Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What it is...

3:30 a.m.: Dog wakes up. Luckily he goes right back to sleep, so I try to do the same.
4:30 a.m.: Drifting back to sleep when BAM! Thunderstorm rolls through. Casey's alarm goes off.
5:30 a.m.: I swear I am just starting to dream and I hear this scream, then feet running, then a door slamming. Keaton is running down the hallway and toward the kitchen, yelling, "I want a jelly sandwich!!!!"

I manage to get Keaton calmed down and persuade him (through a very long string of arguments) to lay down in my bed and watch some Mickey or George. This works for about 15 minutes, then the dog wakes up and starts crying. Keaton gets him out, and asks for a jelly sandwich again. He has been in a very independent mood lately, which is fine, but he started demanding to get the ladder out by himself and help make the sandwich. After some explanation, I informed him that the ladder is too big for him and that I needed to get it out so he didn't get hurt. He gets mad, runs over to it and tries to pull it out by himself. He just didn't seem to take no for an answer, and he was about to hurt himself, so I sent him to his room. Meltdown ensues. I decide to give him some time to cool down, so I come out and make a bowl of cereal. Just then, Keaton comes out of his room, half naked, in protest of being in timeout. I put my bowl on the table and run over to Keaton, and Riese jumps up on the table and knocks my cereal off, onto the table and chair, and all over the floor. I look at the clock- it's 6:30. At this rate in the day, I am terrified of what 7:30 will hold.

We met up with a friend for breakfast, which got Keaton in better spirits. Then we made it home, played with Riese, and everyone took a nap. I think that helped a bit. But we just got back from a chaotic trip to Petsmart (they tend to be when I have both boys because they are going in two different directions) and then Riese peed on the floor. Trying to clean up pee and keep a 2 year old from either stepping in it or 'helping' clean up is a chore in itself! I think I need another nap.

I promise all my posts aren't going to be complaints about how crazy life is right now and how I'm overwhelmed. Is there a way to be 'whelmed'? Because I'm kind of tired of being OVERwhelmed so much of the time. Tomorrow will be a better day, because we get to pack for our short trip to Kansas! That's gotta make things at least a little better!


1 comment:

Lilli O said...

Girl, I hear ya! :)
I have to admit, having to adopt out our dogs (one was aggressive and the other was just crazy...guess thats what you get for having Jack Russells) has been a huge stress relief for me!