Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Odds and Ends

Hello... it's me again. I have not dropped off the face of the planet, I assure you. Life is BUSY. The last 2.5 weeks have consisted of Casey's birthday and surprise arrival of his family, and then the arrival of my parents for just shy of a week. Now it's Wednesday, and I think that being spoiled by all the people in our house recently has made me very aware of how lonely it can be when everyone leaves. It is making me the tiniest bit burnt out this week, but I think that's mainly because 1) I am frustrated with Biology class, 2) Casey has a conference going on and has worked later than normal since Monday. It is a two week conference, and I am already ready for the two weeks to be over. He spoiled us by getting home early so often in the last few months, that when he comes home after 5, it feels like he's been gone forever. Moral of the story is, I need not to be spoiled.

The last two weeks have been a lot of fun, minus Biology class. After that darn Bio test, I am struggling to be motivated to do anything in class. We should get our grades tonight, and I am definitely not looking forward to it. This should motivate me to do better on the next one, the problem is, I am not really sure how to study for the next one. I was very confident and sure of myself going into the test, and it totally took me by surprise- in a bad way. I doubt our teacher is going to be very happy with the outcome, but maybe he will take another look at the way he's giving us the material and do it differently. I hope. Not that he's totally to blame, but he certainly isn't helping the matter. Anyway, enough complaints. I just need to keep up with my reading, review a lot, and understand the concepts. Sounds simple enough.

In other news, I am trying to get Keaton's costume idea nailed down and figure out if I'm going to buy it or make it. At this point, making it seems to be the less expensive solution, but I don't know how to manage housework, schoolwork, parenting, being a good wife, and making a costume. I was able to make it last year, but that was a totally different time in our lives- Keaton wasn't walking yet, was still taking 3 naps a day, and I didn't have classes. [Chelsea Bartel, if you are reading this, I need to channel some of your awesome motivational energy ASAP!!]

Just thought I would let you know what is going on in Hetrickland at the moment... more to come... hopefully sooner than later!



Chimpsea said...

HA. Here is how you do it: something's gotta give! I totally bought E's costume this year. And it's a good day if the laundry is clean in piles on the bedroom chairs (a very rare day that it's wrinkle-free and put away). The energy comes in small bursts and I use it to do ridiculous things like clean BEHIND the oven (yet the dishes aren't all done... my priorities are nuts) or make a candy corn garland. I'm quickly losing it! But you can do it!

Terry B said...

Sounds to me like Chelsea has her priorities in order!!! Ha! Ha! Now if Jonathan would just make the bed of a morning????????