Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Almost 6 months!!

Realizing that I have referenced Seinfeld at least twice in recent posts, some of the topics are a bit ingenious. I think that we should adopt the idea of having everyone wear nametags. I am so terrible with names, at least of people I just meet... I can repeat their name after they introduce themselves, and I still don't remember it later. Oops. I guess that's why I say, "Hey, you!" all the time. :) I met a very nice mom today at Cradle Talk, and can't remember her name for the life of me. We even talked about meeting up sometime at the mall or something... hopefully she'll find me on Facebook and I can have an easy out. :) There are still people that live on my street whose names I'm not totally sure of... I refer to them as "The one with the cute little girl" or "the rude one". Obviously not to their face...

In other news, Keaton has decided that he does not really like avocados. I should have tried to get video of his first attempt eating it- he spit it out and stuck out his little green tongue in disgust. He kept pushing it out of his mouth... it looked like Play-doh. Too funny. He tried it again last night and still ate most of it, but started to get a bit ticked near the end and protested finishing it off. He loves rice cereal with apricots mixed in, though- he couldn't get enough of that and probably ate a bit more than kids his age are 'supposed' to. As long as he opens his mouth for more, we feed him. He's definitely like a little bird when he eats- he opens his mouth wide, and if you don't feed him right away, he'll squeak at you!

This age is so much fun! I still can't believe he'll be 6 months old next week. As usual, I kept forgetting to take his 5 month pictures, so I finally got around to it last week. Bad Mommy. This time, though, he actually smiled for me, so I will have to upload those soon and post them. (I now realize I have said I would post pictures in previous posts and have failed to follow through, so I will try to redeem myself now and tell you to check out our Flickr link if you're interested.) Pictures

I guess that's about all for now. Keaton is napping in my lap right now, and I'm surprised my growling tummy isn't waking him up... I decided to go to Target after our class today, so we came home late and I am running late eating lunch. Time to put the kid down and raid the fridge!


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