Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Random Rants

On Sunday I did a pretty stupid thing. Casey was working in the office, and I was attempting to clean, so I moved this huge, heavy IKEA box from the dining room into the living room (I scooted it because it was too heavy to lift). Anyway, I bent over to talk to Keaton in his swing, and didn't notice that the box was falling toward me, and it hit me square in the middle of my back. My back has already been sore because of all the heavy lifting lately (wink wink... Keaton has gained 5 lbs already since February 12th!) and between that and the car seat, I am really doing bad things to my back, so this made it much worse! Bad times. I am really feeling it now, but I have to admit, it's my own fault. I've been letting Keaton fall asleep on me and that's not helping the situation, either. The problem I have right now is that with the reflux, I'm not able to lay him down for at least 30 minutes after he eats. Lately he's been falling asleep right after he eats, too, so when I put him down after the allotted time, he starts screaming. Again, I'm doing it to myself.

I've been so tired the last 2 days that I really haven't gotten much of anything done around here. I sleep when he sleeps, and it's been quite a bit Monday and today. You'd think I'd have a lot of energy right now, but sadly, I have less. I've been eating well (thanks to Casey's cooking!) and have been trying to take decent care of myself by taking vitamins, but I'm really dragging this week. Let's hope I can step it up the next few days. I think tomorrow will be better since I am willing us to leave the house one hour before Cradle Talk starts.. hopefully traffic and construction will be nice to me tomorrow and we'll get there on time for once!

Keat hasn't had the best day, either. He's been crying a lot, and was completely inconsolable earlier. We're talking screaming, wailing baby that would not eat b/c he was so ticked off. I'm not really sure what's going on with him right now, but I'm looking forward to Casey's arrival so I can take a little break. It's amazing what 20 minutes of alone time can do after a long, hard day like this one. I asked Keaton where his smiles were earlier today, and he screamed bloody murder! Let's hope Daddy will work his magic tonight and bring back our happy boy.

I got peed on earlier, too. He did the sneak attack-style peeing where I had no indication that he had to go, and suddenly there was a stream hitting the wall, the changing pad, and myself. Never a dull moment in the Hetrick household these days! I should also mention, although I'm not sure why, that yesterday he had the absolute biggest blowout to date. I honestly opened the diaper and for a second of time had no idea what to do because there was so much POO. I guess he was holding out because there have been days lately where he won't poo at all, which is always surprising to me since he was pretty consistent about that for the first 2 months of his life! Now when he goes, he REALLY GOES. Again, I'm really not sure why I just shared that with the world... I guess one thing I will say about this blog is that I don't hold much back... and maybe that will help someone reading it by seeing the 'other side' of parenthood. Again, though- TOTALLY WORTH IT. Especially when you see a face like this:

The End. :-)

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