Friday, July 30, 2010


The end of another week. It's finally Friday, and this week has been a good one. I can say that for once in my life, I have indeed been productive this week. I was highly motivated by the fact that it was my turn to host our play group on Thursday, so I spent a lot of the week cleaning and trying to make the house look presentable. Tiny Man actually took some decent naps this week, too, which helped! I have been putting him down more, too, which I think helps both of us... he gets alone time and is not completely overstimulated, and I actually get things done. :)

On Tuesday, Keaton reached a new milestone... he finally figured out how to put his binky in his mouth the correct way and not pull it out again! This was especially great because he did it while I was driving. He did his normal pseudo-meltdown when he gets tired and bored, and I figured I would have to pull the car over as I've done before because I can't hear myself think while he's wailing. This time, however, I watched as he picked up the binky, put it in his mouth, and then fell asleep. I was kind of shocked! He has done it regularly the rest of the week, so anytime I see it I try to say, "Good job, buddy!" to encourage him to keep it up. So far so good!

Yesterday he sat up by himself while we sat outside and enjoyed the cooler weather with the neighbors. He sat for almost 30 minutes without much support! He's not doing as well today, but he's not having the best day in general. I think he needs to go #2 and it's just not happening... he's on day 3 now without going. Sorry if that's TMI... but that's why he gets yet another nickname, the Poop Nazi. :) "No poop for you!" (A little Seinfeld reference for those of you who don't watch as much TV as I do...)

Keaton has also been 'talking' a lot more this week. He squeals like Mariah Carey when he gets really excited, which is pretty hilarious! He will talk to his toys and will jabber to himself when he wakes up in the morning, which is a great switch from when he used to cry when he woke up. I think doing Cry It Out for bedtime taught him that he won't always get attention right away when he cries... but I tend to come in quickly when I hear him awake because I always like seeing his smiles first thing in the morning. :-D (Okay, to clarify, I DO check on him when he cries, too... didn't want anyone thinking I was neglectful of my kid!)

Yet another milestone was reached today while he was playing on his play mat... he rolled from back to front, which is not as new... then I watched him roll from tummy to back! Of course I'm not as skilled as Casey is about getting such things on video, but I at least texted him to let him know it happened. :)

Other events this week included a visit to the OB floor where Keaton was born (I had to return the breast pump) and our normal visit to Cradle Talk Wednesday morning. Thursday we hosted a play group and then went to get my hair cut. Tomorrow we're having a South Carolina reunion for all the former USC grad students and their families who live in IL now. Should be fun! Keaton and I went grocery shopping today to get ready for it. Finally on Sunday, the Hetrick Great Grandparents are coming to visit in the afternoon. That will start off a very busy month- we are expecting a decent amount of company in August- just about every weekend is already full and the month hasn't started yet! Then we'll head home at the end of September for my 10 year high school reunion. Busy times ahead!

Keaton's fussy (as usual today) so I'll close for now and attempt to blog more frequently in August!


1 comment:

Jenny said...

What a big boy! It's amazing how there are such significant changes in abilities with every day that passes. :)