Friday, August 26, 2011

School Days

What a week it's been... I am so glad it's Friday. This time last week I was getting ready for my quick trip to Topeka to celebrate my best friend's 30th birthday! It went very well, and very fast. I think in the 30 hours I was away from Keaton and Casey, I have never wanted to be two places more in my life. But I made it through, and cried only happy tears. Hard to believe that was almost a week ago now!

I survived my first week of Environmental Biology. My professor is a very nice older man, probably in his 60s, who is very open-minded and encourages us to challenge the things he says in class (and happens to have a very thick accent, which makes listening and taking notes a little more challenging!). He wants to learn from us as we learn from him, which I respect a lot. It is nice to have someone who is will to teach and learn in return instead of professors like I've had in the past who think it's their way or the highway. I feel like I'm going to learn a lot in this class, and it's interesting and very applicable because there are topics related to it almost every night on the news. (Not that I watch the news that much anymore... it can be so depressing! But now I'm a little more interested thanks to the class.)

I am only the second oldest in the class- I was a little nervous about being the only one that wasn't right out of high school. Luckily a guy I met on the way into class the first night is right there with me. He and I agreed to work together if we have projects and things throughout the semester. We already found out about a paper and presentation we have to give, but if I understand it correctly, we won't have to give ours until almost the end of the semester because of the topic we chose. (We got very lucky on that one, because I chose the topic, only to find out later that groups will give their presentations when the topic comes up in class discussion- ours is slated for the end of the semester, in late November. Woo hoo!)

Mr. K is awake now, so I guess it's time for me to go. I'll try to update again soon!


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