Friday, June 26, 2009


Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. Still busy with work and school. Today we had day one of our Subdivision Garage sale. I think we made about $40 which isn't horrible... but tomorrow should be better since Casey will be home to help out. I was pretty bored most of the day as I was by myself. Charley didn't like me much because half the day I had him locked inside the house, and the other half I had the door open with the baby gate up. I did that mainly because we had a few shady characters around and I wanted them to know I wasn't alone. Turns out that a lady across the street had her Leapster and some games stolen right in front of her. I like the closeness of my neighbors so we are all on the lookout for weirdos. Quite a few of the neighbors came to check on me throughout the day since they knew I would be alone. Again, I will be glad tomorrow when Case is here. :)

We only sold 2 big items today- Casey's old trunk, and a bookshelf. We're going to move the electric washer & dryer outside tomorrow so people driving by can see them... hopefully we'll get someone to take them off our hands! Casey reassembled an old desk we had, so we hope to get rid of that tomorrow, too. It sounds like we did about the same as the other neighbors- no one really sold a lot of items and we were a little disappointed with the lack of traffic on our street. I hope tomorrow will be busier since it'll be the weekend!

I very much enjoyed having the day off work today. Yesterday sucked at work. Michelle was gone so I had to do a lot more than I normally would. She's taking almost a week of in July and I'm not really looking forward to all of that stress... but hopefully it will all go fine and won't be too crazy. One of the part-time girls got in a really bad accident a week ago tonight. She got hit by a semi and then hit another car on the highway. She's super lucky she didn't get hurt too badly. I was really surprised she came back to work this week! It was a relief though because Wednesday night I had to get ready for the garage sale and I was glad not to have to race to work after class.

Blah blah blah... it's dinnertime now and I'm waiting for Casey to stop playing his game so we can go eat. I'll update again soon when I have more interesting to write about... :)


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