Thursday, September 1, 2011

Busy busy busy

My motivation is super low today after attempting to wear Keaton out so he would take a good nap. The nap part is going well (although knowing Keaton, he will wake up when I'm blogging, as he tends to) but my motivation to get anything done around here is next to nothing.

I don't have class again until Wednesday, thanks to Labor Day, so reading and taking online quizzes for class really doesn't appeal right now. I am working on watering the lawn since we had it aerated yesterday and they put new seed down. Watering the lawn and having an almost 19 month old has its limits. I need to find a way to get him to help me with it, and then maybe it won't be such a hassle. :)

There is a lot going on around here lately, so I haven't taken much time to do anything other than study, sleep, and of course hang out with Mr. K. The house is a mess, and I'm working on that slowly, but we had mulch delivered last week and I knew better than to vacuum the floor for a few days as we tend to track some of it in with us everytime we are outside. We have been outside a LOT since the much arrived, and my husband has been working his tail off to make sure our yard looks better than it ever has. He's done a really great job, and I'm thankful for that, because I just attempt to do small things out there and end up making a mess. I did not inherit my Dad's green thumb. I think at one point in my life, I actually liked digging in dirt and didn't mind being covered in grass... but now, since taking the time to take a shower has to be pretty much planned out having a little guy around, it's not as easy. I guess I could stand to relax a bit, too, and just get dirty once in awhile.

Yesterday, Keaton and I went over to Kelley and Nolan's, and the boys played for about an hour in their back yard. Keaton got soaking wet in the hose, and then went down the small slipper slide about 20 times, and had grass all over him. I threw him in the tub and then laid him down for a quick nap before I had to leave for class last night. In the 2 hours I was gone, he got totally dirty again (sweating from head to toe while racing- as in running, which he learned to do recently- our neighbor Tyler) and we had to give him a second bath last night before bed. Between dirt, mulch, chalk, and grass, I don't think an inch of him has stayed clean for more than 20 minutes (unless I keep him in the house, of course). I realize our days of playing outside in the warm sun are numbered now, so I'm letting him do it as often as possible. Casey and I purchased a bike trailer last weekend, so now we can tow him around and go for a ride. (Hindsight: That would have been wise to do earlier in the year, but oh well.) I see some nice cool evening rides ahead of us in the near future, as soon as my bike is aired up... I haven't ridden a bike since we lived in South Carolina! Casey took Keaton for a little ride around the block last night in the trailer, and Keaton loved it.

I guess that's about all for now. I'm planning to actually make dinner tonight- something I have slacked on this week- and look forward to spending a nice evening with my boys. Tomorrow is Friday, and Casey has Monday off. Woo hoo! Good things ahead.


AHHH!! Before I forget!!! Keaton heard my heartbeat the other day, so I asked him, "Do you hear it go, 'boom, boom'?" From that point on, he would put his hand on his chest and say, "Boom boom heart! Boom boom heart!" Last night he listened to Casey's heart, and it was neat to watch his facial expression as he heard it. His eyebrows went up, and he sat up and said, "Heart!" I heart watching him learn every day. :)

1 comment:

Lilli O said...

I dont have a green thumb either! With the heat, we had a ton die on us down here. And as for weeding...I just dont care, ha!
Anyway, message me which trailer you guys got? We're thinking about getting one so Brian can take Mackenzie when he rides on the weekends, to give me a little break! Thanks!