I don't want to hurt myself long-term, of course. Getting bone fractures and heart problems really doesn't sound like anything I'd like to have. So I guess we are moving on to the next chapter of feeding these big guys. I'm sad, but feel like it's probably a good time to move on... especially with Rowan's two little teeth coming in, and Nik working hard to get some of his own.

I hate that they are growing up so fast. But we'll work it out. Not sure what is ahead for all of us!


September Keatonisms

It appears that I completely lied when I said I would try to continue with weekly updates... because although I thought about it every week, something would ultimately come up and it wouldn't happen. Is anyone still out there? I have a ton of Keatonisms to catch up on after a whole month.

I bought the Essential Michael Jackson CD collection, and we were listening to it in the minivan (judge me if you want!). Keaton likes the songs where MJ was in the Jackson 5 best, but always says "I want some little Michael Jackson." Lol... Also while listening to the CDs:
K: "Mommy, what's this song called?
Me: "It's called Bad."
K: "I don't want to listen to bad things."

Keaton asked where his fish Happy was. I panicked, thinking the fish had died. Then Keaton saw him swimming and said, "Oh, there he is! Earlier he was unavailable."

Macchiato, atmosphere, and crescendo are all words he said randomly to me yesterday. I guess I'll thank Little Einsteins for that one.

Discussing Casey's birthday:
Me: "Daddy will be 33 on Monday." K: "How old will he be on Thursday?"

K: "Why did you shake your hands?"
Me: "To get the excess water off of them."
K: "I did too, Mommy! To get the X X water off my hands."

"They give you the constructions." (instructions)

"What's an apple-tizer?"

"Mommy, I wish that I could reach the moon so I could show it to you."

Leah Remini called Ellen Degeneres a bitch. I was afraid Keaton was going to repeat it. He said, "Why did she call Ellen a fish?" Ohhhh thank goodness...lol

Casey, to Keaton: "Do I smell like cologne?
K: "No, you smell like a turkey." Me: "Haha, Happy birthday, Daddy!"
K: "Yeah, happy birthday, turkey!"

"Mommy, call 866 for Velcro." (Feldco commercial)

"I'm jumping off the wall if I have dessert."

(I blew my noise.) "Mommy, I have to have ear phones, because your blow is really loud!"

"My oatmeal is not a meal."

"Me too, ninja girl."

Casey, talking about feeding the twins: "I'm gonna start them on peas."
Keaton: "Peas and carrots, carrots and peas! Book come out, please please please!" (Super Why)

"Rowan, you're funky."

"I'm going to be a Daddy soon!" (choked on my cereal)

"You look funny! You're funny, with your blue eyes." ?

Me: "You were not the best listener today."
Keaton: "But I'm the best kid!"

K, looking at a guy dancing around in a pig costume: "What does that pig have?"
Me: "A drink."
K: "Is he drinking Diet Coke?"
Me: "I dunno, maybe."
K: "Wow, that's a cool pig."

"Mommy, how do you do Pinterest?"

"Mommy, some day may we go to the desert?"

"Mommy, are you retired?"

At bedtime, I told him a story about dressing up in my Jayhawk costume in elementary school and going out to greet the Jayhawks at Forbes Field when they arrived home after a tournament. I told him they put me on TV, waving with a crowd of fans.
K: "How did you get home?"
Me: "What do you mean?"
K: "How did you get out of the TV?!" 

My Mom, to Keaton: "Grandma is old and forgetful."
Later that day, Keaton yells out: "Grandma's old and forgettable."

Me: "Keaton, how much driving have you done?"
K: "A little bit."
Me: "What did you drive?"
K: "A grass airplane. An airplane that cuts grass."
Me: "A lawnmower?"
K, full of enthusiasm and surprise: "Yes, a lawnmower!"

Casey sent this one to me:
Riding in the car along Rte 30:
Casey: "Keaton, what is that?"
K: "It's corn!"
C: "It's not very healthy corn."
K: "Maybe it's steak?"
... Enter conversation about where steak/hamburgers come from.

Keaton was talking to my Mom and I about a boy from school that he is not friends with anymore. My Mom asked him why they weren't friends. K: "He decided to have a conversation with me about rollercoasters and witches."

"Mommy, my brain hurts."

"Grandma gave me a breath vitamin." (Tic Tac)

"Goodbye Mommy. You're going to India to see your cheese faucet." (No freaking idea, guys.)

To my Dad: "Funny Grandpa-ologist."

K, coloring on his menu at breakfast. "Mommy, where's the green crayon?"
Me: "I dunno."
My Mom: "Maybe the waiter ate it."
K, yelling to the waiter: "You didn't eat it, right sir?"

"People that wear orange shirts get hungry a little bit, that's why they eat lollipops."

I was sitting next to Keaton at the movie theater yesterday, and he was being so still and quiet that I got concerned about him.
Me: "Are you okay?"
K, remembering the theater rules of no talking, "Be quiet, Mommy!"

K, to me, as I was nursing Rowan (sorry if TMI!): "Does Rowan bite you?"
Me: "Yep. He has two little teeth, and they hurt sometimes!"
K: "Then don't feed him."

 Hopefully I'll get to update again before October is over!
