Thursday, December 9, 2010

Separation Anxiety... the adult version.

No... not *that* kind of adult version.

Even though I 'quit' my job, I agreed to fill in tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. while the agents have their Holiday Party. I am already a ball of anxiety, mainly because I will not see Keaton all day long, and by the time I get home, he'll be ready for bed.

Part of me is sad, but Casey put it into perspective for me tonight: He sees Keaton even less than that on week days. I know he will be in good hands, and I'm not really even worried about that- I'm more worried that he will be super fussy (like he was the past 2 days!). He's so used to having me around- hopefully he doesn't have stranger anxiety... but he sees Kelley at least once a week, so I don't think he will. Still, I can't help but feel a little lost. I have a feeling I'll be busy enough at work that I will not have to think about it much- or at least I hope that will be the case so I can focus. I know the minute I start missing him, it'll be hard not to think about him and the day will drag on and on. See... this is the reason why I'm not at all ready to go back to work anytime soon.

In other news, Keaton attempted to crawl today. The last 2 days, he's been stretching out more when I lay something in front of him that is just out of his reach. He's getting SOOO close... I still think he'll have caught on by the time Christmas rolls around. He is hanging out with older kids the past 2 weeks, and I can see a difference in him- he really likes to watch them, and is a little more outgoing when we get home. Today he saw a toy he wanted to play with while he was standing, and attempted to walk toward it. He's still wobbly, but if we hold his hands, he puts one foot in front of the other pretty well now. He is starting to be better at standing by himself, too.

Another funny thing he has done the past few days is shake his head 'no'. The funniest part (that I have yet to get on video) is when he is babbling to himself, and then shakes his head and sometimes lets out a little sigh! It is too funny... I love listening to the little conversations he has with himself. I will try to get it on camera- the problem is, he's distracted every time I turn the camera on, so I have to be sly about it. What a funny little guy we have. :-D

Anyway, I'm going to attempt to calm down now and get some sleep soon. While I will miss him tomorrow, I'm sure he will be okay, and it will be good for me to get out for a day. I think it'll probably be good for him, too.


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