Sunday, February 5, 2012

Keaton Cuteness

Tonight when I was rocking Keaton before bedtime, he put his head on my chest and he said, "Boom, boom!" so I asked him if he heard my heart and he said, "Uh huh! More heart, please?"... this child melts my heart daily. :)

Not sure if I included this recently, but here are some of the new (rather cute) things he's said in the last few weeks. He calls the microwave "Mikey-wave", thinks a question mark is a "Mousekatool" (thanks to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse), and has gotten really excited to see things lately. For instance, he will walk into a room, see a toy/blanket/etc he hasn't seen in a day or so, and yell, "It's Panda!! Hi, Panda!!" or "Airplane blanket!!!!!!!" or my favorite, "We're home!! Hi, home!!" LOL... he'll even enter the room and say, "Hi, Mommy! Hi, Daddy! Hi, Keaton!" Now that he knows that his grandparents are coming soon for his birthday, he keeps saying, "Nana hold me, Keaton". He says it multiple times a day. Needless to say, he's pretty excited about family coming for his birthday next week.

Next week, what? How the #&!! did that happen? Two years ago on Superbowl Sunday, I was in 'pre-labor', and now I have a kid that gives me a running monologue about everything that's going on. :) I love it, but I can't believe how fast it has gone. So many people I know keep saying, "It's time for the next one!" and all I have to say is, the next on will get here whenever it's supposed to! :) Apparently it just hasn't been time yet. And I'm okay with that, because Mr. K is keeping me on my toes! I also think he will be an awesome big brother when the time comes.

In other news, yesterday Keaton got his first real haircut at Kid Snips. His hair was finally long enough to cut on the top and sides, so we went for it. He did not do very well- kind of cried/whined most of the time, and moved around enough that the stylist accidentally cut a little more off one of the sides than the other. As I've found through experience, though, it grows fast enough that I bet we won't be able to tell in a week or two. It looks really cute... he looks like such a little man now! Pictures to come soon, hopefully!

Today the boys and I went to the Arboretum. Even though most of the plants are dead and there aren't any cool fountains, etc due to the cold weather, I am happy to report two things: 1) I was able to take quite a few pictures for a big assignment due on Valentine's day for Intermediate Photography, and 2) we bought a membership so Keaton and I can take full advantage of the place when Spring and Summer arrive.Which I have been ready for since... last month. :)

That's enough blabbing from me. We're watching the recorded version of the Superbowl now and I'm having more fun watching Casey fall asleep sitting up while attempting to watch it. That must tell you how exciting the game is. This guy is pretty entertaining.

Time for me to drag my husband to bed now.  More later!


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