Tuesday, May 7, 2013

11 weeks, Keatonisms, on the mend.

The boys are 11 weeks old today, and are doing great! They are growing like crazy. They can wear most newborn clothes now, and only a few things so far have had significant room for growth...otherwise they are more then double their birth weight now! We have an official weight check tomorrow at the Pediatrician.

Keaton and I had a fun day yesterday. The boys were not as fussy as usual, which allowed us time to play a lot more. He was a great helper, even volunteering to clean in the dining room and kitchen. Thank goodness he's apparently gotten his father's desire to clean! We also went outside and transplanted some red and yellow snapdragons in the front bucket. (See pictures). There was one extra so he got one for himself, and is pretty proud of it.  :-)

Recent Keatonisms (hopefully no repeats...he's been on a roll lately!):

I want some wine beer.

Great Grandpa's face isn't round. It's more like a square.

When my baby brudders grow up, they will be people.

My potty smells like corn. Because it's yellow.

...the city of America.

Daddy had surgery because we don't want anymore boys.

Nana: Keaton, how'd you get to be so amazing?
K: It's because I know all the planets.

Why do birds fly like airplanes?

When will my baby brudders get eyebrows?

Can you help me? By Sandra Boynton

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, by Sandra Boynton

Mommy, you look really cute! Why?

I like the taste of dogs and cats.

We have a mystery, Mommy.

Can I do it please, pretty girl?

(strawberry shortcake) Can I have some short strawberry cheesecake please, Mommy?

You smell like poop.

Those bricks are the color of Bruno Mars.


Finally, on Friday night I started feeling a little off and decided if I felt the same upon waking up Saturday that I would to go to the doctor... It's a good thing i did. I found out I have strep throat. When Keaton found out he started crying and said, "Now you will have to go on bed rest again..." Poor guy! Luckily that was (obviously) not the case. I didn't show many symptoms of strep until after I started taking the Amoxicillin. Saturday afternoon I got a fever and felt like a car hit me. Fever broke that night, and Sunday and Monday I've felt better all the time. I had more energy yesterday than I did Thursday, Friday, and Saturday combined. Hence all the productivity. Poor Casey had to take up the slack this weekend and even had to come home early Friday because I was so exhausted. Glad all of that is over. I wore face masks all day Saturday and most of Sunday until I wasn't contagious anymore (24 hours, according to the doc). Luckily no one else has shown signs of getting it. Not a very fun weekend around here! I'm glad to start the new week on a better note.

That's all for now!


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