Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Happy Keatonism Tuesday! Yesterday as I was helping Rowan get ready to leave, Keaton was busy helping Nik get his socks on... Voluntarily! He's such as sweet big brother!

Nik put a bracelet on top of his head.
K: "You're King Nikolaus of Naperville".

To me, because he wanted to tickle me: "Can you please lift your armpits up?"

We were going through the map of the U.S., and I was quizzing him. He was having trouble remembering Wyoming.
Me: "This one sounds like it's asking a question... Why...?"
K: "Why-daho?"

My favorite local radio station is 101 WKQX. Thursday, Keaton had a fever.
Me: "Your temperature is 101."
K: "WKQX?"

K: "May the Ninja Turtles be with you."

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