Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Weekend, and words

What a weekend! I actually felt like I had a weekend this time, which was nice. I normally feel like I blink and it's the start of a new week. When I woke up thinking today was Monday, it was a nice surprise to realize that it had come and gone already. It's not only the folks in the working world that dread Mondays... I know I'm not the only S@HM that thinks this!

We packed our weekend full of various things like home improvement projects and socializing. We now have a new fan (with a light!!) in our living room. It really adds a lot to the room, and I enjoyed it so much more last night when I was getting my homework done. (Thank you for installing it, Casey, even though you will probably never read this!) I'd also like to thank my husband for making so many improvements to our yard, which is looking better all the time.

We went to Last Fling on Saturday in downtown Naperville, and had lunch with Kelley, Tim, and Nolan at Egg Harbor Cafe. I love that place!! Kelley and her mom have taken us there a few times now. They have Red Velvet pancakes, which sounded too sweet even to me at first (being the sugar addict), but they were amazing! We are definitely making that a common place to take friends and fam when they come visit. After lunch on Saturday, we took Keaton to the family events they had at Naper Settlement. He got to ride a horse for the first time, and I think he enjoyed it. I enjoyed it up to the point that the horse decided to bend down and eat some grass, and Casey had to grab Keaton so he didn't fall off the front of the horse! Yikes. Momma heart attack.

Sunday we continued the social festivities by attending our neighbor's Labor Day/birthday party. Keaton went swimming with Casey, and I got to hang out with the neighbors. It was a lot chillier on Sunday, so I showed up to the party in my bathing suit and turned right back around to put on jeans. What a weird weekend as far as weather is concerned. It was hot and rainy Saturday, then blustery and cold Sunday. Luckily it's been beautiful yesterday and today. We've got a few errands to run this afternoon to tie up a few things for Casey's birthday. So far it looks like it will be a good one! Keaton and I are taking him out to dinner on Friday night (with a surprise or two up my sleeve). We are having a few friends over Saturday afternoon to celebrate as well. I hope he has a good one! I'll write details after the event, just in case he does actually read this. :)

As far as Keaton goes, we've had a few rough days over the past week. He is really struggling to find his independence, and BOY is the kid independent! He wants to feed himself now with utensils, which means the dining room table is an absolute disaster area when he flings apple sauce, Gogurt (his current fave), or whatever all over the place.(I'd like to note, before I forget, that I made meatloaf the other night, and he actually really likes it! He ate more last night for dinner. Hooray!!) He gets pretty upset when we try to help him with things. Some days he doesn't know what he wants. Last Thursday he was really moody all day long, and cried more than he has in a long time. He wanted me to pick him up, then he'd push me away. He didn't want to play. He didn't want me to read to him. No clue what was wrong, but I guess Casey could hear the frustration in my voice, because he brought flowers, wine, and dessert home with him after work. It really helped brighten up one of the toughest days I've had since Keaton was a baby. I couldn't even peel potatoes because Keaton was tugging at me so much that he almost pulled off my pants! LOL... so glad that day is over.

This weekend we had another tough time with him because he kept doing things we would tell him not to do, and then when we sat him in Time Out, he thought it was funny. (Nothing frustrates me more when I'm upset with him and he laughs.) I realized that he doesn't learn anything by sitting in Time Out by himself, but if I sit him there and hold him still, he gets upset and realizes he's in trouble. He said he was sorry and gave me a hug. He wouldn't nap, and we spent 2 hours trying to get him to, because he was obviously very, very tired, and CRANKY. Oh, and I should also mention that his new favorite word is "No". I say that word more than I would like to, but I have really tried to keep it at a minimum. I try to divert, or say, "Let's not do that" or something along those lines. Now he hears some of his older friends say no, though, and mimics them. It was bound to happen eventually.

In happier Keaton news, he now says "please" (sounds more like 'peese') quite a bit now. He can tell me what he wants for breakfast, whether it's O's (Cheerios), faffles (waffles), me-mul (oatmeal), or go-got (Gogurt). He basically repeats the last word in any sentence we say, and luckily only a few of them become words that he remembers and uses regularly... I say that mainly because I said "bitchin" the other day and he repeated it. Mommy fail. He hasn't said it since, and we didn't make a big deal out of it, so hopefully I won't hear him say it (and won't say it myself) for a long, long time!

I guess that's all for now. I got my homework done last night, and got some cleaning and lawn watering done this morning, so I felt like relaxing a bit before he wakes up from his nap. He's been asleep since about 10:45- maybe if I'm lucky he'll go for a 2 hour stretch today!


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