Thursday, June 7, 2012

Parenthood vs Pet Parenthood

Now that I have a moment to myself... here are my Facebook posts for the last two days.

Yesterday: In a rare occurrence, much like the Venus transit, Keaton and Riese took naps at the same time today. I'm not ashamed to admit that I took one, too. Now I feel this odd feeling inside... some of you may call

Today: This almost seems wrong, but I'm going to say it. There are so many similarities between parenthood and pet parenthood. They teethe, potty train, wake up in the middle of the night, have energy when you don't, put things in their mouth that they shouldn't, cry and whine, go to the bathroom at inconvenient times... and make your life more fun. Anyone thinking about having kids should, in my opinion, get a dog first.


Riese only woke up once last night, at midnight, to go potty. He settled down quickly and then slept until 6:15 when Mr. Keaton decided to throw a fit and wake him up. He was full of energy after that! I'm glad he slept, though. Keaton's going through a bit of regression because he will now not use the toilet. I know it's just a phase, and I'm thankful for that. I'm glad the week is almost over and we will get some Daddy time soon! We have moments of harmony in the house between Keaton and Riese, and then suddenly it takes a turn and they are running in separate directions, making their own messes, etc. I have more respect and admiration for people who have more than one child. Especially small children. If you add any additional pets to the mix, I bow down to the people that can do it well. I'm going to reach my stride sometime in the future and figure it all out... until then, I will try my best to figure out ways to make it work, even if that means I go without a shower for a few days. (I normally shower every other day, but didn't get a chance to yesterday because I decided a nap was more important. This morning, I took matters into my own hands and made it work. Yes, Riese was crying in his crate the whole time, and I had to put Keaton in the Pack N Play to do so, but I was tired of smelling like dog and sweat!)

That's all for now. Again, I'm sitting in a pile of laundry and the dog is napping. Time to be productive!!


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