Monday, April 19, 2010

Tummy Troubles

I have a feeling that this will be a quick entry, as Keaton is threatening to wake up from his nap and I'm not so good at typing one-handed (but have definitely improved over the past almost 10 weeks!)...

In general, things have been a bit messy since I blogged last. Keaton started having horrible gas and tummy issues last Thursday night, including a diaper that was the first real BLOWOUT he's had. And it fit every definition of the term. OH MY GOODNESS. The sound alone was enough to warn me about what I would see when I took the diaper off. And we're done with that explanation- I will let you figure that out for yourself. ;-)

Friday he was generally fussy all day long, and screamed his head off if I wasn't holding him, so I got virtually nothing done that day (should have used the Bjorn... Hindsight!!). He was moaning and groaning in his sleep, and one morning he spent the better part of an hour passing gas. (Lovely topic for this blog, I know.) He was actually pretty happy at one point, and starting laughing and cooing at me. It's strange how he can have such a horrible time with his tummy- kicking, squealing, squirming, and sometimes screeching- and then be fine a few minutes later. When his stomach isn't bothering him, he's actually a very happy, inquisitive little guy! He likes to look around at things, and often furrows his eyebrows (or lack thereof) if he's trying to figure out a new noise or object. He had a few happy moments Friday, but he was not the happiest camper, which was no fun.

Saturday turned out to be even worse. He slept all day, and when he wasn't asleep, he was normally screaming. He would pull his little legs up to his tummy and squeal- and sometimes even SCREAM... I couldn't hear Casey talk to me if he was a foot away. It was terrible. Then came the colorful diaper changes and strange smells. For a kid that is only consuming breast milk, it was a lot different than I heard it could be... after all, breastfed babies' poo doesn't smell- bad, at least. But Keat had something else going on in there, and after another blowout, we knew something was definitely wrong with him.

Sunday was about the same. More sleeping, and screaming, and unhappiness all around. I called the doctor to see what could be going on, and they asked us to come in today. Between the time I called the doc and now, he 1) had the best night's sleep he's gotten in 9 weeks of life, 2) went from having crazy blowout style diapers to having NO POO AT ALL. He's still sleeping quite a bit, but hasn't been quite as fussy, and he's eating less frequently- like 3-4 hours instead of the normal 1.5-2. When we went to the doc today I basically found out that he probably just had a stomach virus, and that unless it gets worse, he should start getting better. He also weighs 11 lbs, 10 oz without clothes on. He's eating well, not losing any weight, and is now in almost the 50th percentile for his age as far as weight is concerned. Height, well, I dunno, and I'm afraid to ask. Let's hope some recessive genes kick in and he surpasses the 5'6" mark set by his Daddy! From what I understand, it's easier to be a short girl than a short guy.

I'll leave you with a few happy moments, because those are what get me through the unhappy, screaming, spitting up times...

1) Keaton had a bit of time this weekend where he was quite lucid and content, so I did the usual routine of trying to entertain him by making faces, noises, or anything else that might get a grin. Not only did he grin, but he laughed at me and made an adorable cooing noise. When I made it back to him, he loved it- kicked his feet and threw out his hands, then did it again... and so did I. He was elated!! I felt like we really communicated! And apparently I said something good in baby talk! I probably promised him something that he'll remember later and remind me when he's able. :)

2) He really seems to like his bath time now (he used to scream when we did it in this sink, but now I get in the bathtub with him and hold him while Casey washes him). He will laugh and grin, and has started kicking his legs around in the water! He loves when I hold him and let his lower body float. He still loves getting his hair washed, too. Such a fun little kid. :)


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