Sunday, July 25, 2010

Livin' on the edge

I am being totally horrible and blogging while at work, which is a terrible, horrible thing to do. That said, I am going to keep doing it. :) Feeling rebellious today, I guess.

Keaton finally rolled over for me last night! It was super quick, and from back to tummy, but it happened so fast that it took me a few seconds to actually comprehend what I had seen. He's getting so much stronger these days. He's still not where I think he 'should' be on tummy time yet, but we're working on it. At the Mother/Baby class I go to on Wednesdays, a woman that works in the maternity ward told us that kids are supposed to get 80 minutes of tummy time EACH DAY. Who is doing that??? No one I know. I'm sure that would be terrific but Keaton wouldn't tolerate it at all... I am lucky if we get 20 minutes a day... but I'm letting him go longer even if he gets upset. I'm getting used to his cries now and realize that it is okay for him to cry once in awhile. I would normally try to soothe him so quickly that he hasn't learned to do it on his own yet, which will bite us in the butt when someone tries to babysit him and he's screaming because Casey and I aren't around to soothe him. Sooo... I'm learning a lot of lessons that I should have started awhile ago... but we're getting somewhere.

With the exception of the last 2 evenings, Keaton has slept pretty well through the night. I am pretty sure he had an upset stomach most of yesterday because he was moaning and groaning quite a bit, especially during the night. I got up with him from about 11:45 pm on and off until around 1:00 a.m. or so when I gave up and asked Casey to help out since I had work in the morning. The boys slept on the couch and I was able to get about 5 straight hours of sleep before Keaton woke up to eat. It's amazing how much better my brain works when I actually get sleep... last time I worked (two weeks ago) I got such little sleep, I couldn't even remember how to answer the phone. Did I mention I'm a receptionist?? Yeah, that sucked. LOL...

So things are going pretty well in Hetrickland, especially with the additional sleep. Things on the Charley front are going better, too. I miss him a ton, and think of him several times a day, but I haven't gotten quite as sad lately. I like to think about him and how he'd react to certain situations, like Keaton eating solid foods, etc. Yesterday marked the one month anniversary without him. Casey and I still look for him all the time. The other night, I was walking with Keaton out to the living room and saw Keaton's car seat, and for a split second I thought it was Charley... which led instantly to disappointment when I realized that couldn't be possible. Case and I always think of him when anything falls on the ground, especially food. He had us trained pretty well. I still freak out for a second if I have something chocolate that falls down because I think, "That'll make Charley sick!" but then I realize I don't need to panic the way I used to. Yesterday we finally shampooed the carpets and got the house cleaned up pretty well... we've wanted to do that since Charley passed but the last month has been a bit crazy. It looks a lot better now, but there are still places on the carpet that are probably a lost cause, unfortunately. Hopefully we won't have to totally recarpet the place when we have to sell the house eventually.

As far as Mr. K goes, he's becoming so much more alert now... he's also blowing raspberries everywhere and doing this slightly strange growling thing now that he realizes he has a voice. He will squeal at the top of his lungs while he's playing on his play mat, or when he sees you and gets excited. Funny little (big) guy. I have no idea how much he weighs now, but I'm guessing it's close to 20 lbs. We have a doctor's appointment next month so we'll get his 6 months stats... I hope he slows down a little bit!!

I guess that's about it. I'm waiting for Casey and Keaton to bring me some lunch and so I can take a break... which I guess is technically what I'm doing right now, but it's slow today. Looking forward to being home tonight and hanging out with my boys. That's all for now!


1 comment:

Lilli O said...

80minutes? And "should" is very vague. If one more person tells me she "should" be sleeping through the night, I might have to punch them. Good thing she actually has been sleeping thru, for the most part, finally! Doesnt it feel so good? Hope I didnt just jinx us...